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Private and Confidential
June 2007
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would our world be like if humanity managed itself in an enlightened way?
It bears consideration because even enlightened change makers don't seem
able to present a vision that is realistic and attractive. At one
extreme we don't want to live in caves, at the other virtual luxuries
that we are greedy for are killing the planet and ourselves.
The challenge is brought home by the seemingly unresolvable dilemma whose
debate has risen to a crescendo in the past weeks: food versus biofuel.
The world is waking up to the fact that fossil fuel consumption is wasteful
and polluting even if it is a cheap accessible fuel for luxury.
But has quickly realised that consumption of grain crops for the production
of biofuel is raising the demand for food and thus prices so that scarcity
seems to be arising.
Our big picture perspective considers that at the root is humanity's
way of thinking. The global systems can be fairly described as being
hierarchical, in a feudal sense, and, as discussed last month, the winners
are those who subscribe to the golden rule (who has the gold, makes the
rules) rather than The Golden Rule. It is clear that a hierarchical
system is an appropriate step of enlightenment to a holonic intelligence.
At the basic level of intelligence the drivers are simple survival values
- food and shelter. Soon cooperation and organisation becomes essential
to enriching intelligent life - chiefs and rules emerge. If a system
continues to grow without developing additional intelligences, however,
the organism (in this case the species) outgrows its habitat. This
is where humanity is now. Although there are certainly pockets of
enlightenment, as there have been throughout history, the massive growth
of humanity's footprint in the last couple of centuries has been much
faster than the general understanding of ourselves. While technology
development has been rapid, development of culture and ethics has stagnated,
even regressed. In general, we continue to subscribe to the might
is right, the rich make the rules model of organisation. What would
the world be like if individuals were not trying to be the alpha male?
What is more worrying perhaps is that an alternative way of doing things
has not been envisaged by any of us. This leaves us therefore with
only the two futures outlined: living in caves or a virtual world maintained
by human technology. Neither can sustain the same population that
we have today. That is not surprising because we know that the human
population extracts more than the biosphere can supply by a factor of
3 or more. (This is an equation that is not greatly mutable by human
technology since the common denominator is energy from the sun, which
is finite. Today our utilisation of that energy is grossly inefficient
as evidenced by the massive debt we are incurring by consuming millions
of years worth of energy in our consumption of fossil fuels.
The future is here. The vision of the future can find a middle
way. Your vision of our
world is as important as any. Our thoughts make the world. Consider
the rules of nature in imagining how we might live happily without degenerating
in to a world of primitive or virtual infrastructure by necessity.
Obviously, in the first instance we must consume less. This does
not mean be less happy. It means thinking about what you eat and
drink. The air that you breath. The number of houses you can
live in. The amount of time you spend "working". The rule
of enough is a great guide - enough is enough! The Golden Rule must
also be lived by us, especially those of us at the top of the pile.
This has scientific rationale as well as philosophical certainty.
If we empathise with those around us it is difficult to compromise on
ethics and happiness becomes the norm.
Investment, Finance & VC
The US economy grew faster than
expected in the first 3 months of 2007, but showed a slowdown from the
final quarter of 2006. GDP slowed to an annual pace of 0.7%, down
from 2.5% in the previous quarter. Analysts had been expecting annualised
growth of 0.8%. Consumer spending remains the main driver of economic
growth, rising 4.2%. The housing market continues to weigh on growth,
with investment in new home building down by 15.8%.
term relative valuations, as common
sense suggests, are a broad predictor of expected return. See
the article shared by John Mauldin here. Currently prices are
high, so do not buy assets indiscriminately.
Estimates of the impact of the sub-prime
lending meltdown are now up to $ 250 billion (a quarter of a trillion
dollars). That is a big number. To get a frame of reference
it is between 1 - 2 % of US GDP and half of annual GDP growth. The
exposure may be asset rather than income based, but because of the high
credit profile of US consumption, the impact could be devastating.
The slowdown will be painful unless the extravagant consumption culture
changes quickly, which is unlikely, as the report below on young Americans
spending culture shows.
