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August 2005
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Is this our wake up call?
August is a time when many people stop working, sometimes for weeks,
although it is in some ways the busiest time of the year. Certainly
the harvest season kicks into full gear and we also review investment
portfolios because it suits financial market cycles. This year,
death seemed to be a recurring
topic in August. At the beginning of August a 60 year remembrance
of Hiroshima reminded us of the
power of nuclear weapons and the ongoing nuclear proliferation.
Fires in Portugal, floods
in ventral Europe, and thousands of people were killed or had lives destroyed
by Hurricane Katrina. This
followed bombings in London so death was on our minds. Katrina may be
the wake up call that we need. There will be a lot more said in
the coming weeks. Hopefully we will see the better side of human
nature emerge.
Rereading Cradle
To Cradle reminds me that "ignorance
is death" - a lack of knowledge or awareness or a failure to heed
warnings can be fatal - in Cradle to Cradle this focusses on the challenge
to redesign living space and appliances so that they are not toxic since
we consume their particulate emissions daily. And, personally, one
of my leisure readings was Reaperman
- a philosophical challenge (such as would you want the death of death?)
wrapped in an amusing story.
The impact of cogitation on death has been principally twofold.
First, we can not control risk,
including the risk of death, we can only prepare for risk and manage it
when it happens. Second, our unwillingness to face death has negative
consequences on our emotional wellbeing - because we fear something
we do not understand, and on our livelihoods - because we make decisions
that incorrectly value risk and return. What we can do to deal with
these two challenges is firstly recognise that risks are there, are part
of life and may be managed in natural ways without depleting our emotional
capital. Secondly we can bring death closer to home and discuss
it to reduce our fear of it. We can learn to see it as part of life
- as in the compost heap in the garden where dead plants are transformed
in to the magic that will produce vibrant crops next season, death can
be a time of cleansing, reflection, reevaluation and rejuvenation. Of
course it takes a more enlightened spirit to give up the yearning for
life, but cognitive awareness of life's risks helps to bring a balanced
For the first 20 seconds or so of seeing news footage of New
Orleans in late August, I thought it was Baghdad.
Then I realised that the people looked a bit more American than Iraqi.
The devastation of New Orleans is a tragedy of unexpected, even Biblical,
proportions. It is difficult to avoid the comparison with fables
of "the Hand of God" punishing the wicked. But that is just fantasy.
The truth is more painful, and will become more painful as the next few
months reveal the loss, the pain and the mistakes.
Perhaps truth will be the victor
for once and we and our leaders will stop hiding behind lies.
It may be human nature to lie, as Scientific American has show in its
recent repot "Mind", but that is a symptom of Pleistocene era behaviour,
not the post-modern world of science and technology. Truth, like
Death, plays an emotive role in our society and it is time to upgrade
our stories. My children, on the suggestion that the make to figurine
characters in their game liars, chose the "King" and "Prince" because
"leaders are always mean to others"! Oh dear.
Some of the early Katrina reports are discussed below in our section
on Risk and Terror, where we like to remind ourselves that risk is not
just man-made but also natural. And here below are copied two reports
from observers to remind us what it was like in New Orleans in the last
days of August. What is lacking now is compassion and aid from around
the world. We may all feel a little complacent because the big rich
bully got hurt for once, but that is not appropriate if we are to move
on from petty schoolyard politics to an enlightened culture in which love
and sharing replace greed and fear. Greed and fear have led to rape,
murder and pillage in America. This is not the world we want and
we must nurture our most wholesome values to help our neighbour.
The two following comments paint the picture as Katrina passed New Orleans.
One from political blogger Andrew Sullivan, and the other from a physician
stuck in NOLA.
Sullivan: "I have to say this seems
to me to be a new situation. This has morphed from a natural disaster
into a social meltdown. The Louisiana governor seems overwhelmed (Barbour
seems much more effective); New Orleans' civic authorities seem non-existent
(and bear responsibility for the insufficient preparation for this potential
and widely predicted nightmare); and the president's response has been
decidedly weak. His call to restrain from using gas was, well, Carteresque.
