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February 2006
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Predatory lending??? Although Predatory lending
has been documented for over a decade and despite being "a financial professional",
my attention was drawn to it for the first time in February by a Gaelic
documentary on the subject. But this practice has been hitting the
headlines. A Bush nomination for US Ambassador to the Netherlands,
California billionaire Roland E. Arnall, has been stymied because the
nominee, one of the world's richest individuals has derived this wealth
from a sub-prime financier, Ameriquest Mortgage Co., which has been found
guilty of defrauding poor and uneducated people out of what little equity
they owned. (This may be news from last year, but the review process has
heated up in recent weeks.) Also two bills to regulate sub-prime
lending markets in the US are being debated. The report was published
on the subject: The
Best Value in the Subprime Market State Predatory Lending Reforms
- A report by the Center for Responsible Lending. (Further
resources here and from the US government here.)
This phenomenon in the US financial structure is interesting for two
reasons apart from its unethical practice. It is a product with
similar features to micro finance, an area of increasing value, but performs
differently in its particular economic environment, and is therefore a
useful comparator. And, more presently, it the detail of the financial
flows is obscured by the overall picture and the detail obscured might
be a significant additional risk to national economic stability: institutional
mortgage investors are not seeing devaluation because middle market buyers
are coming in and buying the security at securitised values, while a significant
niche of the market which should get the most support and protection from
the state is bearing the cost of this wealth transfer. The general
conclusion is "watch this space". And specific conclusions are expect
predatory lenders to be penalised and be wary of a collapse of this niche
market which sends ripples through the rest of the economy, perhaps the
pin that pricks the debated US housing bubble,
with global repercussions.
The following quote from Franklin Cudjoe,Director of Imani, The Centre
for Humane Education, refers to Africa but is relevant to the poor in
America who are being left behind by society and preyed upon by well resourced
organisations like Ameriquest.
Christian Aid and others (Letters, February
20) repeat the simple fallacy that inequality causes poverty and lack
of development and that redistribution of wealth causes growth. Poor people
are not laboratory rats; they are just like everyone else, and what they
need is the freedom and security to plant, to work, to accumulate and
to exchange. Dependency on aid has undermined people and economies while
subsidising tyranny, corruption and state economic mis-management: after
$450bn of aid over the last 30 years, the average African's gross domestic
product and life-expectancy are lower now than at independence. Are Africans
just stupid or is something holding us back and grinding us down?
Poor people, like everyone, need property
rights, the rule of law and free markets, not subsidies, officials, corruption
and five-year plans.
I would also like to draw your attention to an enlightened and plausible
solution to the seemingly intractable problems facing the world which
is introduced in a piece by Harold James in the section below on Holonics.
Investment, Finance & V. C.
Japan's economy grew at a faster pace than expected
in the final three months of 2005, boosted by a pick-up in exports.
Gross domestic product rose by 1.4% during the fourth quarter, topping
market forecasts of 1.2%. On an annualised basis, the world's second-biggest
economy grew by 5.5%. The upbeat GDP data provided the latest indicator
pointing to a sustained recovery for the Japanese economy.
European economic growth will accelerate this year,
according to forecasts by the European Commission. It predicts that
growth across the whole 25 European Union member states will hit 2.2%
in 2006, and by 1.9% across the 12 nations with the euro. The Commission
puts the growth down to a number of factors, such as increased private
investment, strong corporate profits and favourable financing deals.
The Irish economy was lauded by the OECD saying that
it has enjoyed a decade of "remarkable" growth but is facing clear risks.
The economy doubled in size in the 1990s, achieving the fastest growth
in the OECD over that period. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development said that although Ireland had produced "exemplary" results
it needed to boost competition, improve education and encourage enterprise.
It also called on the country to improve its infrastructure. However,
if growth slows down the economy is likely to experience a soft landing
- "Growth remains strong, foreign investment is still coming in, industry
has shrugged off global shocks and house prices keep on climbing," it
said in an economic survey of the country. It is now weaning itself
from EU subsidies and protection of the last 30 years as it becomes one
of the richest economies. While it must increasingly compete on
a level playing field it continues to appear dynamic and is a magnet for
eastern European workers which provide a cost effective engine for development.
