Private and Confidential
March 2007
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The boiling frog analogy* doesn't help much if you're
the frog.
Everything we see,
hear or feel tells us that we are giving
up our souls for convenience. That we are eating ourselves
out of house and home. But we keep doing it. Even if we know
we ought not. Even if we know how to live differently. But
we eat more than we need and give less than we take. Me too.
the video here which presents a timeline of forecast developments
over the next century. The words and pictures show a trajectory
in which humanity chooses a convenient, virtual reality rather than choosing
to live with nature.
But take heart.
The observations post 2099 are at least insightful: "conscious entities
do not have a physical presence" and "life expectancy is no longer a viable
term in relation to intelligent beings". (Both surprisingly by technophile
Ray Kurzweil.) That is something understandable, after all
we all know we have an identity, a self, a spirit, that bit inside that
is "me". And we all know its not a part of our physical anatomy.
It may be in our mind, but it is not part of our brain. (A scientific
perspective is revealing too: 96% of all cells in our bodies die and are
replaced each year - we don't die with the cells we're were born with.
But we keep our "self" irrespective of what happens to our bodies.)
So while we plainly don't know the route our system change will take,
we already have the intuition of the destination, and its got nothing
to do with money or power. This system change is an ethical revolution.
Humans may be distinguished from other life (though not separated) by
greater emotional capacities. Our
emotions give us morality. The feelings we have drive moral judgement.
It is this capacity that is being stimulated by emerging consciousness
around the world. How we make decisions on moral, not scientific
grounds, will determine the future of the species and planet.
It seems that we may
be realising that the water termperature is rising. Let's hope we're
not frogs.
* Put a frog in hot water - it will jump out. Put a frog in cold
water and heat it up - the frog will boil to death because it doesn't
notice the gradual change.
Investment, Finance & VC
Markets appear buoyant despite continuing data that shows structural
economic weaknesses (including a downward revision in US 4Q06 GDP data)
and former US Fed-chairman Greenspan mentioning the R-word and putting
a 1 in 3 probability of recession occurring. The main themes are
common housing, inflation, interest rates, energy and China. And
these are generally priced in the market. Now we must consider what
the emerging imbalances might be, which are not commonly discussed in
the media, to see where the tide of investment
might next flow. This will require reflection - do not be
hasty to draw a conclusion. However, in general all sectors are
accelerating their transition to more holonic systems and our consistent
policy of selecting companies by multiple parallel holonic screening will
achieve the desired reduction in risk. In terms of sectors, as well
as the obvious energy and transport businesses, initial consideration
suggests that the food sector will offer oportunities, because it is under
supply pressure from climate volatility and has a persistent upward trend
in demand. In particular businesses able to deliver "clean" food
and fresh foods will benefit. Another general theme is smaller,
modular operating units (cellular dynamics), which need not mean small
businesses. With this in mind consider areas like microfinance and
craft cooperatives.
Gary Shilling has laid out his 12 investment
themes for 2007. Eight of them are likely to unfold this
year while four will probably work but maybe not until later. It
makes interesting reading ...
1. The housing bubble will burst. If so,
2. The Fed will ease; meanwhile, the yield curve will remain inverted
3. U.S. stock prices will fall, perhaps below the 2002 lows, in the
midst of a major recession
4. China will suffer a hard landing due to domestic cooling measures
and U.S. recession
5. Weakness in U.S. and China will spread globally, dragging down economies
and stocks universally
6. Treasury bonds will rally
7. The dollar will rally, but not before the recession is global
8. Commodity prices will nosedive
9. Maybe global and chronic deflation will commence in 2007.
10. Maybe U.S. consumers will start a long-run saving spree, replacing
their 25-year borrowing and spending binge
11. Maybe deflationary expectations will become widespread and robust
12. Speculative areas beyond housing may suffer in 2007
In the US the subprime market
continues to implode with reverberations felt in rest of the housing
market and economy. Because of its small size relative to other
sectors it is not expected to initiate a collapse in itself, however,
it is making a strong contribution and it is difficult to predict when
the dominoes will stop falling. It is worrisome to note that a senior
US Federal Reserve official admitted that the Fed should have been more
aware of the financial risks posed by the sub-prime mortgage market.
We know that attention was drawn to the problem over a year ago when we
first highlighted the problem and offered you a small research
portfolo on the subprime problem, including government papers.
The Fed plainly dropped ball on this issue - what other issues are
in store for us?