While we highlighted the problem of subprime loans in February 2006 and
markets didn't start to suffer till a year later, it is only very recently
that rating agencies have started
to do the numbers on exposure. The inevitable revision of ratings
is taking place and this will have a knock on further up the quality spectrum,
as has happened in Bear Stearns' hedge funds. Bear Stearns is planning
to give $ 3.2 billion (may be reduced) in loans to bail out one of its
hedge funds that has lost money in the sub-prime mortgage sector.
It is offering the lifeline after the High-Grade Structured Credit Strategies
Fund got itself into difficulty after the downturn in the housing market.
What was also revealed in June, and may be more worrying, is that a similar
complacency to that found in sub-prime lending, may also have taken place
in the corporate sector.
Corporate leverage is high, similar to consumer and mortgage finance,
and Xerion Capital Partners has pointed out that not only does the leverage
mirror sub-prime high loan-to-value ratios, but the terms have been compromised
by "covenant-lite" deals and payment-in-kind notes. It is time to
reanalyse the leverage of companies you may be invested in or lending
James Montier has published a useful review of the benefits of diversification,
and the cost
of overdiversification: the cost of monitoring and managing the portfolio
of very many stocks increases expenses and reduces efficiency without
enhancing risk reduction. Consider whether your portfolio manager has
too many eggs in the basket.
For a big picture discussion of where investment
markets are going see Prieur du Plessis's Investment Postcards
from South Africa and his forum Knights
of the round table: mapping out the markets.
Optimistic teens may need
a reality check about the world of personal finance awaiting them,
according to the findings of Teens
& Money, an annual survey released today by Charles Schwab &
Co., Inc. Most teens believe they will achieve considerable success in
the adult financial world, yet may not realize what it will take to achieve
it based on self-reported knowledge and behaviour. Highly motivated by
money, 8 out of 10 teens ages 13-18 agree that "it's important to me to
have a lot of money in my life," and 73% believe they'll be earning "plenty
of money" when they're out on their own. In fact, American teens confidently
predict a future in which, based on the career that interests them most,
they will be earning an average annual salary of $145,500 (boys expect
$173,000 vs. girls, $114,200). The reality: Only 5% of the U.S. population
currently earns a six-figure income, and the average national wage stands
at approximately $40,000. When probed on the specifics of their financial
knowledge, they reveal gaps that do not correspond with their confidence.
For example, only 41% consider themselves knowledgeable about how to budget
money and only 34% how to pay bills. They are still a big market:
they spend an average of $19 in a typical week, with 59% making purchases
online. They are more likely to have a cell phone (74%) than a savings
account (60%). They are also in debt: although 88% "don't
like the way it feels to owe someone money," 29% have incurred debt (close
to $300, on average). With revolving credit in the U.S. (mainly credit
card debt) steadily climbing to an average of $4,100 in credit card debt
for every American over the age of 18, it is unlikely that the spending
culture is going to change soon.
Responsible Investing
The theme in June seemed to be lots of talk of sustainability, but little
The trend to sustainable banking
is demonstrated by the number of entries for the 2007
FT Sustainable Banking Awards, created by the Financial Times and
the International Finance
Corporation. The first awards in 2006 attracted 90 entries from
48 banks in 28 countries – creditable from a standing start. But this
year, more than 100 banks in 51 countries have submitted 151 entries in
the five categories, including many from Asia, Africa and Latin America
keen to hone their sustainability credentials. Submissions show many banks
now appreciate that sustainable banking is not just about avoiding the
pitfalls awaiting the unwary lender. Increasingly, financial institutions
see sustainability – including that of their own organisations – as a
source of competitive advantage and a generator of profit and growth.
However, even mainstream magazine BusinessWeek notes the gap between
what big players say about their sustainability and what they actually
do: more green-wash than action. The commentary Black
Marks For "Green" Banks highlights the difficulty mega corporations
like Citigroup and HSBC have in moderating their own footprints, let alone
aligning operations with ESG considerations. For example, drilling by
mining company Lapindo Brantas Inc in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, triggered
an unquenchable mud-flow in May 2006. Since then, 600 hectares of land
- including 11 villages - have been submerged under a 150,000 m3 daily
flow of hot mud. All efforts to stop the flow have failed, and the Indonesian
government has ordered Lapindo to pay $435 million in compensation. As
yet, the bill remains unpaid. Now, Friends of the Earth has turned attention
towards the financial backers of the gas project, which include Credit
Suisse, Barclays, Fortis Group, Merrill Lynch & Co and Natixis.
