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Private and Confidential
October 2006
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Things look good, don't they.
Stock markets are up. Iraq is going to be OK. Other hot spots
are being managed. And everyone's happy.
Yet next to this positive thread are intertwined stories of difficulty.
Extended credit and stock markets being fuelled by the rising price of
risk (see Investment).
Iraq and the middle east needs help of a different kind. North Korea
is the best reason for removal of all nuclear weapons - they set a precedent
for nutters to follow and they are not a deterrent, Dr Strangelove.
And some people are beginning to feel the pinch of credit costs.
And while these are urgent, they are not the important challenges. The
problems that critically must be remedies revolve about the destruction
of earth's biosphere and poverty.
A "Stern warning" is the light of hope that humanity is changing fast
enough to preserve the biosphere and live peacefully. October saw
a number of reports circulating which highlight the need for change, the
Stern Review being perhaps the most high level and already underpinning
change in UK government policy. Our holonic perspective suggests
that despite imbalances, humanity is on an enlightened
trajectory, which is fast approaching the tipping point (discussed
in September's issue).
America is the centre of power, while China and India are the emerging
centres of power, together with other emerging economies. America's cultural
profile centres on competition and fear, but that is changing as people
realise it and strong community values provide the framework for stable
Change occurs, do not expect the status quo to continue. The harbinger
of change is a regression to former models, which is followed by a rebound
to the next level. It appears that the Iraq Occupation has been
this regression to primitive values (fight, kill) but that has run a course
in a short period and now the trend is to a more cooperative, multilateral
cultural profile. America is peaking and will rapidly accelerate
through a more integral cultural profile, built on its diverse ethnic
DNA. A criticality is occurring. Because it must.
Everything seems to be balanced. Stable and positive. A change
in the wrong direction can be too terrible to think about. "Will
humans pull together or will we swing apart?" Certainly the choice
is there. We do have the ability in body, technology and spirit
- even to the extent of the Theory of Everything and the Big Picture.
But doing the right thing the right way is not easy - some say more difficult
than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Watch the
decisions "our leaders" make in the coming weeks. Our propensity
to change must accelerate. A simple solution would work. The
rich worl can solve the world's problems by consuming 30% less - to take
pressure from the biosphere, and by meditating all the time (as people
like Dalai Lama do) to bring peace.
October celebrates the birth of world renowned holonic change agents.
My favourite is probably John Lennon, perhaps because he had fun as well
as committing himself and resources to change the world. But Ghandi
must be the role model: while changing the uniform of a lawyer
for the cloth of a peasant he liberated a significant proportion of the
world's population. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October
1869. Lets remember his unique contribution to global humanity through
soft-power: non-violent action, non-cooperation and civil resistance.
Albert Einstein wrote: "Mahatma Gandhi's life achievement stands unique
in political history..."
"...He has invented a completely new and humane means for the liberation
war of an oppressed country, and practised it with greatest energy and
devotion. The moral influence he had on the consciously thinking human
being of the entire civilized world will probably be much more lasting
than it seems in our time with its overestimation of brutal violent
forces. Because lasting will only be the work of such statesmen who
wake up and strengthen the moral power of their people through their
example and educational works. We may all be happy and grateful that
destiny gifted us with such an enlightened contemporary, a role model
for the generations to come."
In regard to Mahatma Gandhi and Philanthropy, Einstein wrote:
"I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity
forward, even in the hands of the most devoted worker in this cause.
The example of great and pure personages is the only thing that can
lead us to find ideas and noble deeds. Money only appeals to selfishness
and always irresistibly tempts its owner to abuse it. Can anyone imagine
Moses, Jesus or Gandhi with the moneybags of Carnegie?"
Investment, Finance & VC
Discussion of a world slowdown
has become louder. Most drastically, though medium term, the Stern Review,
issued in October estimates a slowdown of 20% if climate change is not
tackled (see Climate Change). While we have
raised the spectre of global risks, whether economic, social or natural,
it is less and less likely that a breakdown will occur because of the
interdependence of our globalised humanity. Emerging economies,
especially China, India and Asia, even eastern Europe, are currently supporting
the global economy, by producing and consuming
much of global growth. The
Economist highlights the importance of US financial infrastructure
to global trade and wealth (in the article the
Alternative Engine) which is true, and America likes it that way,
but the influence of the US$ is declining as the Euro and Yuan become
more important and oil trade diversifies to non-US$ currencies.