It seems to me inconceivable that we cannot
impose basic law and order in a major American city five days after a
hurricane has hit. This is a very basic governmental responsibility and
all I can say is that I see no evidence of competence or effectiveness
so far. FEMA had no solid evacuation plan? The feds had no plans to maintain
order in such a situation? The explosion of complete lawlessness is beginning
to make Haiti look like a pleasant place to live. This is America? Where
order is so distant that snipers can prevent the evacuation of a hospital?
The fundamental reason for my inability to support a second Bush term
was his demonstrated incompetence in performing the basic functions of
government. It seems to me that the people of New Orleans are now as much
a victim of this as the people of Iraq. I guess we can merely be thankful
that Rumsfeld hasn't yet appeared to say "Stuff happens." Yes, it does.
When your government seems unable to do the most basic things required
of it."
Physician email from 30 August: "I
am now a temporary resident of the Ritz Carleton Hotel in New Orleans.
I figured if it was my time to go, I wanted to go in a place with a good
wine list. In addition, this hotel is in a very old building on Canal
Street that could and did sustain little damage. Many of the other hotels
sustained significant loss of windows, and we expect that many of the
guests may be evacuated here.
Bodies are still being recovered floating
in the floods. We are worried about a cholera epidemic. Even the police
are without effective communications. We have a group of armed police
here with us at the hotel that are admirably trying to exert some local
law enforcement. This is tough because looting is now rampant. Most of
it is not malicious looting. These are poor and desperate people with
no housing and no medical care and no food or water trying to take care
of themselves and their families.
There are physicians in at this hotel attending
an HIV convention. We have commandeered the world famous French Quarter
Bar to turn into a makeshift clinic. There is a team of about 7 doctors
and PA and pharmacists. We anticipate that this will be the major medical
facility in the central business district and French Quarter. and will
start admitting patients today.
The biggest question to all of us is where
is the National Guard? We hear jet fighters and helicopters, but no real
armed presence, and hence the rampant looting. There is no Red Cross and
no Salvation Army.
In a sort of cliche way, this is an
edifying experience. One is rapidly focused away from the transient and
material to the bare necessities of life. It has been challenging to me
to learn how to be a primary care physician. I don't know how long it
will be and this is my greatest fear. The greatest pain is to think about
the loss. And how long the rebuild will [take]. And the horror of so many
dead people.
Investment, Finance & V. C.
Oil, Housing, Katrina ... mmm? Low savings rate, high consumer
credit. Unwillingness to change. The economic junk food diet
is too addictive, but regurgitation is inevitable. Although turning
points are hard to predict - it appears to be accelerating and
may occur in the coming quarter. US consumer sentiment seems to be anticipating
change - it fell to 89.1 in August, down from July's figure of 96.5, according
to the closely-watched University of Michigan guide. Part of the
US problem of low savings rate (0.02%) is encouraged by rising house prices
- up 15% to June this year. The rising asset removes incentives
to save income. Thus a virtual gain in asset values is substiuting
for saved value produced. A recipe for trouble if allowed to balloon.
Greenspan sees increased US trade protectionism
and ever-larger budget deficits
as the biggest threats to the US economy. At the Fed's annual Jackson
Hole meeting in Wyoming, he said both threatened the US economy's "most
valued policy asset" - its flexibility. His comments came in a speech
to central bank bosses from across the world.
Germany's performance is now
beginning to earn positive reviews from mainstream media. The Economist
ran a cover and special report on Germany's surprising economy.
And value may still be found. The upcoming election will provide
fuel for discussion and potentially liberate new policies, and overall
the long term outlook is improving. The acceleration of Germany's economy
is underpinned by infrastructural changes and cultural changes.