It is unlikely that they will help, but it would be a step in the right
direction if they owned up to their complicity in their "sustainability"
reports and even changed their investment process (who signed off on the
report from the United Nations Insurance Working Group, made up of
16 insurance companies from around the world, offers new insights into
how climate change, and sustainability in general, can affect the insurance
industry. The implications go far beyond the insurers themselves.
As risks grow, so does the cost of insurance, and companies unable to
demonstrate that they are taking steps to mitigate risk will find themselves
at a financial disadvantage. In some cases, they may be unable to get
insurance at all. It's part of the new order: companies that fail to confront
their environmental footprint may find themselves a step behind their
more proactive competitors. Embracing environmental, social
and governance principles across their operations is an essential element
of building long-term company value. As our common environmental
and wider sustainability challenges become clearer, whether it be climate
change, resource depletion, environmental degradation or one of the myriad
of other issues humankind faces, the insurance industry performs an increasingly
vital role that helps us better understand the future, and face it with
courage," writes Paul Clements-Hunt, the head of the U.N.'s Environment
Programme Finance Initiative, of which the IWG is a part. "A robust insurance
industry provides the thorough risk analysis and early warning system
that allow informed choices to be made, businesses to prosper, and sustainable
livelihoods to be built and flourish."
Among the many areas that would benefit from more activity by the insurance
industry, three areas in particular are most in need: providing micro-insurance
linked to microfinance; researching emerging risks and sharing the findings
with all stakeholders; and developing insurance products and services
for natural resources. They also identified two kinds of obstacles
that the insurance industry faces in widening the push toward sustainability:
structural barriers across the whole financial sector and barriers to
insurability. Misperception is one of the primary structural
barriers, mainly the preconception that environmental, social and governance
issues are irrelevant to operations, as well as the belief by some parties
that the profit motive and sustainability are incompatible. Additionally,
inflexible regulations in developing countries, the general weakness of
private financial sectors in those countries, and the vulnerability of
those people most affected by the issues at hand are seen by the authors
as other primary structural barriers. The barriers to insurability come
from both the supply and demand side, according to the authors, and include
the potential for catastrophic losses, poor data, lax risk regulations,
high administrative expenses and lack of consumer awareness.
The report offers five different strategies that will allow insurers to
become more fundamentally engaged with sustainable insurance practices.
The strategies are:
Knowledge of the risks faced. Research and analysis of the risks
involved and how to manage them effectively is critical and may require
special projects and the acquisition of new skills.
Public-Private Partnerships are promoted as an appropriate model
for insuring ESG risks, particularly in developing countries and for
catastrophic loss potentials.
Information Technology can be employed innovatively to measure risk
very accurately, as well as allowing markets to be segmented and individual
risks properly weighted.
Partnering with local organizations to help consumers understand
the importance of planning for insurance.
Educating consumers through a collaboration with public sector and
NGO partners.
More information is posted on the UNEP's
Finance Initiative website.
Also, Eurosif's Insurance
Sector Report, written with research provided by Bank Sarasin, states,
"As the direct environmental and social impact of the insurance sector
is comparatively small, a comprehensive sustainability management approach
(including indirect impacts) is still lacking in most companies. However,
awareness of current environmental and social risks such as climate change
has grown." The report divides insurance sector into life insurance and
non-life insurance. There are more than 5,000 insurance companies working
in Europe, with €6.4 trillion under management. The ageing population
found in most industrial countries is shaping the insurance sector, as
there is more demand for life and health insurances. European insurance
sector is facing stricter regulations and companies are establishing improved
risk assessment and management procedures. Insurance losses from natural
catastrophes and political activities have also been on the rise. The
report considers one of the insurance sector's key challenges to be marketplace
conduct, including lack of transparency and the large networks of independent
agents that most insurance companies work with.
A new report from Mercer
Investment Consulting prepared for the Social
Investment Forum shows that one out of five workers already have a
socially responsible option as part of their defined
contribution plans. The report also says that the number of retirement
plans offering screened funds is on the rise. In addition, Mercer released
a new resource guide for defined contribution plan sponsors of companies
that are interested in adding an SRI option to their retirement plans.