The general integration of humanity gives stability, but the excesses
must be counted. Measures of wealth are being refined to measures
of well-being. Fundamental changes in culture are ongoing which
will help stabilise economic volatility.
Some have suggested that the market might correct, that current exuberance
is a sucker's rally. And if the market does correct, 30% down would
be a fair bet. But I don't think that is how the market should be
approached, even if that is the best bet. It seems that while the
risk of down is higher than the chance of up, selection
can help preserve value. While the market is buying risk
(and it seems to be), you buy value. Look to Asia too where fundamentals
are sound. And if currency exposure is an issue for your portfolio,
hedge because the pressures on currency volatility are high.
There has been growing evidence of a shift in global business power, with foreign
investment from developing countries now a major factor in the world economy.
In its latest
report, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has
confirmed the trend that has prompted speculation of billion dollar takeovers
in Europe by firms including Indian steelmaker Tata. According to Unctad,
foreign direct investment from developing countries and transition economies,
such as Russia and the former Soviet Union, rose 5% to $ 133 billion in
2005 - with more and more firms in developing nations investing overseas.
Foreign investment is also flowing into developing countries, with $335
billion - about one-third of the total - moving into poorer nations, far
more than is provided by official aid flows. Unctad estimates that investment
to developing countries has nearly doubled in two years, from $ 175 billion
in 2003. The boom is being fed by rapid economic growth, especially in
China and India, high prices for raw materials, and the increasing liberalisation
of the economy in many developing countries, which has made investment
easier, it said. These assets are highly concentrated, with just a few
third world countries and a few companies owning a large percentage of
these assets. China accounts for one-third of the total. Off-shore financial
centres like the British Virgin Islands and Singapore are also important
investors. And there has been a sharp rise in overseas investment
by countries rich in natural resources, such as Russia and South Africa.
The overall pattern over the past decade has been the rise of Asia as
a source of investment, overtaking Latin America, which has suffered a
series of economic crises, and Africa is growing in importance.
In terms of proportion of investment, 28% of its FDI comes from developing
countries, twice the world average. Africa still represented only 3% of
the world total of foreign direct investment. This uneven development
of the world's economies is destabilising, so the new trends are encouraging
as rich countries face a shrinking share of global growth, trade and investment,
while the rising economic power of Asia is now the central fact in the
world economy.
China's soaring economic growth
rate slowed slightly to 10.4% in the three months to September, as government
attempts to cool the boom took effect. The year-on-year growth rate
fell back from the record 11.3% growth seen from April to June. The government
has raised interest rates twice this year and cut approvals for new business
investment as it tries to prevent the economy overheating. The economy
is generally robust as the latest data put inflation at 1.3% and showed
industrial output slowing.
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China held its long-awaited initial
public offering, which was the largest
one ever, raising $ 19 billion. The shares are listed separately
in Hong Kong and China and can not be arbitraged because of differing
ownership requirements. The sale was heavily oversubscribed as investors
tried to tap into one of the world's fastest growing economies. The IPO
followed period of restructuring and recapitalisation during which non-performing
loans were reduced from around 20% to around 5% and Goldman Sachs and
others injected new capital. China has been overhauling its banking
system, toughening up regulation in an effort to cut corruption and bad
loans, including the government buying back billions of dollars of bad
loans to help banks clean up their balance sheets and make them more attractive
to investors.Analysts said the potential for growth of consumer and corporate
lending in China was massive as wage levels increase and company profits
rise. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China was set up by the Chinese
government in 1984 and has 21,000 branches, 360,000 staff and 150 million
customers. ICBC said it expected to earn a net profit of $6billion this
year, compared with $4.3billion in 2005. Its shares rose more than 17%
in Hong Kong, but only a few % in Shanghai. It remains to be seen
the assets of ICBC are fairly valued.
The study, Climate Change and Insurance:
An Agenda for Action in the United States, was issued by Allianz Group,
one of the largest insurance providers in the world with operations throughout
the U.S., and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), a leading conservation organization.
The report, the first of its kind in the US but not elsewhere, examines
the latest scientific findings about climate change, specifically on forest
fires, storms and floods, and the potential impact on the insurance industry
and its customers. It concludes that the insurance industry should
do more to address the growing impact of climate change-induced damages.