But perhaps housing won't be the debacle expected (though you should
be very careful to make that bet - we are not!). Worldwide investment
in property is estimated at $ 900 billion in 2006, a surge of 38%
over 2005, and nearly double 2003 volume, according to Jones Lang LaSalle's
latest global real estate capital report, "Moving Further and Faster".
New sources of capital are targeting the sector, increasing competition
for assets in almost all markets. Cross-border transactions now represent
42% of total investment volumes (up from 34% in 2005). In addition to
direct commercial real estate investment, investors privatised REITs and
other listed real estate owning entities valued for $ 48 billion, and
purchased multi-family residential investments totalling $ 170 billion,
bringing global real estate investment to $900 billion. Tony Horrell,
ceo of Jones Lang LaSalle's International Capital Group, said: "There
is currently a large overhang of investment targeting the sector, with
$5 of money chasing every $1 of product. Global real estate markets performed
very strongly throughout 2006; it was the first year that all major developed
and emerging market returns were both aligned and positive."
More interesting property news from China,
which, after much debate, revised property
ownership law which gives individuals similar protection for their
property as the state. Property ownership is a key to economic and
social development - if people do not feel they have a stake in infrastructure
they tend to abuse it rather than protect it. If the judicial system
is just, politics become more multilateral and media is a bit more open,
this kind of legal liberalisation will very positive. In the meantime
the benefits will be inequitably distributed to the emerging middle-class.
And if wealth becomes too inequitable, simmering resentment in the countryside
may explode.
Asian Development Bank's latest Asian
Development Outlook is as always a valuable datamine. While the regional
outlook is promising the report suggests that the growth rates pre-1996
crisis will not quite e reached because of the lingering respect for market
risk - a lesson all too easily forgotten. Nevertheless, one can
expect growth rates in South east Asia to exceed those in more developed
economies of the West.
In the US new pay disclosure laws are coming into effect and March saw
the release of a number of annual reports with CEO
pay more fully disclosed. The number of headlines criticising
executive packages is already high and it's growing. The change
in reporting requirements has resulted in more
than a doubling of reported pay compared between 2005 and 2006,
largely because of the requirement to disclose perks of a value of more
tan $ 10,000 rather than $ 50,000 (a perk of $ 10,000 is half the annual
salary of many US workers!). While it is clear that the high packages
of senior executives add little marginal motivation or compensation and
are simply ego packets and tools to prevent individuals moving company
(which presumably they would not do at that level of seniority if they
had integrity) investors are generally passive and are unlikely to do
more than shrug their shoulders in the short term. More active investment
styles (like ethical investment engagement) may moderate practices in
the coming years, but that will also have to be led by "titans of industry"
- which does not appear likely in light of recent data. If it does
not happen, however, politics may require owners to have a say in executive
pay, that is regulation would force engagement, and that would certainly
even the playing field.
Economist published a special report
on China
and its Region which illustrates the wealth, diversity and speed of
change in China. In a few years it will overtake the US as the world's
largest economy ...
There is a Special Report on Family
Business from BusinessWeek. It is an inspirational collection
worth checking out if you are in a family business or you are an
entrepreneur that might involve family in future.
Ecomonist presents a special report on family
business ownership and control which discusses dual
class share structures. One clear observation is that investors
more often than not do not demand voting rights to accompany economic
rights and often allow those rights to be negelcted. The active
investment style, or engagement, or ethical investment managers is rarely
demanded from investors in general.
For those interested in businesses with family dynamics, as we are, you
may enjoy this brief
case study of Faber-Castell,
the long lived pencil maker.
According to a new report from Barclays,
approximately 8 million UK households (one in four) will be dollar millionaires
by the year 2016, giving the United Kingdom more
millionaires than any other G7 country.
The trend reflects a convergence of various factors. A robust economy
and property market, coupled with attractive taxation policies for foreigners
and a rich cultural life, have made the United Kingdom an enticing destination
for the global elite. The super-rich, in turn, have had a positive net
impact on local property values. The top source of millionaire wealth
was the sale of property, according to the report. Additionally,
the economic shift away from manufacturing to services has pushed down
the price of setting up a business. The sale of a business was cited as
the second leading generator of millionaire wealth, with inheritance coming
in third - a dramatic shift from a century ago.
And continuing in that vein, John
Mauldin shared the following article by A.