The report,
entitled "Defined
Contribution Plans and Socially Responsible Investing in the United States,"
states that 19% of defined contribution plans surveyed now include a SRI
option. Moreover, 41% of all plan sponsors surveyed that aren't presently
offering SRI options are planning to within the next three years. Mercer's
research was based on a questionnaire answered by plan sponsors, administrators,
and consultants.
health and nutrition is just one of the key challenges pinpointed by the
European Social Investment Forum's
new report on the European food production
sector. With 1 billion adults worldwide overweight, the report
points to the risks and opportunities food producers face in providing
healthier foods. Reports on the food production and insurance sectors
released by Eurosif join their earlier reports on the hotel and tourism,
chemical and automobile sectors. The Food
Producers Sector Report focuses on the "downstream" activities of
the food sector, which includes industrial food processing and packaged
foods. However, the report does not consider alcoholic beverages. The
report notes that four companies control more than 50% of the global market
capitalization of the top 30 global food companies. The top four global
food companies are Groupe Danone, Kraft, Nestle, and Unilever with all
but Kraft being European Union companies. Other key challenges faced
by the food production sector include the safety of food products, land
use, water shortage, labour standards, and human rights.
Concerns about sustainability are permeating the entire business world
as consumers begin to seek out environmentally friendly products and urge
companies to do more to lessen their impact on the planet.
A study
from the Grocery Trade Association takes an in-depth look at sustainable
supply chain practices, and how they can benefit the bottom line
of companies whose trading partners are requiring a level of sustainability
in their purchases. The report uses Heineken, CHEP and Monsanto as case
studies across a range of industries. The timing is right to incorporate
best practices in supply chain management, the GMA/FPA argues, because
not only do many of these practices increase profitability of companies,
they also help the industry work with government agencies to shape regulations
and build brand loyalty among consumers. The report looks at Heineken's
guidelines for sourcing raw materials and reducing energy use in its production
process, shipping company CHEP's program to pool shipping pallets among
companies as a way to reduce waste in transportation, as well as how Monsanto
encourages farmers to adopt conservation tillage methods that conserve
topsoil and improve water quality.
Microfinance is being recognised
as a successful bottom up intervention that has demonstrated that the
poor can be served viably. Microfinance used to be known as
a basic banking model for villages in the developing world, a universe
away from the fast moving capital markets, private equity funds and giant
banking and insurance groups that make up the dynamic modern financial
sector. But the two worlds are now starting to converge. New
horizons: creating value, enabling livelihoods by Forum
for the Future takes a look at the growing interest in microfinance
from both sides of the equation and confirms that the field is growing
at an unprecedented rate. It also gives examples of innovations in products,
processes and market mechanisms that are giving poor communities increased
access to financial services.
However, while the investment climate, as well as the meteorological
climate, is changing, most institutional investors
are not changing their investment strategies, according to a survey
of UK asset managers published this week. A lack of interest from
clients, no clear regulatory framework and the long-term nature of climate
change effects were the main reasons cited by the asset managers for their
dismissal of the issue. Unless there is a specific and immediate event,
climate change is not a central concern to asset managers, said the London-based
HeadLand Consultancy in its report.
One fund manager quoted in the report said: "We are not factoring climate
change into mainstream investment risk because it is too long-term." Respondents
defined long-term as three years. The researchers sampled the opinion
of 19 asset management houses, representing £3 trillion ($6 trillion)
of funds under management, in April 2007. According to the survey, there
was little evidence of investment firms incorporating climate change in
top-down investment strategies. Only specialist 'green' funds and investment
houses that have a strong socially responsible investment policy are factoring
in climate change issues. Most managers had recognised the risk that climate
change poses to sectors such as insurance, power generation and transport
– where the impacts are relatively clear and direct. However, there has
been little in-house analysis of the potential 'winners' or 'losers' associated
with this issue.
Research developed a Green
Leadership Framework, at right. The framework is comprised of two
axes of engagement: internal and external.
The lower left quadrant is relegated to issues of compliance. Green efforts
driven by regulatory and legal compliance include responses to initiatives
such as the following:
Facility compliance: ISO 14000 is part of a series of international
standards on environmental management.