Prosper Marketplace, or California US, launched its website in February.
It is an unusual financial vehicle - a bankless bank.
Prosper offers to directly intermediate between borrowers and lenders.
Zopa, a UK peer to peer lending intermediary, opened in March last year
and has had a positive experience so far. While pitfalls remain
it appears that this innovation allowed by the internet will continue
to grow. It may in fact be a service that banks can consider offering
since they already have screening systems in place.
Responsible Investing
In Perspective above, we highlighted the growth
and problems of predatory lending. Here are some
extracts from the recent survey The
Best Value in the Subprime Market: State Predatory Lending Reforms.
"For years, the debate over predatory lending has been conducted in an
information vacuum," said Keith Ernst, senior policy counsel at CRL, who
supervised the study. "Now we know, beyond a doubt, that these laws work,
and that they don't harm consumers." The study, which examines more
than 6 million subprime mortgages in 28 states with various reforms against
predatory lending from 1998 through 2004, finds predatory lending in many
of these states dropped by almost a third. "States with the strongest
laws--Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina,
and West Virginia--showed the largest declines in loans with predatory
terms," states the report. The study also reveals unexpected findings:
"A central goal of predatory lending reform has been to shift lender compensation
away from fees--both front-end charges and back-end prepayment penalties--into
more transparent interest rates, since a borrower can refinance out of
a high rate loan but cannot escape from high fees," write Wei Li and Keith
Ernst in the report they authored "With this in mind, we expected to find
a combination of fee reductions accompanied by offsetting marginal interest
rate increases. We did find that fees in the form of prepayment penalties
were reduced, but, to our surprise, we also found that many families paid
lower interest rates. Among states with reforms, interest rates on fixed-rate
mortgages showed no statistically significant difference in eight states
and actually were lower in 19." These findings offer a strong rebuttal
to industry nay-sayers who claim that these laws stifle the subprime market
where low-income borrowers, who are often strapped with credit problems,
must operate. "This study demonstrates that critics who claim anti-predatory
lending laws will dry up people's access to credit are just plain wrong,"
said Tom Miller, Attorney General of Iowa, a state with strong anti-predatory
lending laws. "This research shows that sound legislation curbs abusive
lending, and it does not reduce responsible lending . . . [and] that leads
to one more conclusion: consumers would be harmed if federal law preempted
state regulation." The two competing bills currently making their
way through Congress. HR
1182, or the Miller-Watt-Frank
bill, seeks to strengthen existing federal legislation while allowing
states to extend further protections, while HR
1295, or the Ney-Kanjorski
bill, which would erase state laws without strengthening federal laws.
Needless to say, CRL supports
the Miller-Watt-Frank bill and opposes
the Ney-Kanjorski bill.
While the study focuses on the state level, it extrapolates its findings
to the national level. "There are strong indications that state
reforms are having a positive effect on the national subprime market,"
the report states. "For example, over the course of our study, the overall
incidence of prepayment penalties peaked at 67.7 percent and then dropped
to 51 percent by December 2004. For balloon payments, the corresponding
figures went from 13.6 percent to zero." The study concludes by
advancing two significant implications for state and federal policymakers
confronted with choices on how best to address predatory lending. "First,
the findings suggest that strong state laws like those in place in New
Mexico, Massachusetts and North Carolina can serve as successful models,"
the report states. "Second, the findings call into question the advisability
of federal proposals that would nullify state efforts and substitute a
weak national standard. In fact, this study shows that overriding
state laws would be harmful--and costly--to consumers, since states are
successfully cutting back on predatory loans without cutting off access
to credit. From a homeowner's perspective, it appears that mortgages protected
by strong state laws may be the best deal in the real estate market."
As Social Funds points out "Low-income home-shoppers are vulnerable to
(and hence very reliant on laws protecting them from) "predatory lending,"
which includes exorbitant fees or subprime prepayment penalties as well
as steering borrowers to higher priced loans when they could qualify for
better terms."