Gary Shilling “How
To Make Big Money: 11 Time-Tested Strategies”. Shilling
notes that a lot of people have made a lot of money in recent years.
Luck is often important, no strategy is sure-fire and some are self-destructive.
They identified 11 that have worked:
1. The old-fashioned way—skill, brains, clairvoyance, hard work—and so
much government subsidy that you can't miss. Consider healthcare,
agriculture, real estate and energy.
2. Inheritance from rich relatives.
3. Small equity and big debt—as long as you're right on the investment's
4. Nonfinancial leverage such as from movies, TV and lawyers' associates
billable time.
5. Great ideas, but often not the first implementer. Ever heard
of Seattle Computer Works, Chux or Carterphone?
6. Small slices of very big pies that benefit the likes of investment
banks, private equity managers, mortgage lenders, CEOs, commercial banks
and fast food franchises.
7. Cartels and monopolies, as long as cheaters, new supply, governments
and weak demand don't intervene.
8. Sell the sizzle, not the steak to the naive, be it royal jelly, garlic
and vitamins, penny stocks or how to get rich quick books.
9. Take advantage of addictions and vanities involving sex, nicotine,
caffeine, booze, drugs, cosmetics and lavish clothes as well as small
luxuries like greeting cards and fancy coffee.
10. Supply picks and shovels to potentially very profitable ventures.
Consider stock brokers, asset managers, stock market-oriented TV and radio,
real estate brokers, mortgage lenders and corn farming equipment makers.
11. Get paid with money that isn't the payers', especially if they're
desperate. Winners include business consultants, corporate defense
lawyers and soft commission dollar recipients.
Reflection 1 - capitalism is digital.
While human reality is an analogue show, capitalism (a system of social
exchange that uses money as the medium of communication) works to a binary
beat. Underlying models and theories operate to the tune of discrete
variables which either trigger action, or don't. This gives an inherent
weakness by limiting the flexibility of response. However, it is
a useful mechanism because it can be observed clearly. It also models
natural systems close enough that as human systems integrate with nature
and feat currency is replaced by energy we will have the concepts in place
to adapt easily.
Reflection 2 - the market is quantum!
Public market equity investors anchor expectations to performance of the
market. The professionals tie it all in to CAPM - the capital asset
pricing model. The theory says that the market is efficient and
thus CAPM works. Well of course the market is not efficient in the
way we'd like (as Jim Montier explained in the article CAPM
is Crap referenced last month). While I haven't (and probably
can't) done all the high level maths calculations, my intuition and observation
suggests that a quantum perspective may lead to a clearer understanding
and feel of the market. That underlying perspective is that observing
changes the behaviour of the observed. You may have heard of the
phenomenon of light being both a particle and a wave form, depending
on whether or not it is being observed. Similarly the market (and/or
its components) will behave differently depending on whether or not it
is being observed. At the extreme this is obvious - if the market
is not observed it will not exist (no activity), if it is observed it
will exist. Allowing our analysis of future performance to consider
the effect of the observer will help reduce risk, if not return.
Now I must reflect upon how a quantum model might apply to financial forecasting
Responsible Investing
The Association of Sustainable and Responsible Investment in Asia published
the ASrIA
SRI Fund Portal, which provides a comprehensive listing of
SRI funds available for investors in Asia. The portal provides an easy
to use format, which lists funds on a country by country basis. It also
provides a single page overview of all known funds indicating their SRI
related investment policies. The portal lists a number of SRI related
private equity funds, hedge funds, and Syariah Fund. Altogether, the SRI
portal has identified 186 SRI funds in the region, excluding faith based
funds. Including Syariah Funds the portal lists 264 funds.
A new report by SustainAbility,
an independent think-tank and consultancy, was released. Drawing on the
results of a survey of more than 100 'social entrepreneurs' -- leaders
of organizations whose goals prioritize improving the quality of life
for marginalized populations -- the report, "Growing
Opportunity: Entrepreneurial Solutions to Insoluble Problems,"
finds that these organizations have already penetrated deep into industries
and markets that large corporations have barely scratched the surface
of, such as renewable energy,
affordable and effective health care, and fighting climate change. And
the time is right for these kinds of partnerships: the growing global
concern about environmental crises is leading to a fundamental shift in
how businesses operate. "Growing Opportunity" describes three phases
of business operations with regard to sustainability: an early engagement,
often driven by the need to comply with regulations, which the report
calls Mindset 1.0; followed by a shift in focus to corporate citizenship
- Mindset 2.0; and Mindset 3.0, the coming business trend, ties the growth
and success of a business to sustainable operations.