Product compliance: Includes legislation such as Restriction of certain
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Health and safety management: Includes OHSAS 18001, an international
occupational health and safety management system specification. For
many companies, compliance is a collection of tactical initiatives.
Leaders, however, focus on more strategic engagement, both internally
and externally. Internal engagement efforts tend to not only comply but
embrace required compliance initiatives and view them only as a starting
point to drive greater change throughout the organization. Internal initiatives
target efficiency improvements with goals set at local sites and measurement
systems providing a global rollup of corporate performance.
Many of the companies reviewed describe a journey of transformation,
for some only recently begun while for others started decades ago when
their businesses faced critical environmental challenges. For each of
these companies, the journey can be characterized by four major stages:
Compliance: Being legally accountable isn't really an option, but
as a director at a large chemical company explained, "compliance by
itself is extremely expensive. You need to integrate compliance to
be a minor piece in a broader framework of sustainability."
Personal commitment: In many of the leadership companies we visited,
while past and present CEOs may have provided the initial enthusiasm,
they also recognized the need for institutionalizing a philosophy
of sustainability.
Public trust: Earning public trust is a matter of mitigating risk
as well as increasing brand attractiveness. While public relations,
marketing, and lobbying efforts are sometimes viewed as "greenwashing,"
executives in leading companies dismiss that label. Their response
is typically, "Don't trust us, track us."
Sustainable growth: Besides being good community citizens, green
business leaders are identifying opportunities to develop new green
products as well as technologies that increase energy efficiency,
reduce waste, and conserve critical resources.
The Sustainable
Business top 20 is a must read for any ESG aware investor. This
one issue is worth the annual subscription to Progressive Investor that
is required. You can simply read
the list if you like, but the report offers necessary detail and insight.
When the recent "Calvert
Climate Change/Alternative Energy Survey" interviewed US investors,
more than three-quarters of respondents expressed concern about global
warming and its ramifications. Yet few investors have taken their concerns
about climate change to their financial professionals, with only 20% of
investors responding that they have considered investing
in alternative energy. Notwithstanding the fact that few investors
have moved their investments to alternative energy, most investors (85%)
surveyed by Calvert think that investing in alternative energy is an opportunity
to make a profit while helping mitigate climate change. Calvert,
hoping to help investors put their money where their environmental concerns
are, has recently launched the Global Alternative Energy Fund. Alternative
energy sources are usually alternatives to fossil sources such as oil,
coal and gas. Calvert's new Fund will invest in alternative energy providers
(such as solar, wind, geothermal, biofuel, hydrogen, and biomass), the
technologies that enable these sources to be tapped, and the services
or technologies that conserve or enable more efficient use of energy.
The Fund will invest at least 80% of its net assets in companies involved
in alternative energy. Disappointingly Calvert's new Fund may consider
companies that are involved with nuclear power, even though they will
only do so if the companies are also working to develop renewable energy
and if they meet Calvert's safety and security standards in the performance
of their nuclear power operations.
Insight Investment
published its first annual report on
responsible investment entitled "Putting
Principles into Practice". The report provides a comprehensive account
of how Insight embeds analysis of corporate governance and corporate responsibility
issues into its day-to-day investment operations, and how it encourages
companies to improve their performance in these areas through engagement.
The report coincides with the first anniversary of the launch of the UN
Principles for Responsible Investment. The sixth PRI principle is ‘to
report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles’.
By publishing its new report, Insight hopes to demonstrate its full compliance
with the PRI and to extend its longstanding commitment to transparency
and accountability.
An annual survey of the French SRI
market by Novethic reports that by the end of 2006 French SRI assets
had risen 88% from 2005. € 16.6 billion are held in the French SRI market
with 63% of these assets belonging to institutional investors. Mutual
funds still hold the majority of the SRI assets; however, the survey showed
that dedicated management for institutional investors is rapidly growing
with € 5.6 billion in assets under dedicated management, a 178% increase
from 2005. In 2006, employees of large corporations had more access to
investing assets following SRI principles and took advantage of the opportunity
with a 118% increase.
Why has the Toyota Prius enjoyed such success, with sales of more than
400,000 in the United States, when most other hybrid models struggle to
find buyers? One answer may be that buyers of the Prius want everyone
to know they are driving a hybrid. A good illustration of why building
a track record of doing the right thing pays dividends.