Tax law liberalisation a couple of years ago has allowed the transfer
of cross-shareholdings in conglomerates without capital gains taxes.
A number of groups have taken the opportunity to reorganise to smaller
units bringing flexibility and allowing the liquidation of deadwood.
Banks have had a comeback and should continue to improve their risk return
profile. Chemical companies have also improved however this industry
in general is exposed to massive medium and long term liability risks
of class action suits for failure to disclose; their saviour may only
be in transforming to natural design processes and products before consumer
awareness breaches the critical mass. The opening of the culture
which has been gestating for over a decade and is now emerging as a more
enlightened consciousness will complement Germany's top class research
and engineering capacities. The local talent is now not just based
in science and engineering but also business and social equity - the country
is well equipped to deliver performance across many fronts, even to tackle
massive new phenomena like an ageing population.
Japan's recovery looks on course
to continue, with growth remaining solid and the number of bankruptcies
falling. The economy expanded by 0.3% in the three months to June, which
would mean 1.1% growth for the full year. A full year of growth would
mark Japan's return to something approaching economic health. Several
other indicators seem to point to better times ahead too, such as a reduction
in the debt of companies going bankrupt by 16% from the previous year,
falling joblessness, and a rise in corporate investment and private consumption.
This last trend is seen as vital in a country where domestic demand, dogged
by falling prices and a precarious employment market, has flagged for
a decade or more.
China's biggest lender, Industrial
and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC),
is selling a 10% stake to Goldman Sachs, Allianz and American Express.
The deal, said to be worth more than $3bn (£1.7bn), is just the latest
example of Western financial houses investing in Chinese banks. Analysts
estimate Goldman Sach's stake in ICBC to be worth about $1.6bn, with Allianz
on $1bn, and American Express between $200m and $300m. Last month the
Royal Bank of Scotland announced it was investing $1.6bn to lead a consortium
buying a 10% stake in Bank of China for $3.1bn. In June, Bank of
America paid £3bn for a 9% stake in China Construction Bank. Beijing is
preparing to fully open its banking sector to foreign competition in 2006,
as a precondition to its admission to the World Trade Organization (WTO).
At present foreign companies can hold just 25% of a Chinese bank's shares,
with an individual overseas firm limited to owning a 19.9% stake. The
Chinese banking sector is estimated to contain $1.5 trillion in personal
savings. But be wary of the risks. This is a bubble. Bedlam
Asset Management paints a clear picture:
One of the earliest players was Hong
Kong's Hang Seng Bank. In 2003, together with the finance arm of the World
Bank and the Government Investment Corporation of Singapore, it plonked
down $324 million for a 24.9% stake in China's Industrial Bank. Its parent,
the better known HSBC, subsequently shelled out $1.75 billion for a 19.9%
stake in the Bank of Communications. Both these two banks have an economic
imperative and a level of knowledge of how to work in difficult Asian
countries, which means they might even make a small return on capital,
one day. For almost all other major banks, there must be considerable
doubt. As well as the deals mentioned above, Dutch-based ING Groep bought
a 19.9% stake in the Bank of Beijing for €166 million. Newbridge Capital
of the US bought 18% in the Shenzhen Development Bank. Those who have
started looking at major bank or asset deals include the Commonwealth
Bank of Australia, Britain's Standard Chartered Bank, JP Morgan, Credit
Agricole, Morgan Stanley, Bank of Nova Scotia and more.
Most leading western banks now want
to be in China, seemingly irrespective of the price, because of its rapid
growth. They cannot resist the lure of potentially 1.3 billion savers
and borrowers. They have swallowed the myth that the balance sheets of
China's financial institutions have been cleaned up. All claim to be playing
the long game, that their expertise will improve the domestic banks, i.e.
that they can break the thousand year old Guangxi system. It may be that
some actually believe they know the true balance sheets of the banks they
are buying. But remember the Chinese invented quadruple accounting; a
true set for limited internal use, another for the government, one for
the investors and then one for their wives. You should be cautious that
keen western bankers, whose sights are fixed on 1.3 billion consumers
and their near-term bonuses, rather than the $750 billion worth of bad
debts in the system, can see through these multiple fictions.That China
is wandering into a banking crisis is a certainty; we don't know when
it will start, or how, but it is inevitable.