The main conclusions of the report are:
Social entrepreneurship is on a roll.
The potential for breakthrough solutions is considerable and growing.
The field is growing, but still relatively small.
Money remains the main headache.
Financial self-sufficiency is seen as a real prospect within five
There is a real appetite to partner with business.
Beware of blind spots.
For real system change, we must focus on government and public policy.
According to a new
report by the International Finance Corporation, banks
that integrate environmental, social and governance concerns into
their business strategy and seek out those opportunities make their businesses
more valuable. (This should
not be news to long time readers since they will be familiar with the
turnaround of ANZ which won the Spirit
at Work award in 2004 for rejuvenating the bank by building holonic
systems into its operations.) The IFC, the private sector arm of
the World Bank Group, issued "Banking on Sustainability," providing practical
examples of 14 financial institutions in 12 countries that have taken
concrete steps to integrate sustainability into their policies, practices,
products, and services. In a 2005 IFC survey, 86% of 120 financial institutions
interviewed reported positive changes as a result of steps they had taken
to integrate social and environmental issues in their business.
A new report from the International
Finance Corporation (IFC)
and World Resources Institute (WRI)
entitled "The
Next 4 Billion: Market Size and Business Strategy at the Base
of the Pyramid," which analyses markets at the bottom of the
economic pyramid and is the first to attempt to gauge its size. The report
states that four billion people are living in "relative poverty" with
the projected buying power of $5 trillion.To analyse the size and scope
of BOP markets, WRI worked with the International Finance Corporation
and Inter-American Development Bank to access national household survey
data. The report also includes analysis and case studies of businesses
that have succeeded in the BOP markets. In its geographic analysis, The
Next 4 Billion finds the following global BOP numbers:
The Asian BOP market (including the Middle East) is by far the largest,
with 2.86 billion people and a total income of $3.47 trillion, constituting
83% of the region's total population and 42% of the its aggregate
purchasing power.
Eastern Europe's $458 billion BOP market includes 254 million people,
64% of the region's population, with 36% of aggregate purchasing power.
In Latin America the BOP market of $509 billion includes 360 million
people, representing 70% of the region's population but only 28% of
aggregate purchasing power, a smaller share than in other developing
In Africa, the BOP market is $429 billion, but it represents 71%
of aggregate purchasing power in this region. The African BOP includes
486 million people -- 95% of the region's surveyed population.
In studying the economic situations of the world's population, the authors
found that base of the pyramid markets are often rural, underserved, and
dominated by the informal economy, and as a result are relatively inefficient
and uncompetitive. And these BOP markets, made up of people who on average
earn less than US$3,000 per year, often run into a "Bottom
of the Pyramid Penalty". Poorer people often have access only to
goods that are more expensive than they can afford, or are very low-quality
goods. The report seeks to help businesses think more creatively about
new business models that meet the needs of these markets, and suggests
the mobile phone industry is one that has shown how profitable these markets
can become. Professor C.K. Prahalad, who originated the "base of
the pyramid" concept, said the mobile phone industry succeeded in "cracking
the BOP code." Over 2.5 billion people now have access to the phones because
of industry innovations like pre-paid phone cards, which gives them access
to the service regardless of income.
A biannual survey by the Social
Investment Organization reported that Canadian
SRI assets have grown to more than CAN$ 500 billion. This is nearly
an 8 fold increase from SIO's
last survey which estimated 2004 SRI assets at CAN$65.5 billion. This
increase can be pinned on growing institutional interest in SRI practices
and the inclusion of Broad SRI strategies in 2006's asset total.
SIO's study, “Canadian
Socially Responsible Investment Review,” is based on a survey of money
managers and community investment providers, with data gathered between
September 2006 and January 2007. The study has been produced every two
years since 2000. The study's final asset estimates also include publicly
available data on mutual and pension funds, and trusts.
“We do think that engaging companies
is an excellent way to promote good governance and sound environmental
and social practices” said Laetitia Tankwe, Extra Financial Risks Manager.
“In addition to this ‘bottom up' strategy, we are very involved in ‘top
down' strategies such as the Enhanced Analytics Initiative (EAI)
and the Principles for
Responsible Investment. We think that those kinds of initiatives send
a clear signal that things are changing and that ESG is no longer a matter
of SRI and ethics, but a new mainstream way of doing business for everybody's
long term interest.”