The report notes that climate change has the potential to significantly
alter and intensify destructive weather patterns in the US, leading to
increased flooding, forest fires, and storm damage. The most direct risk
to the US will likely come from hurricanes, which are expected to become
more frequent and powerful. The report makes a number of recommondations,
including for both governments and insurance companies to help correct
market distortions, for US insurers to begin incorporating future potential
climate change impacts such as continued sea level rise and longer fire
seasons into planning (rather than relying only on historical data of
past weather events), and for insurers to influence land use development
and planning in high risk areas.
France is becoming an interesting
investment target for us. Its unfamiliar mix of engineering excellence
and traditional communities has not seemed to produce the same wealth
effect that other EU economies have enjoyed. But that may be changing.
Certainly a shake up in politics is beckoning change. The Economist
of France in October also paints a more positive picture. While
the track record has not been great we are begining to look at France
more carefully and wonder if it might be time for it to shine in a "kinder,
gentler" world.
Morgan Stanley says it plans to invest in approximately
$3 billion of carbon/emissions credits,
projects and other initiatives related to greenhouse gas emissions reduction
over the next five years.
During US election season, Blue Funds is launching two funds to invest
in companies that support Democrats. The two new funds seek to capitalize
on research that finds that Democrat-supporting
companies significantly outperform Republican-supporting companies.
Responsible Investing
Research from Flag - a communications consultancy – showed a growing
proportion of investors now base their decision to buy on a corporation's
"green strategies". Share buyers
are increasingly concerned that the companies they invest in are pursuing
sound environmental policies. In a telephone poll 36% of investors
answered yes to the question “Do a company’s environmental policies have
any effect on your decision to buy its shares?” The ethical investment
market has flourished in recent years but the poll suggests that mainstream
investors now demand environmental awareness from all companies.
Rob Cameron, Director of Flag, said: “This research shows there is increasing
awareness among investors, and society in general, of the importance of
corporate environmental policies and actions. Only eight years ago investors’
awareness of these issues was very limited and had little effect on stock
purchase decisions."51% of investors replied that it had no effect on
their share purchase decision and the remaining 14 % gave no indication
either way. There is still time to place green bets as the wave
of eco-awareness rises.
The 2006 European SRI Study
shows an SRI market that has considerably changed since 2003 - the European
Broad SRI market is now valued at over €1 trillion. Across Europe, are
signs of robust SRI strategies, increased mandates from institutional
players and the growing involvement of more traditional financial services.
SRI has been actively promoted in European countries and the latest survey
released by the European Social Investment Forum says SRI is up 71% since
2002 and possibly represents as much as 10-15% of the total European funds
under management.
Although up to 70%of people surveyed by fund managers say they would
invest all or part of their superannuation in SRI if they had the option
and if they knew more about it, less than 1%
of global funds under management are directed towards SRI
or ethical funds. According to the latest benchmarking
study commissioned by the Australian-based Ethical Investment Association,
the SRI funds' market share in Australia is about 1.54 percent, up from
about 1.34 per cent a year earlier. The study estimated the SRI mutual
funds market in United States to be about 2%, and in Canada, about 3.5%
of the total.
Mercer Investment Consulting last year released a global study on the
speed with which SRI and ethical investment was becoming mainstream.
The results varied from region to region but among Australian and Asian
managers, 85% predicted that all three SRI
related practices would become mainstream
within 10 years. Mercer asked 195 investment managers worldwide,
representing more than $30 trillion in assets, whether SRI practices would
become common components of mainstream investment processes in the short
and long term. The three SRI related practices are: active shareholding
which includes share voting and engagement; positive and negative screening;
and, the incorporation of social and environmental factors into corporate
performance, usually known as triple bottom line accounting.