A new report by Institutional Shareholder Services, the European Corporate
Governance Institute and Shearman & Sterling, a law firm, examines
the range and prevalence of legally available “control-enhancing
mechanisms”, the use made of them by leading European companies,
and what institutional investors think about them. A literature
review carried out by the ECGI to underpin the study concludes that shareholders
seem not to mind: although about 80% of big investors surveyed are opposed
to CEMs, and typically apply a discount of between 10% and 30% to the
shares of companies using them, they say they are happy to buy shares
in firms provided the underlying investment case is sound. The report
finds that newly listed companies use them much less often than established
firms. In family firms they will probably endure, but for listed
companies under increasing governance scrutiny they are likely to wane.
Leading SRI manager KLD has launched a blog: http://blog.kld.com.
Venture Capital
Private equity is being taken
to task on both sides of the Atlantic. This time, though still couched
in terms of envy, the criticism may have merit: that capital gains from
equity pay should be taxed at
the income rate (much higher) rather than the capital gains rate.
This call has risen not least because of the highly publicised gains that
Stephen Schwarzman is receiving for his shares thanks to Blackstone's
IPO. (Floating a 13.2% stake in the company, the shares were priced at
$31, at the higher end of forecasts, which values the company at about
$ 33.5 billion, a 10% increase from the price China paid a month previously.)
But the call
has also been taken up by some leading lights of private equity like Ronald
Cohen of Apax. In the UK five mega-firm buyout chiefs were grilled
by members of the Treasury Select Committee, a hearing in one of a series,
which will deal with issues like carried interest taxation and pension
scheme guarantees. So far members of the BVCA were so embarrassed that
president Peter Linthwaite resigned. There are very few bulletproof explanations
for why mega-buyout firms deserve capital gains treatment for profits
based on investment capital from limited partners, so the law may well
change. However many VCs and mid-market buyout pros have made
relatively persuasive arguments based on theories of economic development
that their carry is equity investment. In fact, there has been talk that
the BVCA may split up into two organizations, particularly after concerns
were voiced that the group is being dominated by mega-firms at the expense
of its less endowed peers. In the US, bills in Congress would change
the provisions in tax law that allows private equity and hedge fund operators
to pay lower capital-gains tax rate instead of ordinary top income-tax
rate. These would end tax breaks that are skewing tax code in favour
of most advantaged Americans. It would treat carried interest as ordinary
income rather than as capital gains, except for capital contributed by
firm employees/general partners. (You can download
the bill here.)
While we recognise the benefits of VC and believe that equity investment
should be treated as capital, we can not help feeling that the industry
has become too greedy and this backlash of legislation is to be expected.
We hope it will be a strong incentive for managers to reconsider the integrity
of their investment structures and compensation
schemes and encourage investors to demand more transparency and
alignment from their funds and managers. Simple changes make a world
of difference; such as paying salary in equity of the fund in lieu of
performance fees and making the management company a subsidiary of the
fund to ensure the manager is "straight" with investors. (You can
see our model here: structure,
and process.)
OpenAds, a London-based maker of
a free, open-source ad server,
has raised $5 million in Series A funding. Index Ventures led the deal,
and was joined by First Round Capital, Mangrove Capital Partners and O'Reilly
AlphaTech Ventures.
Whole Foods Market plans to
sell all 35 Henry’s and Sun Harvest store locations, and a Riverside,
Californian distribution center, to Smart
& Final Inc, a Los Angeles-based food
retailer owned by Apollo Management. The deal is contingent on
Whole Foods prevailing in its current battle with the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission, over its proposed merger with Wild Oats Markets.
Dreamerz Foods, a San Francisco-based
natural foods company, has raised
$10 million in Series B funding. New backers include Physic Ventures,
Dean Foods Company and Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd. Returnees include
Burrill & Co., Great Spirit Ventures, Prolog Ventures and Unilever
TerraPass Inc., a purchaser
of carbon credits on behalf of its customers, has raised around
$5.8 million in Series A funding, according to a regulatory filing. Backers
include Maveron Equity Partners and Nth Power.