It may
be that microfinance is coming
of age. Recent interest in the sector has galvanised NGO backed
incumbents to liquidate their portfolios to new-entrants and main stream
investors are beginning to ask about access. This is borne on the
back of a continuing good track-record including exemplary repayment rates.
Increased interest will lead to improved efficiencies, which I believe
is the single biggest impediment to increasing flows to the sector.
The demand is certainly proven by the success of online vehicles like which offers a means to give
entrepreneurs money for a certain period, after which it is repaid net
of transaction costs, ie lending with no interest. With denser microfinance
infrastructure, including more people experienced in doing it, the attractiveness
of the sector will grow.
Business Week offers a Special
Report on Green
Business here. It covers a range of areas from investing
to starting up to restructuring a business to addressing changing market
dynamics. It's worth a browse.
The Investor
Environmental Health Network,a collaboration of 20 investment managers,
working with companies to create safer chemical policies, released a report,
entitled "Beneath
the Skin: Hidden Liabilities, Market Risk and Drivers of Change in the
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
Industry" which focuses on the cosmetic industry’s lack of
regulation in the US. According to the report, the industry operates with
little oversight by the Food and Drug Administration and has been able
to sell toxic concoctions without consumer or regulator knowledge.
Standard & Poor's has launched
a new index series to cover the clean
energy, water and infrastructure sectors. The S&P Global
Clean Energy Index is made up of the 30 largest stocks selected from 10
countries, with clean energy as either a significant part, or the primary
focus, of their business. Roughly one third of the index is made up of
energy generators, with technology and equipment providers accounting
for the remaining two thirds. The biggest constituent, making up 6.35%
of the index, is US firm MEMC Electronic Materials, which manufactures
silicon wafers for the semi-conductor industry. Dutch wind turbine manufacturer
Vestas Wind System is the second biggest component, at 6.28% of the index.
According to S&P, the index would have returned 27.35% over the last
year, compared to 17.44% for the S&P Global 1200 Index and 3.44% for
the S&P Global 1200 Energy Index. A nice launch statistic!
Using similar criteria for inclusion, the S&P Global Water Index is
made up of the 25 largest water utilities and infrastructure stocks, and
25 water equipment and materials companies. Its biggest component is French
environmental services company Veolia. Investors tracking the water index
over the last year would have made 27.34%, compared to 17.44% for the
S&P Global 1200 Index or 30.50% for the S&P Global 1200 Utilities
Index. The S&P Global Infrastructure Index includes 75 companies,
from 22 countries, in three "clusters" around transportation, utilities
and energy.
Venture Capital
Private equity has been a hot business story for the past few months
with its profile raised by regulatory issues, government concerns, ever
growing buyouts, and even IPOs of PE firms themselves. But private
equity deals were down in Q1.
Less than three weeks after Stephen Schwarzman, chief executive of the
private equity Blackstone Group, said
public markets are ''overrated'' and ''really not worth it'' to his peers,
Blackstone is filing an IPO. Blackstone
Group filed for a $4 billion IPO, with Morgan Stanley and Citigroup
are serving as co-lead underwriters. This is a harbinger of a collapse
of the excesses of the financial sector. It signals that the private
equity market is peaking as these massive bags of private money go public.
Blackstone was prompted to act by Fortress, then other private equity
firms likely will be compelled to act by Blackstone.
The privatisation of energy giant TXU,
led by KKR and Texas Pacific Group, is worrying for the strategy that
seems to underpin the move, namely to avoid
public scrutiny in dirty energy businesses. While privatisation
to avoid governance and compliance costs of public companies may be acceptable
because the new owners choose to take that risk themselves, erecting barriers
to scrutiny because of unethical environmental practices should attract
the concern of industrial regulators. BusinessWeek reported that
the bidders for TXU engaged
with eco-groups prior to completing the bid - it was seen as a necessity
to doing the business. If investors or electricity consumers loose out
because of the $ 45 billion buy-out, discontentment will spread and criticisms
of big private equity deals may lead to regulation, even if only because
politicians can attract voters.
At the other end of the private equity spectrum - the sharp end, venture
capital - BusinessWeek offers a case study on bottom
of the pyramid venture capital in March's Inside
Innovation magazine. Its an interesting read, especially for
social entrepreneurs, social VCs, and philanthropists.