In October, the news of a deteriorating biosphere was not good, especially
with the Stern Review and Up in Smoke 2 (see Climate Change). BusinessWeek underlined the risk we
highlighted last month that litigation
against polluters, as being pursued by California against carmakers,
is becoming a significant force for change among car, oil and utility
The United Nations Global Compact
woke members up by announcing that it de-listed
335 companies for failing to issue a Communication on Progress (COP)
report. The Global Compact is a voluntary initiative whereby businesses
pledge to uphold ten
principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment, and
anti-corruption. Companies failing to issue COPs are first listed as "
non-communicating" upon missing the first annual deadline for releasing
COPs, then as "
inactive" when they miss the second consecutive annual deadline, resulting
in the de-listing. The main reasons for not reporting are:
small company size makes it difficult to administer, and a company's quick
sign-up discounted requirement to actually do something later. In
the wake of announcing the de-listing of 335 companies, the Global Compact also announced new
alliances to facilitate Communication on Progress (COP)
reporting. At the unveiling of the third generation sustainable reporting
guidelines (dubbed G3)
by the Global Reporting Initiative, the Global Compact announced its alliance
with GRI by releasing a
guide on how to use G3 in preparing a COP. The Global Compact has
also allied with SRI
World Group to launch the OneReport COP Publisher, a free web-based
tool for generating COPs.
Also, FTSE4Good announced the addition of 24 companies and
the deletion of 9from its global socially responsible investing index
series resulting from its
semi-annual review. Deletions included Enel for acquiring a nuclear
power producer, Hasbro for falling short on supply chain labor standards,
and Harley-Davidson and six others for failing to meet environmental criteria.
A coalition of 14 major institutional investors and other organizations
that represent trillions of dollars in combined assets published a climate
risk-disclosure framework to help companies determine what information
they should provide to investors on the financial risks posed by global
warming. The so-called Global Framework for Climate Risk Disclosure
framework is divided into four key areas: measurement of current and projected
greenhouse gas emissions from operations and products; strategic analysis
of climate risk and carbon emissions management; assessment of the physical
risks of climate change; and risk analysis related to emerging greenhouse
gas regulations in the United States and other countries. Among the groups
that created the framework are the Carbon Disclosure Project, Investor
Network on Climate Risk, Ceres and Global Reporting Initiative. Institutional
investors that have endorsed the framework, including CalPERS and California
State Teachers' Retirement System, say they will use the document to press
companies to use existing sustainability reporting mechanisms, such the
Carbon Disclosure Project, a greenhouse gas emissions questionnaire sent
to more than 2,100 global companies this year. The investors said they
also plan to distribute the framework to securities regulators and investors,
as well as companies that have not responded to past investor requests
for environmental information.
Among ethical investors, conscious consumers and the "enlightened", there
is much misunderstanding about capitalism. One of the main areas
of contention, though not as misunderstood, is the "company". The
legal entity "company" does have some inhuman
characteristics which may need to be addressed, such as its ability to
be undying. However, the idea that a company is inherently evil
is misconstrued - a company is only as good or evil as the people
who run it. Collective organisations, whether family, partnership,
tribe or comapny, are in fact a very beneficial concept because they allow
for the more efficient use of resources in achieving a given output (at
the simplest level economies of scale and scope). Our readers
generally agree with this perspective, but linked here is an enlightening
article on companies from The Ecologist. A history
of the Company: Licensed to Loot concludes that making companies responsible
for their actions is essential to prevent them exploiting both people
and the planet. The only refinement we would make is that it is
the people behind the companies that must take responsibility - it is
futile and foolish to blame wrong on metaphysical ideas (like company
and money) rather than the people that wield them. It is like blaming
death on the gun rather than the shooter.
Without wishing to cut-off my own hand, the following comment on financial
advisors is worth reading:
"But My Financial Advisor..."
would not be working for a living if he were so great at investing
his own money. His objective is to
If you have any delusions that your best interests are being
protected by any organization, please jump to the Shareholder Activism
page now and check out the reality. The professional bodies governing
the advisors were also contacted (but not on the list). They also
refused to advise their members of the initiative. |
Surf here
to see/hear one of our heroes, Iqbal Quadir, explain the triple impact of
bringing cell phone service to rural areas.
Venture Capital
Deftly linking from responsible investing to private investing the late
September disintegration of hedge fund Amaranth
was precipitated by other players who, aware of Amaranth's big
bets, invested
to benefit from their positions and forced trading position.
Talk about barbarians at the gate. But a colourful story for hedge
investors. Fortunately, while it's no solace to Amaranth investors,
the fallout of this fund, unlike the 1998 Long-Term Capital Management
debacle, has been fairly well contained. Even though Amaranth was bigger
in dollar terms, banks' exposures to LTCM were more concentrated and faster
liquidation was allowed.