The food and beverage industry should be increasingly
concerned about the backlash against unhealthy foods. An SEE risk
briefing in February targeted obesity and according to a report by the
World Health Organisation, three million deaths annually are attributable
to being overweight or obese! Evidence that this is already happening
is the announcement by McDonald’s that it is to close 25 outlets in the
UK. The decision comes as the company has been suffering falling sales.
There has been tougher competition from other high street food operators,
but the closures are also being seen as a sign that the negative publicity
surrounding Morgan Spurlock’s documentary Super Size Me has damaged the
company’s image. Despite adding salad and fruit options to its menus,
and switching its fresh milk products to organic, McDonald’s has been
unable to prevent a decline in profits and sales. The company blames this
on stiffer competition from younger food to go companies. McDonald’s itself
has a stake in one of these successful young pretenders - Pret a Manger.
Despite increasing hype by global banks that they are
taking responsibility for social and environmental impact,
many are failing to meet standards. In a January 2006
report Shaping the Future of Sustainable Finance: Moving the Banking Sector
from Promises to Performance by BankTrack,
a global nongovernmental organizations (NGO) coalition including WWF-UK,
Friends of the Earth (FoE),
Rainforest Action Network (RAN),
and the Berne Declaration,
21 of 39 banks' financing policies earn a failing grade. The grading system
ranges from 0 (no publicly available policy) to 4 (policy meets almost
all international standards), with average scores across 13 environmental
and social categories translated into letters corresponding to school
grades. The 39 banks assessed fall far short on global sustainability
standards, and fail to disclose enough information on implementation to
even be assessed by NGO coalition BankTrack. Even more shocking
than the failure rate is the level achieved by the best performers: ABN
AMRO (ticker: ABN)
and HSBC Group (HBC)
both earn the highest overall average score of 1.31, which translates
into a letter grade of D+. And top scores of 4 within individual categories
(which cover policies related to from human rights, climate change and
energy, indigenous people, extractive industries, transparency, and environmental
and social management systems) are exceedingly rare.
Investors looking for insight on evaluating the environmental, social,
and governance (ESG) performance of large U.S. companies just received
some help from the Calvert
Group which recently released ratings evaluating the ESG performance
of the 100 largest US companies by market capitalization. The Calvert
Ratings disclose how the Calvert Social Research team ranks these
companies on a scale from one (worst) to five (best) in five categories--environment,
workplace, business practices, human rights, and community relations.
Assets managed in accordance with sustainable development values nearly
doubled in 2005 in France. Caisse des Dépôts subsidiary
Novethic, an SRI (socially responsible investment) resource
center, presented its assessment of SRI funds marketed in France including:
percentage change in assets under management, number of funds, major trends.
This year, two key highlights emerge: total assets under management rose
by 94%, and assets under sustainable development management by funds domiciled
in France increased by more than 55%. For the full press release in English
go here.
Venture Capital
Whole Food Markets says it will drop the Fresh &
Wild name when it starts opening its first Whole Foods stores in Britain
next year. It bought Fresh and Wild last year and appears to be
reengineering the business model to reflect its US approach. While
this will probably work it is strange that they do not keep the current
model and brand which is currently successful and appeals to buyers
that do not want to be in a supermarket. This may leave the way
open for a Fresh & Wild imitator to grow.
We noted a couple of VC transactions in education:
Providence Equity Partners and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners have agreed
to acquire Education Management Corp. (Nasdaq: EDMC), a provider
of private post-secondary education. The total transaction is valued
at approximately $3.4 billion, with EDMC common shareholders receiving
$43 per share. Leverage will be provided by Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs,
Merrill Lynch and Bank of America, while Education Management was advised
by Merrill Lynch. www.provequity.com
www.gs.com www.edmc.com
Also, Apax Partners has acquired a minority stake in The Learning Annex,
a New York-based provider of adult self-improvement education. No financial
terms were disclosed. www.learningannex.com
The VC hype in the middle east was illustrated at
the first meeting of the Gulf Venture
Capital Association in Manama, Bahrain where one analysts noted
21 venture capital and private equity funds seeking to raise at least
$17 billion by the end of 2006. This ballooning of interest is
reflected in industrial growth too as oil revenues boosted by higher
prices over the past year have funneled huge amounts of cash into the
Another U.S. venture-capital firm is moving into the increasingly
competitive China market. Ignition Partners,
the boutique Bellevue, Washington, firm founded by several former Microsoft
Corp. executives, has hired Gary Rieschel, the founder of Silicon Valley’s
Mobius Venture Capital, and Duane Kuang, the former director of Intel
Capital China, to help run a new $200 million China investment fund.