Another area that offers good opportunities is businesses
run by females, or at least an executive team made up of both genders.
A profile of selected
female entrepreneurs in the US is offered here for inspiration.
And the US National Venture Capital Association
released its latest “Venture
Impact” study (conducted by Global Insight), which claims that VC-backed
company contribute 16.6% of U.S. GDP and 9% of the workforce. The
study also revealed that venture-backed companies comprise significant
percentages of the jobs and revenues in the technology and retail sectors.
It’s worth pointing to a
critique by Paul Kedrosky, who suggests that much of this success
is borne of VC artefacts like FedEx and Staples, which would probably
have a very difficult time getting funded in today’s VC environment.
Also, Thomson Financial and the NVCA released an exit
poll on Q1 US IPO activity.
Seventeen venture-backed companies raised $2.09 billion through IPOs on
US exchanges, a 70% increase from the first quarter of 2006 when ten venture-backed
companies went public. Venturebacked merger and acquisition activity declined
significantly with only 62 transactions completed this quarter compared
to 104 in the first quarter of 2006. However, the average disclosed deal
size for the first quarter of 2007 was $161.2 million, one of the highest
quarters in the last five years.
A survey by Deloittes titled, “Look
Before You Leap: Investigative Due Diligence
in International Business Relationships” examines how US financial
and corporate buyers are using background/integrity checks to better manage
risks before they enter into international business relationships. Key
findings include:
33% of executives said their firms do not always conduct background/integrity
checks before completing international M&A activity or equity
51% of executives reported they do not always conduct these investigations
before entering into any international business relationship.
57% of executives said they have restructured or renegotiated potential
deals as a result of information uncovered during background checks,
70% reported having pulled out of a deal as a result of the information
uncovered in an investigation
Is PandoraTV to be the YouTube in
Asia? The operator of a South Korean video
sharing website has raised $10 million in Series B funding. DCM-Doll
Capital Management led the deal, and was joined by return backers Altos
Ventures, STIC International and Saehan Ventures.
Streetcar, a UK-based pay-as-you-go
car club, raised £6.4 million from Smedvig Capital.
Inc., a Connecticut, US-based maker of all-natural
tortilla chips, has raised an undisclosed amount of private equity
funding from Sherbrooke Capital Partners.
Gaia Power Technologies Inc., a New
York-based provider of turnkey distributed electrical
storage and power systems, secured $2.9 million of a $4 million
Series B round. Participants include GHO Ventures, Empire State Venture
Group, NJTC Venture Fund and the New York State Energy Research and Development
Gevo Inc., a California-based biofuel
startup, raised over $2.5 million in Series A funding from Khosla
Ventures, according to a regulatory filing.
Earthanol Inc., a company focused on converting
waste into ethanol, has raised $3.44 million in Series A funding.
Backers include @Ventures, Nth Power, Sail Venture Partners and Odyssey
Investment Partners.
Interest Rates and Currencies
The US Federal Reserve has left its main interest
rate unchanged at 5.25% for the 6th time in a row. There
are concerns about slowing GDP growth and a weaker mortgage market
and the Fed changed the language of its statement, dropping the "tightening"
bias, signalling that its inflation fears had subsided slightly.
The US economy grew at 2.2% in
4Q06, down from a previous estimate of 3.5% and below
analysts' forecasts. The contraction came as firms cut their inventories
and consumers spent less. Separate data showed new home sales fell nearly
17% in January from December, the biggest drop since 1994. Sales of big-ticket
items fell sharply in January, indicating a slowdown in the manufacturing
sector and raising fears over a wider economic strength.
On the other hand, exports from
the US have reached a record
high, helping to narrow the country's
trade deficit. During January the gap between imported and exported
goods fell to $ 59 billion, down from December's $ 61.5 billion. However,
the trade gap with China rose by 12% to $ 21.3 billion and is destined
to trigger new accusations of unfair trade practices and a weak Chinese
currency, not that China is causing the US's economic woes!
US unemployment rate fell slightly to 4.5%, although job creation was
at its weakest in two years, which underpins the contention that
labour markets are tight and wage inflation may be expected.
Concerns over tightening labour markets
globally continue. The pressure is felt in north America (see above),
Europe and Asia. This will put pressure on wage inflation which
will act as a damper on GDP. If the pressure grows, social discontent
will also have political ramifications.