The topic of VC returns started
to be scrutiniesed in October
as both VCs and LPs start to mine the data on performance over the recent
few years. The conclusion that is drawn by those brave enough to
state it is that the 10 year rolling returns have declined. Some
commentators suggest that they are at modest levels (10-15%). And
more worrying is the expected trajectory of returns: there is downward
pressure because of the overhang, which was prominently discussed a year
ago and continues. While there is no doubt in our minds that the
best returns are to be found in VC, the lessons from the dot com boom
still apply: choose carfeully, don't overpay, or underestimate risk.
Reflecting on this, Sevin Rosen Funds has indefinitely postponed fundraising
for its tenth fund. SRF argued that the exit environment for VC-backed
companies has fundamentally changed for the worse. Part of the blame is
that VC-backed IPOs have been hindered by SOX-required
separations between investment bankers and analysts and impatient
hedge funds becoming larger IPO buyers than more patient mutual
funds. Head of SRF, Steve Dow, also does not believe that the M&A
market can adequately make up for IPO market failures, because VCs have
created a buyer’s market by over-funding just about every sector. Of course
there are homeruns, but a surprisingly high number of M&A deals
actually are $1 dispositions that don’t get included in the quarterly
“disclosed value” data. And, without a viable exit market, VCs are setting
themselves up for a second-straight decade of cash-on-cash losses (which
could begin in 2008). SRF doesn’t want to be a party to that.
Hedge funds as expected are looking
less attractive as the rush of cash-in has forced an evaporation of alpha.
Returns for many hedge funds, which are supposed to be market beaters,
have paled in comparison with stocks. Hedge Fund Research's weighted composite
index is up 7.23% through September, compared with Standard & Poor's
500-stock index, which, with dividends, has total total return of 8.5%
over same period; many of big-name debuts of 2004, 2005 and even 2006
have produced lackluster results.
Also, the scrutiny of fiduciaries continues as the US Justice Department
has launched an inquiry into anticompetitive
practices among private equity
firms. WSJ says that firms like KKR and Silver Lake Partners have received
letters that “asked for a range of information and documents related to
deals and business practices.” The DOJ investigation so far looks like
a fishing expedition, as the letters do not allege any wrongdoing ror
do they even disclose the probe's subject (if any). But somethhing
will turn up. Even BusinessWeek covered the private
equity industry, accusing it of flipping deals and raising fees to
line the pockets of advisors and GPs. Its worth a browse to help
raise awareness. The picture painted suggests that the demand for
regulation may increase if the trend continues.
A report, commissioned by the European Energy Venture Fair, looked at
a sample of 57 companies, who have attracted funding from 19 VC investors
since 1999. VCs investing in clean
technology firms in Europe have made an average annual return of
86.7% on their investments since 1999. The companies received €130.8 million
in funding from venture capitalists and a further €449 million in follow-on
funding from public stock markets. So far, five of the 57 companies
have completed an initial public offering, and three have been sold to
a trade buyer, with these deals making an average annualised return of
476% for their investors. Nine more of the companies included in the study
had undergone a second round of VC investment, generating an average annual
return of 14.9% on paper. Of the rest of the sample, six firms had been
liquidated, losing most of the money invested, and 34 had not undergone
any significant further rounds of investment. These were valued by New
Energy Finance, the London-based information provider which carried out
the study, at the same level as at the initial investment.
Cleantech investing in North America hit a record $933 million in Q3 2006 investment,
according to the Cleantech Venture
Network. It was the 9 th consecutive quarter of growth. Clean energy
investments were the favorite among investors, raking in $837 million
in investments in Q3, a 41% increase over Q2.
Venture capitalists invested $6.2 billion in 797 deals in Q3
of 2006, a decrease of 8% from Q2, according to the MoneyTree Report by
PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association, based
on data by Thomson Financial. The quarter saw increased investment in
seed and early stage deals as well as sectors such as telecom, media and
entertainment and industrial and energy. First time financings were also
strong. The same target survey by VentureOne and Ernst & Young is
in line with MoneyTree, saying that VCs disbursed $6.36 billion into 611
deals in Q3 2006. Fundraising also declined
according to the survey.