For those interested a China VC gathering takes place in Shenzhen on
April 7th: China
Venture Capital Forum 2006 Program.
Fiona Harvey of the FT reports that its a good time to be a green
entrepreneur as interest continues to grow. Her
article quotes a number of key players both industrial and financial.
In the UK, Treasury and Revenue & Customs are considering substantial
tax rate increases on private equity firms,
according to a letter sent to members of the British Venture Capital
Association. The news was first
reported by The Sunday Times.
To get an rss feed of PE Week wire please
go here.
Interest Rates and Currencies
Interest rates in Europe were increased
by 1/4% and many analysts expect further increases. There
is also talk of rates increasing in Japan now that
the economy seems to be well on the mend. And US
increases are expected to continue as inflation jumped to 4% in January.
Higher food, car and electricity costs also pushed US producer prices
up by more than expected in January with the producer price index rising
by 0.3% during the month, above forecasts for a 0.2% rise. Separate
figures also suggested that US consumer sentiment unexpectedly weakened
in early February, hit by low stock prices and higher gasoline costs
as the University of Michigan's preliminary consumer sentiment index
for February fell to 87.4 from 91.2 in January.
These increases are putting pressure on mortgage borrowers. If
the housing market does become depressed there will be knock on effects
in general consumer spending (because consumption is being buoyed by
home equity withdrawals), in housing related sectors like construction
and estate brokerage, and in banking where the pain might be very significant
as mortgage assets are 60% of US bank assets - a long term high.
The housing market appears buoyant. US home
prices rose 12.95% on average in 2005, despite a string of mortgage
rate rises, says the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight
(OFHEO). Home values in the fourth quarter were up 2.86% on the previous
period, at an annualised rate of 11.4%. Analysts have been predicting
that the five-year US housing boom is slowing. But despite indications
of a slowdown, "house price appreciation during 2005 continued to hover
at near-record levels," said OFHEO in a statement. Also, the US
has recorded the fastest pace in construction of new houses for more
than 30 years with the Commerce Department's building activity index
rising 14.5% in January, pushing construction to an annual rate of 2.27
million units (the fastest rate of growth since March 1973, but expected
to be a one-off blip caused by unusually warm weather in January). The
14.5% rise in building activity in January followed a 6.9% fall in December.
But this buoyancy may not last. Interest rates have risen from
1% to 4.5% over the past 18 months and while this does not seem to have
slowed the housing market it has certainly increased its sensitivity
to shocks. And as John Mauldin notes that the January 2006 Monthly
U.S. Foreclosure Market Report by RealtyTrac
, the leading online marketplace for foreclosure properties, shows 103,540
properties nationwide entered some stage of foreclosure in January,
a 27% increase from the previous month and a 45% increase from January
2005. The report shows a continuing upward trend in which the national
foreclosure rate rose in every quarter of 2005.
America is saying "so long" to its old greenback $10 bill and "howdy"
to other colours. The US Treasury's $10 bill has a host of anti-counterfeiting
tricks - such as many more colours, new watermarks and dozens of tiny
10's all over the design.The new, harder-to-counterfeit bill in reds,
yellows, oranges and greens entered US circulation at the end of February.
The $10 makeover follows similar colourisation of the $20 bill in 2003
and the $50 note in 2004. The $100 bill one of the most popular with
counterfeiters - is due to be redesigned in 2007, but there are no plans
to change the $1, $2 or $5 notes, yet.
Trade and FDI
Welcome to the world of block-thy-neighbour protectionism.