But then maybe it will not be a banking crash but a tech
crash ... Yahoo acquired a 40% stake (35% voting position) in China-based
B2B website operator Alibaba.com for $1 billion in cash. The deal is part
of a larger strategic transaction that Yahoo values at $4 billion. Alibaba.com,
which also runs online auction site Taobao, raised $82 million in Series
D funding last year at a post-money valuation of approximately $182 million,
from Fidelity Investments, Goldman Sachs, Granite Global Ventures, Softbank,
Investor AB, Transpac Capital and Venture TDF. Alibaba, founded in 1998
as a portal for buyers and suppliers of Chinese products, is China's largest
e-commerce website. That's a lot of cash for goodwill. Not
enough top rock the market, but a big step in that direction.
James Montier (of DKW) has written recently on investor mistakes and
offers a couple of excellent charts that show we tend to forecast according
to history, despite the constant lesson that history
does NOT predict the future!

Responsible Investing
Genetically modified seed has
been cleared for release in Europe. This is devastating news for
naturalists and scientists who know that the destruction of habitats will
soon follow. The timing of this coincides with a peak in class action
lawsuits in the US. The synchronicity is reminiscent of tobacco
industry law suits beginning 20 years ago. But this could be much
worse and all those connected with allowing the spread of what amounts
to a weapon of mass destruction may face consequences in law. Monsanto,
the leader of the gang is most certainly willfully neglecting its responsibilities
of information disclosure as well as managing business risk. And
leaders who allow volatile biological agents loose in their states must
face the consequences. The prognosis for companies engaged in these
activities is dangerously risky - they exhibit "Enron risk". The
timing of a sustained correction is approaching sooner than we had thought.
Prudent, long term portfolio managers should evaluate the rising
risks of businesses exposed to industrial moral hazard.
Harrington Investments Inc. (HII)
filed a shareowner resolution
with Monsanto asking its board
to create an ethics oversight committee of independent directors to monitor
compliance with laws as well as the Monsanto
Pledge and Code
of Business Conduct. The resolution recounts the company's $1.5 million
with the US Department of Justice (DOJ)
and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
in January 2005 over violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)because
a senior Monsanto manager authorized a $50,000 bribe to get a senior Indonesian
Ministry of Environment official to repeal a 2001 environmental impact
assessment decree obstructing market entry for genetically engineered
crops. "Although the payment was made, the unfavorable decree was
not repealed," notes the SEC enforcement
document without commentary on this irony. "In addition, from 1997
to 2002, Monsanto inaccurately recorded, or failed to record, in its books
and records approximately $700,000 of illegal or questionable payments
made to various Indonesian government officials." Such breaches
of corporate ethics are unfortunately not anomalous. "Bribery is illegal,
and Monsanto's violation of federal law and the company's own voluntary
code of conduct prove that management cannot be trusted to protect shareholders,"
said John Harrington, CEO of HII, a socially responsible investment (SRI)
firm. "Monsanto's management has once again shown its disregard for its
fiduciary duties and for U.S. law." The DOJ/SEC settlement requires
Monsanto to retain an independent compliance expert. A search of SEC filings
on Monsanto's website since January 6, 2005 did not disclose the retention
of an independent compliance expert, so it is unclear whether the company
has fulfilled this requirement. The Monsanto Pledge, which is "the
foundation of all that we do," states that "integrity includes honesty,
decency, consistency, and courage." The Pledge also commits the company
to several intentions, including transparency. "We will ensure that
information is available, accessible, and understandable," the Pledge
Recent research suggests that candidates
applying for jobs at finance firms are increasingly likely to lie
on their applications. The Risk Advisory Group reports that a quarter
of CVs contain incorrect or false information. Based on a study of 3,000
CVs, the group found the biggest lies involved academic qualifications,
previous jobs, gaps in employment and directorships. It found incorrect
CVs now had an average of three pieces of misleading information on them.