Thomson Financial and the NVCA also released their latest private equity performance numbers available
at the NVCA website. Thomson Financials'
US Private Equity Performance Index (PEPI) Investment Horizon Performance
through 06/30/2006:
FundType |
1Yr |
3Yr |
5Yr |
10Yr |
20Yr |
Early/SeedVC |
11.20 |
5.40 |
-7.60 |
36.90 |
20.50 |
BalancedVC |
20.50 |
12.50 |
-0.20 |
17.00 |
14.50 |
LaterStageVC |
16.40 |
9.40 |
-1.10 |
9.50 |
13.70 |
AllVenture |
16.20 |
9.00 |
-3.50 |
20.80 |
16.50 |
SmallBuyouts |
12.10 |
9.60 |
3.70 |
7.10 |
25.90 |
MedBuyouts |
21.50 |
11.80 |
5.00 |
11.10 |
16.10 |
LargeBuyouts |
26.80 |
15.80 |
6.30 |
8.60 |
12.50 |
MegaBuyouts |
28.50 |
17.50 |
7.20 |
8.90 |
11.60 |
AllBuyouts |
27.30 |
16.30 |
6.60 |
8.90 |
13.40 |
Mezzanine |
9.70 |
5.30 |
2.60 |
6.20 |
8.70 |
AllPrivateEquity |
22.50 |
13.40 |
3.60 |
11.40 |
14.20 |
5.6 |
10.2 |
0.0 |
6.2 |
11.7 |
S&P500 |
6.6 |
9.2 |
0.7 |
6.6 |
9.79 |
Another comparison of PE Returns by Cambridge, Associates LLC Proprietary
Database, EBRD Proprietary Database, Morgan Stanley Capital International
also shows unexciting long term performance,
generally less attractive than emerging market listed investment returns. (Calculated
for returns in US$)
The buyouts market is expected
to record its third-straight year
of record-breaking deal volume, according to Q3 numbers released this
week by Buyouts Magazine. The first three quarters of 2006 saw U.S. firms
participate in a total of 770 control-stake deals valued at $181 billion
in disclosed value (including leverage), compared to $198 billion for
840 such deals in all of 2005. In addition, Buyouts reports that there
is approximately $150 billion worth of agreed-upon deals that will close
either this quarter or in Q1 2007.
CalPERS has updated its private
equity fund performance data, which now goes through June 30, 2006.
Primafuel Inc., a Long Beach,
Calif.-based developer of alternative energy sources, has raised nearly
$6 million in Series A funding, according to a regulatory filing.
EnerWorks Inc., an Ontario-based
provider of solar-powered hot water appliances, has raised Cnd$3.65 million
in VC funding from Chrysalix Energy Management and Investco Capital.
China Venture Capital Yearbook 2006 Order Sheet (Download
here or here)
Paul Graham offers a thought provoking primer on the 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups.
Interest Rates and Currencies
The US economy grew only 1.6% in the third quarter,
the lowest since early 2003. Growth slowed from a 5.6% pace in the first
quarter and 2.6% in the second. However, vigorous consumer spending
continues, even as the housing market continues to falter. Consumer
spending grew 3.1% in the third quarter - nearly twice as fast
as overall economic growth. In line with this, US consumer prices fell 0.5% last month, their
sharpest decline in nearly a year, in an apparent signal that inflationary
pressures are easing. The decline, due mainly to a sharp fall in
gasoline prices, was the first since December and was larger than expected.
Excluding food and energy costs, core prices rose 0.2%, the third month
in a row of moderate increases. Against this background, base
rates were maintained by the 11-member interest rate setting body
with only one person voting instead for a quarter point rise. Rates
may have peaked, however, the signs are still ambiguous - in October five
Fed rate setters have stated that further rate increases might be necessary.
essay by Jeffrey Lacker the Fed member who voted for a rise in rates
is worth reading.
EU rates rose a quarter point
to 3.25% in early October, as zone performance improves. Further
may be expected, although as US performance deteriorates enough to
affect EU, that might change.
UK retail sales posted a surprise
drop in September, with experts blaming an increase in utility prices,
less discounting and higher interest rates. The Office for National
Statistics said sales fell 0.4% from the previous month, though many analysts
had expected that sales would increase. September's figures bring the
annual rate of increase to 3.2%. The ONS said the biggest cause of the
slowdown was weaker demand at household goods stores and non-store retailers,
where sales fell by 2.3% and 4.7%. Sales at non-specialised stores and
clothing stores also fell. One bright spot was an increase in demand
at food stores, where sales increased by 0.8%.