We have seen a rapid escalation from Cartoon War to Trade War - sparked
by cartoons, Danish products have been boycotted in many places.
The French have blocked a bid by Italian firm Enel for energy company
Suez and claim a pre-dated discussion with Gaz de France. Cries
of concern have been raised in the US over the acquisition of the management
contracts for 6 ports by a Dubai company. Even the EU has hamhandedly
drafted cross-border regulation of trade in services which is restrictive
to new members preventing them from considering supplying the older
core members. Meanwhile the US has managed to get a WTO
ruling preventing EU states from banning GM foods!
The short historical story from PPI
clearly shows why protectionism does not help.
The Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930 is one of the few Jazz Age policies (apart
from Prohibition) to call up echoes in modern America. It attempted
to protect American economy by raising barriers to imports. For
example from 1922-1929 the U.S. egg tariff was 8.0 cents per dozen,
in 1930 it was 10.0 cents per dozen. This initially was a rise
in egg tariff of about 30% but as egg prices fell the ratio rose to
over 70% completely hindering trade. Between 1930 and 1932, Australia,
Britain, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, India, Italy, France, Germany, Mexico,
New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and others retaliated. By 1933,
American exports had dropped from $5 billion to $1.2 billion, and imports
dropped equally fast. Total world trade, according to statistics kept
by the League of Nations, fell from $68 billion in 1929 to $24 billion
by 1933.
The innuendo against Arabs has grown in Washington as the tumult over
allowing a Dubai-based conglomerate to operate six
U.S. ports continues. In handling the Dubai ports
affair, the US Administration has displayed a refreshing shift from
their security apparatus which has singled out most individuals with
Arab names, including toddlers and infants, who enter any U.S. airport.
While the UAE government may be critisised for legitimate reasons, such
as human trafficking, discriminatory security concerns are not appropriate.
It appears that politicians, commentators and the public are increasingly
confused about what they want.
In several eastern European capitals, the sombre reality about the
future of service liberalisation in the European
Union has been sinking in. The east Europeans have realised
that they were short-changed by a vote in the European parliament in
February that places heavy restrictions on the free movement of services.
The goal of the services directive was to remove national barriers. Its
main instrument was the country-of-origin principle, which placed service
providers under the legal and regulatory control of their home country.
The European parliament managed to get rid of this principle altogether,
but left some minor bureaucratic improvements in place. For example,
service providers will no longer have to carry identity documents with
them, or need to establish an office in the host country. But these
small advantages will be more than offset by the directive's protectionism.
There is a long list of excluded sectors, ranging from healthcare to
gambling and lotteries. Governments can also impose restrictions on
grounds of public safety, social security, health and the environment.
Most importantly, they can enforce domestic employment law and collective
Most worryingly, however, is the continuing saga of liberalisation
of GMO. For many sound
reasons we see liberalisation of the use of GMO in Europe and globally
as a far more dangerous risk to global prosperity than the Iraq war.
The outcome of the complaint by the US, demanding that EU states be
prohibited from restricting GMOs, is still not clear. While the
US has claimed a victory in their application to prevent EU states individually
banning the planting of GMO, Friends of the Earth has pointed out that
the ruling does not prevent countries from restricting or banning GMOs.
Friends of the Earth today made available online a confidential World
Trade Organisation (WTO) ruling on the trade dispute on genetically
modified (GM) foods. The 1000-page WTO report, distributed in
February only to the countries involved in the dispute, was leaked to
Friends of the Earth, which has published a preliminary analysis.
The leaked report reveals that: Despite claims of victory by the
US Administration and the biotechnology industry -widely reported in
the media in February 2006 - the three countries that started the trade
dispute against the European Union (US, Canada and Argentina) failed
to win most of their arguments; and The World Trade Organisation did
not rule on two of the most important questions before it, namely whether
GM foods are effectively the same as non-GM foods, and if they are safe.
The WTO report is available online: http://www.foei.org/media/2006/WTO_report_descriptive.pdf
and http://www.foei.org/media/2006/WTO_report_findings.pdf.