Ethics is not part of the job requirement (even if its in the job description)
for most finance firms.
Hazel Henderson's new financial TV series Ethical
Markets is now airing on PBS stations in the USA. The series
covers clean,green, LOHAS markets, SRI and CSR. Details of the shows are
at www.ethicalmarkets.com.
Brasil is the first licensee Also there is a mini-series on " Reforming
International Finance" moderated by Hazel with guests, Ken Rogoff, former
IMF chief economist, John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic
Hit Man and Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, lead author of the UN Human Development
Report. This should be excellent!
Venture Capital
Both CalSTRS
and Calvert see efforts to identify emerging money managers as smart
business and socially responsible as well. The California State Teachers'
Retirement System launched a new initiative to leverage the value of
diversity in investment management
firms. CalSTRS, the third largest US public pension fund with $129 billion
in assets, is partnering with a New York City-based consulting firm
specializing in identifying undiscovered, underutilized, or undercapitalized
investment firms. http://www.socialfunds.com/news/article.cgi/article1776.html
New Energy Capital, a portfolio
company of VantagePoint Venture Partners, yesterday announced the start
of construction of a 40 million gallon per year ethanol
production facility in Rensselaer, Ind., named the Iroquois Bio-Energy
Co. New Energy provided most of the project's equity, secured a $38.6
million loan from Farm Credit Services of Mid-America and will undertake
financial and asset management for the approximately $70 million project.
Other backers include nearly 300 local farmers and businesses, Fagen
Inc., The Andersons Inc., Noble Americas Inc. and Indeck Energy Services
Inc. In addition, the U.S. Department of Energy provided a grant. www.newenergycapital.com
A briefing note on The
Trouble with Venture Capital is available here.
Interest Rates and Currencies
The US interest rate continues its
upward trend and recent comments by the Federal Reserve suggest
that this will continue, particularly in light of concerns about a housing
bubble. The housing bubble may be only in certain pockets, but
it is felt to be widespread enough and deep enough to be a serious concern.
It may be that economic dampening from the devastation of Katrina will
achieve the Fed's goals in which case rates may stabilise in three months;
but wait at least a month to see.
The imbalances in the global economy,
such as the US deficit, are not dissipating despite market signals and
data. Part of the reason has been the housing boom that has kept
consumption high and reduced the effect of rising interest rates on
consumer spending. There is no simple solution to this although
the shock of Katrina may prove to be the crisis that helps people in
America focus on more soulful consumption than the stock market, SUVs,
brand names and social cosmetics.
Trade and FDI
"This is this world: We have poor and homeless people.
We have a couple of billion people who are not adequately clothed.
And mountains of sweaters, shirts, etc are piling up in European warehouses"
from a exasperated trade observer.
The apparel industry faces turmoil
as orders placed in China can't now be imported because limits agreed
by Brussels have already been exceeded in just two months. When existing
textile quotas were lifted at the start of 2005, the volume of Chinese
textile imports into Europe rose dramatically. Many companies went to
China, sourced suppliers and committed to orders. New European Union
quotas to limit the explosive growth of Chinese clothing imports have
already been exceeded, just weeks after they were agreed with Beijing,
leaving some retailers worried about shipments they have already paid
for but not received as the busy autumn-winter season gets under way.
In Germany, the threat has already led to a warning from Economy Minister
Wolfgang Clement that the limits on soaring imports of textiles and
clothing from China could seriously harm German companies. The
European Union's trade chief has begun moves to free up Chinese garments
held at EU ports in the row over quotas. Chinese state media has
demanded an immediate end to quotas, accusing the EU of protectionism.