Sun Capital Partners has agreed
to acquire the fabrics division
of Interface Inc.. The transaction is valued at up to $70 million, including
a $63.5 million up-front cash payment. The fabrics division makes interior
fabrics and upholstery products for automobiles, and markets under the
Guilford of Maine, Chatham and Terratex brands, and provides specialized
automotive textile solutions.
Advent Solar Inc., a maker
of solar cells and modules, has
raised $70 million in Series D funding, according to VentureWire. ZBI
Ventures led the deal, and was joined by Sun Mountain Capital, Globespan
Capital Partners and return backers @Ventures, Battery Ventures, EnerTech
Capital, Firelake Capital and New Mexico Co-Investment Partners.
Recurrent Energy Inc.,
a San Francisco-based solar panel owner
and installer, has raised $10 million in Series A funding, according
to VentureWire. Mohr, Davidow Ventures led the deal, and was joined by
JEM Partners.
Imperium Renewables,
a renewable fuels technology business,
has filed with the SEC for an IPO which could see the company raise up
to US$345million. It is supported by a host of VCs: Attractor Investment,
BlackRock Private Equity Partners, Capricorn Management, Nth Power, Robeco
Private Equity, Silver Point Capital, and Technology Partners.
Mobius Power Inc., a battery
startup, has raised $4.3 million in first-round funding from Lightspeed
Venture Partners, Sigma Partners and Walden International. A regulatory
filing indicates that the company is raising upwards of $12.3 million.
ReVolt Technology AS,
a Norway-based developer of rechargeable
Zinc-air batteries, has raised €10 million in second-round funding.
Return backers include Northzone Ventures, Sinvent, Sofinnova Partners,
TVM Capital, Verdane Capital and Viking Ventures.
Biofuel Energy Corp., an ethanol
producer, raised $55 million in its IPO, by pricing 5.25 million
common shares at $10.50 per share. It originally filed to raise $300 million,
by pricing 9.5 million shares at between $16 and $18 per share (later
revised downward to $13-$14). The IPO gives BioFuel a market cap of around
$340 million. It will trade on the Nasdaq under ticker symbol BIOF, while
JPMorgan, Citigroup and A.G. Edwards served as co-lead underwriters. Shareholders
include Greenlight Capital, Third Point Partners and Cargill Inc.
HgCapital has acquired a majority equity stake in UK wind
farm developer RidgeWind. No financial terms were disclosed.
GigaCrete Inc., a Las Vegas–based
green building materials company,
has raised $5 million in first-round funding from Craton Equity Partners
(f.k.a. Paladin Private Equity).
Bridges Ventures, a UK-based
community/social investment firm,
has closed its second fund with £75 million in capital commitments. BV
was co-founded five years ago by Ronald Cohen of Apax Partners, Tom Wingh
of New Look PLC and 3i Group.
UK research house Private Equity Intelligence (PrEqIn) has released some
fund-raising data for the opening
half of 2007. So far, 265 private equity funds have raised $260 billion,
a 10% increase on the previous six monthly record of $237 billion in 2006
H2. For buyouts, US$116billion was raised by 67 funds, while 31 real estate
funds raised $ 116billion, six infrastructure funds raised $ 18 billion,
seven distressed debt funds raised $13 billion and 28 fund-of-funds raised
US$16 billion. The results also reveal that fund sizes have continued
to increase over the last six months: the average fund is now $1 billion,
with 12 funds above $5 billion. The report also states that there are
a record 1,090 new funds currently on the road, looking to raise a total
of $ 552 billion. However, and as Preqin points out, only 26% of
the new funds fund-raising in H1 2007 reached final close, compared to
45% during the second half of 2006.
Thomson Financial also released some data on the M&A
market. H1 2007 saw a total of $ 2.7 trillion (yes that's 20% of US GDP)
deals completed, a 62% increase on the same period last year. The US took
a 41% share of the deals, with Europe in second place on 36%. Private
equity firms were involved in 24.3% of all M&A deals in the first
half of this year.
Thompson also released some VC data
in conjunction with the National Venture Capital Association, revealing
that 26 venture backed companies raised $ 4.27 billion through IPOs on
US exchanges in the second quarter of 2007. This dollar volume represents
a 112% increase from the same period last year when 19 venture-backed
companies floated raising $ 2 billion. Venture-backed merger and acquisition
activity declined with 67 transactions completed this quarter compared
to 95 in the second quarter of 2006.