The Friends of the Earth preliminary analysis is online at http://www.foei.org/media/2006/WTO_briefing.pdf
The WTO was also in the headlines in connection with
the possible inclusion of Russia. Oil revenues
are now making Russia an ever more attractive place to do business.
And bringing Russia into the WTO is an oft-repeated foreign-policy goal
of Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Bush. While US movie
companies and music makers claim that theft of intellectual property
in Russia is unparalleled and a wide spectrum of American businesses,
including beef, poultry, and pork producers, and banks and insurance
companies, have problems in the Russian market, the combination of oil,
Bush and Putin might be enough to get Russia its seat at the trade table.
For trade specialists, you may wish to engage in the Oikos
Model WTO on June 12 to 16, 2006 in St. Gallen/Geneva, Switzerland.
Check it out here: www.modelwto.org
Another new resource is the Global
Evian Trade Update. GETUp! is the Evian Group at IMD’s new
quarterly publication to inform members of the Evian Group community
of the association’s ongoing initiatives, publications and positions.
Activities, Books and Gatherings
February was exciting though hectic with more travelling than expected
and new ventures growing in VC and business support. The growing
season is also starting up in the garden with early seeds being planted
like broad beans and tomatoes.
I picked up Spiral Dynamics by Beck and Cowan again
and read the second half. It is a great piece of work providing
a practical tool kit for personal and organisation development.
If you are interested in management, HR, psychology or business development
you should read it.
I also finally picked up Fueling The Future edited
by Heintzman and Solomon. This gift from my brother-in-law has
been sitting on my desk for a couple of months but once I cracked it
I found it to be a valuable addition to understanding the energy challenges
facing earth today. With articles by a wide range of experts in
various aspects of the energy industry a balanced view can be gleaned.
This should be read by anyone involved in energy industries, especially
investment in alternatives, or carbon trading.
I enjoyed Pratchett's Hogfather which cleverly explores
the fantasies we create to help us stay sane in a world we don't understand.
I've also worked half-way through Pratchett's Jingo
which brilliantly builds the tension of politics over nothing!
Black Eyed Peas recently released the album "Monkey Business", which
I enjoyed. In particular the lyrics to one song "Union"
(a translation of yoga) which Neil Crofts has diligently transcribed:
(One for all, one for all)
(It's all it's all for one)
Let's start a union, calling every human
It's one for all and all for one
Let's live in unison, calling every citizen
It's one for all and all for one
We don't want war- can't take no more
It's drastic time for sure
We need a antidote and a cure
Coz do you really think Mohammed got a problem with Jehovah
We don't want war – imagine if any prophet was alive
In current days amongst you and I
You think they would view life like you and I do
Or would they sit and contemplate on why
Do we live this way, act and behave this way
We still livin' primitive today
'Cause the peace in the destination of war can't be the way
There's no way, so people just be a woman, be a man
Realise that you can change the world by changing yourself
And understand that we're all just the same
So when I count to three let's change
Got no time for grand philosophy
I barely keep my head above the tide
I got this mortgage, got three kids at school
What you're saying is the truth that really troubles me inside
I'd change the world if I could change my mind
If I could live beyond my fears
Exchanging unity for all my insecurity
Exchanging laughter for my tears
I don't know, y'all, we in a real deposition
In the midst of all this negative condition
Divided by beliefs, differences and religion
Why do we keep missing the point on our mission?
Why do we keep killing each other, what's the reason?
God made us all equal in his vision
I wish that I could make music as a religion
Then we could harmonise together in this mission
Listen, I know it's really hard to make changes
But two of us could help rearrange this curse
Utilising all the power in our voices
Together we will unite and make the right choice
And fight for education, save the next generation
Come together as one
I don't understand why it's never been done
So let's change on the count of one
It takes one, just one
And then one follows the other one
And then another follows another one
Next thing you know you got a billion
People doing some wonderful things
People doing some powerful things
Let's change and do some powerful things
Unity could be a wonderful thing
As before, I recommend BeTheChange
to anyone who can spare three days in London (May 11-13). It has
proved to be a broad based enlightening gathering.
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