The European Central Bank raised
its key interest rate to 3.75%,
in a bid to keep inflation under control. The 0.25% rise was widely
expected by analysts and takes the eurozone rate to its highest level
in five-and-a-half years. The ECB repeatedly warns of the risk of growing
inflation across the eurozone.
The Bank of England kept UK
interest rates on hold at 5.25%.
However, with UK inflation currently standing at 2.7% - well above the
Bank's target of 2% - many analysts believe there will be another rate
rise in the next few months.
With real interest rates in China close
to zero, it is proving very difficult for the People's Bank of
China to bring excess liquidity and credit growth under control.
Global liquidity is driving growth in the demand for commodities, including
gold. The support for gold
is comprehensively discussed by gold expert Greg
Weldon here.
linked piece by Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise
Institute explains how duplicitous
US foreign policy can be in the area of Chinese
currency (as well as nuclear proliferation, democracy etc):
In a letter
to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson earlier this month, four leading
Democratic congressman urged action to pressure the Japanese to strengthen
the value of the Japanese yen by selling off its reserves of dollars and
euros. They noted that a weaker yen had artificially cheapened Japanese
exports and they attributed the yen's weakness to Japanese government
policy. ...
The congressmen want the Japanese to sell
their currency reserves to drive up the value of the yen at the very time
that they are urging China not to intervene in its foreign exchange market.
The U.S. approach to Japan affects the credibility
of their approach to the vexing Chinese currency issue. U.S. policy has
been to urge the Chinese toward a more market-determined yuan. An expression
of dissatisfaction with market-determined rates in Japan would signal
that U.S. currency demands are unreasonable and impossible ever to satisfy.
That would be unlikely to further the legitimate U.S. and global interest
in allowing necessary movements in the Chinese currency.
Also notable is that three of the four who signed the Japan
letter also supported
the China Section 301 petition.
The yen
has started to rise, an expected trend if the government is not
subsidising the currency. As during the Asian financial crisis
of 1997-98, the biggest dangers in financial markets occur when investors
come to believe that exchange rates are more or less fixed, and then
find that they are not. The yen carry trade is such a bet: investors
borrowing at low yen interest rates and investing in higher-yielding
currency assets elsewhere, on the view that the yen is being supported
by government. But as explained previously - there is no free
lunch and payment will come due, and those in the game when the music
stops will lose.
With imbalances in mind it is also clarifying
to consider the position of the US$ in the global system. Consider
this analogy: If the world is playing Monopoly with US$, then the US
may be the bank but China, Japan and Russia have a lot of the cash.
The only way for the bank (ie US treasury) to rebalance its position
is to devalue its currency by a recession or a revaluation of the currency
(print money). Who is going to run for the door first, US or other
central banks?
Trade and FDI
While Doha festers, the new government mix in the US has raised the most
interesting challenge to trade - a bi-partisan initiative to raise protective
measures in trade with China. There is a crude rationalisation
that the trade deficit is China's fault. It is very likely that
protective measures will be put in place and this will be to the great
detriment of America and American consumers. Unfortunately historical
success with hard power is seen to have been successful, even though it
is only successful to the point of feedback on the initial impulse - and
in today's world of IT, that feedback is almost immediate. Protecting
US industry will not damage Chinese industry - China is a massive and
growing market in the middle of a larger fast growing market and has the
capacity to grow at all levels of industrial initiative. American
prosperity is helped by China, cutting off China will not be comfortable
for America. It will accelerate the rebalancing of the US economy
and the rise of China and other emerging economies. (Readers of
the Holonics
section over the past year will also recognise the extraordinary coincidence
of this pattern to the cosmic rhythm predictions noted by Calleman and
China marked Consumers'
Day in mid-March, with most media touting a variety of cases where
companies had used their well known brand names to sell low quality or
even unsafe products. TV studios, newspapers and websites were placarded
with posters accusing and discrediting such companies that had been abusing
their position to violate users' rights. While we thought the big
problem was copies of products on the streets of Asia, apparently far
more damaging is the substitution of copies for the real thing in the
real shops! Buyers spend the full price to buy a good knock-off,
but still a knock-off.