In fact, food futures are
spiking and our conjecture that food prices will rise in the last quarter 2006
seems to be occurring, albeit from supply problems rather than energy
costs. Wheat prices continued to rise as a drought in Australia,
the third-biggest producer of the grain, showed little sign of easing.
With low stockpiles in America, analysts are expecting an upward tick
in the price of foods such as bread, breakfast cereals and pasta.
Trade and FDI
Unfortunately, but as expected, the WTO ruled against the EU protecting
its markets from GMO on biological saftey grounds. This is very
sad. If you disagree, please watch the Future of Food now.
Friends of the Earth called for alternative ways to deal with environmental
trade disputes as the World Trade Organisation published its final ruling
on the transatlantic trade dispute on genetically modified foods (the longest in
WTO history). The WTO ruling will be substantially the same as the
'draft ruling', which we reported in February. The draft ruling rejected
most of the US-led complaints: It refused to rule against strict EU regulations
to control the use of GM food and crops; it refused to rule on whether
GM foods are safe or different to conventional foods; and it rejected
US claims that moratoria are illegal and did not question the right of
countries to ban GM foods or crops. Sonja Meister, Trade Campaigner
at Friends of the Earth Europe said, "This ruling shows that the WTO is
the wrong forum to deal with environmental trade disputes and the international
community must find an alternative before another case occurs. The WTO
ignored international environmental laws, met in secret behind closed
doors and barred any public involvement, even though we have a strong
public resistance against GMOs in Europe." The Biosafety Protocol
is one international agreement that was ignored by the WTO in the biotechnology
trade dispute. It allows nations to use a precautionary approach, giving
them the right to ban GMOs if there are concerns about their impacts on
health and the environment. The resistance to GM food in Europe is greater
than ever. The number of European regions and provinces now declaring
themselves GM Free zones, or publicly wishing to restrict GM crops, has
climbed to 174 in the EU alone. Over 4,500 local governments and smaller
areas in Europe are similarly calling for restrictions to commercial growing.
There are GM-free initiatives virtually in every European country.
Thailand, as the world's leading
rice-exporter, has reaped a windfall as orders for
non-GM rice have kept rising
over the past several months. "We've got more orders from Europe
to replace those which would otherwise have gone to the US," said Wanlop
Pitchyapongsa of Capital Rice, a major exporter. He also said that this
shows that Thailand's strength lies in non-GM rice, which should be maintained
as the chief selling point. Thanakorn Jitratangbunya of Chia Meng Group,
another big player, said the risk of experimenting with GM rice was high
and it should not be allowed in Thailand.
As Africa's profile rises - see
ADI by World Bank mentioned in Geopolitics and note the Africa-China summit
coming in early November - following here are links to recent interviews
by Big Picture TV with Mohau Pheko, Coordinator of the African Gender
and Trade Network. Based in South Africa, GENTA delivers economic and
social research to parliamentarians, women's organizations and civil servants.
The short clips cover Trade Distortion
(agricultural subsidies encouraging dumping in world markets which puts
African farmers out of business), Food Security
(the role of women in preserving seed technology and biodiversity), and
Trade and
Development (on why Doha failed), and Trade Injustice
(subsidies supporting big business at the expense of communities and local
farming - as seen in the EU subsidy review in our November 2005
Activities and Media
The gathering on executive philanthropy held on 10 October
brought a valuable connection between business and philanthropy, relevant
both to organisations' CSR and individuals wanting to build philanthropic
enterprise. For inspiration read Handy's The New Philanthropists
which he presented.
Carpet company Interface, Inc. has launched InterfaceRAISE,
a corporate consulting resource that will amplify Interface's efforts
to educate others seeking to implement the necessary steps for becoming
has quite an extensive library on many development subjects from microenterprise
to equality.
the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts” the powerful HBO documentary
about the federally bungled disaster in the Gulf states in August and
September 2005 is now on DVD and an extended 6 hours version .
We heard about the following award whose subject we applaud. The Prize,
for USD 20,000 will be awarded for a written paper on the subject of "Innovative
Ideas for Ethics in Finance". All the details are on the website - please
take a look at it: http://www.robincosgroveprize.org
Please forward this publication to family and friends, print it, and
share it.
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