With around 50 million sweaters and 17 million pairs of trousers detained
at European ports, stores across the continent are anxious that the
clothes are released in time to prepare for the Christmas rush. "It
is very possible that towards November or December you will see prices
rising simply because there is not enough capacity now to produce the
kind of cheap goods that China has excelled in," said Alisdair Grey,
from the British Retail Consortium. Despite widespread claims
that China is flooding western markets with cheap goods - some manufacturers
worst hit by the quota system are actually owned by European firms.
The Report on the Free
Movement of Workers in the EU-25 was compiled by the civil rights
group European Citizen Action Service, has highlighted the benefits
of migrants from central Europe to older member states. Ireland
for example received 85,000 migrant workers from the 10 new EU states
following enlargement. The economic impact in Ireland was similar to
that in Britain where 175,000 migrant workers, who registered in the
year following EU enlargement, generated £500 million in extra economic
output. This economic performance was achieved without boosting
unemployment or straining the welfare system. It has allowed Ireland,
in particular, to maintain a lively economy as work ethic and new skills
have improved. The report pinpointed Poland, Lithuania and Latvia
as the three new EU states providing the highest number of migrants.
It also characterised the typical migrant from eastern Europe as a young,
male, single worker who sends money back to his home country.
"The scaremongers who had predicted a large influx of cheap labour from
central and eastern Europe have been proved wrong," said Tony Venables,
director of the European Citizen Action Service, at the launch of the
report. Ireland, Sweden and Britain were the only three states
to open their labour markets fully to migrants from the 10 new member
states. Other states, such as France and Germany, which have high
unemployment, put restrictions on the right to work for several years
to protect their own labour markets. The European Commission will recommend
next year whether these restrictions should be shortened.
Oil is traded too, and America
imports most of what it consumes. If oil stays near today's level
that would mean over $300 billion per year going outside the US. That
is an extra $150 billion over where it would be at $30 oil. Even backing
off to $50, that would take an extra 1% of GDP out of the country.
Activities, Books and Gatherings
We all had a few days of difference in August one way or another and
that has given everyone new perspectives as Autumn comes on. Development
of our Integral training module
went beyond expectations and we are developing a significant capacity
in Integral approaches and method. It is some of the most interesting
and rewarding work done and fun too.
We have finally restarted multimedia
production efforts. This sounds rather grand, but only
consists of a music video with slides at the moment. However,
the hardware is installed and is being tested and we hope to produce
some desk top videos over the coming years. The first effort is
Galliano's Prince of Peace - a reworking of one of two productions that
I put together with the help of IMD and Silicon Graphics about 12 years
is a must read for anyone with a light interest in philosophy or the
Meaning of Life. Pratchett explores death and human's approach
to death in his intelligent, superb prose. Would
you wish for the death of Death?
will reiterate my recommendation to read Cradle
to Cradle, especially if you are in a difficult situation at work.
The book helps understand how foolish some of our knee-jerk solutions
are and helps point to natural designs that upcycle waste, i.e. turn
it into ingredients for another production, and work.
Intelligence has also been cracked open. Daniel Goleman paints
a clear picture: humans are physiologically designed to survive in a
pleistocene era, but live in a world of international air travel, global
communications and weapons of mass destruction. Anger then saved
lives, today it kills. So we must expand our intelligence to cope
with more complex situations. He offers colour too: nearly 60%
of murders of youths 12 years old or less are by parents or step-parents;
half of those for minor infractions like soiling a nappy.
You might enjoy the diversion of Rocketboom.com
a three minute daily videoblog based in New York City, which covers
and creates a wide range of information and commentary from top news
stories to quirky internet culture. Agenda includes releasing each new
clip at 9am EST, Monday through Friday. With a heavy emphasis on international
arts, technology and weblog drama, Rocketboom is presented via online
video and widely distributed through RSS.
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