Cotton is the “world’s dirtiest crop” says a new report, because it
is sprayed with $2 billion of chemicals. Deadly
Chemicals in Cotton, produced jointly by the Environmental Justice
Foundation and the Pesticides Action Network UK, shows that of
the 300 million kilograms of pesticides used in the developing world
every year half is used on cotton. There is also a huge toll on human
health resulting from chemical-based cotton production, particularly
on developing world farmers and their families. It shows that between
1 and 3% of agricultural workers suffer from acute pesticide poisoning,
with at least one million people requiring hospitalization a year. Among
many recommendations the PAN UK/EJF report calls for a phase out of
the most toxic pesticides in cotton production, and increased support
for more sustainable alternatives, including Integrated Pest Management
or organic cotton. The message of the report is particularly toxic
in light of the outrageous subsidies paid by the US and others to their
cotton farmers and the legislated use of chemicals insinuated by agri-chem
giants like Monsanto ingratiating political officials. Or
to put it crudely ...

Activities and
The solar equinox
passed in May bringing summertime to Northern hemisphere countries.
The days have lengthened quickly and now the sky is light before 6am and
after 9pm. Spring is happening as buds blossom and wildlife emerges
from hibernation. Even the rejuvenation of bees in our roof is a
welcome sight! And the weather is warm and dry - we'll enjoy our
transition to Mediterranean climate in Ireland.
March also had a lunar eclipse which is a special sight. If you
missed it there are a couple
of photos here.
We launched a novel project on the old garden cottage - a roof extension.
It has provided an education to me and the children who can see the "bones"
of a house and even help with a bit of hammering, sawing of mortar mixing.
If you get a chance to try a project like this, even on a smaller scale,
it is worth the experience.
A selection of videos in avi format are accesible from
home page. You should be able to view them if you have an entertainment/av
PC. (If you use windows you may need to download the appropriate codec.)
All the videos are worth checking out.
As for written media, Gaia
by James Lovelock is turning out to be a useful and interesting read,
though I am not yet convinced of the automony of Gaia. Having said that,
if the science of cosmic rhythms holds water then it probably exhibits
as much autonomy as we do. But I've yet to finish that book.
Bloodless Revolution is a hefty tome at over 400 pages, but
is easy to read and very interesting. Though only just in to it, the discussion
of radical changes in diet and philosophy bubbling from about 1600 is
revealing. And the philosophical pioneers who changed their lifestyles
are not unknown mystics but leading figures of teh day - people like Francis
Pratchett's Wee
Free Men trilogy is also be recommended, though I would say
readers ought to be at least 9 or 10. While younger readers will not recognise
the philosophcal undertone as such, they will derive a positive influence
from exposure to the story.
Perhaps the LOHAS
gathering is the next best thing after BeTheChange which would normally
take place in May. The LOHAS
industry (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) has generated significant
momentum in its first ten years, changing the way many businesses work
- and positively impacting the consumer choices of millions of people.
The LOHAS Forum, the top annual, business-to-business gathering of thought
leaders promoting sustainable lifestyle choices, has grown each year,
as more businesses continue to embrace sustainability. Organizers predict
LOHAS 11 will break former attendance records, attracting more than 800
leaders and decision makers from global businesses, governmental agencies
and other organizations. Beyond business leaders, a number of environmentally
focused celebrities including Lou Reed, Ed Begley, Jr., and Mariel Hemingway
also are expected to attend. Since the 1990s, the results of LOHAS-oriented
businesses and organizations have skyrocketed across myriad business categories.
Organic food consumption is one of the fastest growing food sectors, solar
energy has seen double digit growth in the last 10 years, and wind energy
is five times as popular today as it was a decade ago. The movement also
has spawned many new industries. More than $ 2 trillion have been invested
in socially responsible causes and businesses.
Chinese investors may be interested to know that a Chinese
language web site of Frontline Thoughts was launched.
Researchers might find the site DocuTicker
useful. It offers a hand-picked selection of resources,
reports and publications from government agencies, NGOs, think tanks and
other public interest organizations.
Have a browse of The Economist's Greenview.
It is interesting because its focus is relevant to our work and because
many articles are available only online. Worth checking out.
Three high-profile female entrepreneurs, all who had successful careers
in Corporate America before going out on their own, talk about the challenges
of work/life balance at a high-growth startup, and what they learned at
big companies that helps them achieve it. Video
Thoughtware TV is a video sharing
site that is populated with videos with a futuristic/scientific theme.
You will find interesting fare there.
Monday 9am TV short films ...
that do something, is cute.
The cartoons in the Economist are usually brilliant and I just found
out where they are online! Here
and here.
And if you want to find someone via their mobile phone (hopefully not
a lost child) check out
Please forward this publication to family and friends, print it, and
share it.
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