Interest Rates and Currencies
While central banks around the world are generally trying to tighten
loose money, particularly as inflationary pressures are felt, the US
Federal Reserve has left its main interest rate unchanged
at 5.25%, saying it had concerns that inflation may fail to "moderate".
It was the 8th time in a row that the Fed had left interest rates unchanged.
The Fed is not alone in worrying about inflation, and central banks worldwide
have been lifting borrowing costs. In the UK, the Bank of England
has raised rates four times since August.
There was a significant drop in the price of US Treasury bonds in mid-June
with yields on 10 year bonds rising from
4.96% to 5.2%. While a number of explanations may be made,
such as the realisation that rates are not about to decline, the one that
is most relevant is whether or not Asian central banks' appetite for US
Treasuries is waning. As has been discussed previously (and see
below), the rationale for Asian central banks to diversify is strong and
there seem to have been initiatives to make that reallocation easier.
If the trend continues, it will certainly put greater pressure on US policy
As noted above in Investment, the US economy,
the world's biggest, grew by 0.7% in the first three months of 2007, the
slowest pace in four years and down from 2.5% in the last quarter of 2006.
Also, there are growing signs that the higher rates are causing more borrowers
to default on their mortgages. But the Fed said that the economy
"seems likely to continue to expand at a moderate pace over coming quarters".
US consumption is robust as retail
sales grew 1.4% in May, the highest in 16 months. Either there is
more potential than data suggests or consumers are over-optimistic; we
reckon the later is the case.
The data on inflation is not
encouraging. By mid June the personal consumption expenditure price
index, a measure of inflation, was 3.5%, while the "core" PCE index, excluding
food and energy, was 2.4%. Food and Beverage was up 3.9% and energy was
up 4.7%. During the first five months of 2007, CPI rose at 5.5% on a seasonally
adjusted annual rate (SAAR). This compares with an increase of 2.5% for
all of 2006. The acceleration so far this year was due to larger increases
in the energy and food components. The index for energy advanced at a
36.0% SAAR in the first five months of 2007 compared with 2.9% in 2006.
Petroleum-based energy costs increased at a 63.9% annual rate and charges
for energy services rose at a 6.8% annual rate. The food index has increased
at a 6.2% SAAR thus far this year, following a 2.1% rise for all of 2006.
Excluding food and energy, the CPI-U advanced at a 2.1% SAAR in the first
five months, following a 2.6% rise for all of 2006.
June was the first time I have read John Mauldin suggesting that a hard
landing is a distinct possibility for the US economy. While
it is not yet the most likely outcome, that fact that the perception of
the possibility has risen, principally because of food and energy inflation,
should be noted.
Consumer prices in Japan fell for the fourth month in a row during May
following lower oil costs. The core Consumer Price Index for May
was down 0.1% from a year ago. The data is unlikely to deter the Bank
of Japan from raising interest rates from their current level of 0.5%
by August because the economy does seem to be strengthening and in other
data, the unemployment rate remained steady at 3.8% - the lowest level
since 1998.
trade and currency tactics employed
by the US to shift blame for economic
imbalances away from Washington are not appropriate, as discussed last
month. For example, the US whining about China's
currency overvaluation is difficult to prove and not a coherent policy
as the Yen is more overvalued but ignored (see chart and linked
article). However, more practical limitations have come to light
as a range of Chinese exports suffer quality issues. Seafood, tires,
toys and toothpaste all suffered import bans or restrictions as contaminated
product was imported to the US.
This is not limited to basic goods being exported from China - Chinese
investigators found nearly 60 hospitals and pharmacies in north-eastern
China have been using fake blood protein in patients' drips, which could
be life-threatening for those already in a serious condition. What is
noticeable is the seriousness with which China tackles these weaknesses
in China's regulation of food and drug standards. The execution
of the head of the Chinese Food and Agriculture ministry went ahead as
planned. While action in western economies seems to be stymied by lobbying
(as evidenced by the USDA
permissiveness reported in the section on Holonics and LOHAS).
It should also be remembered that these natural market forces will help
manage the healthy growth of the Chinese economy - the lower value
added products, in which China has strong competitive advantage, will
be forced to improve quality, depressing supply and promoting price, which
will aid domestic and international balances.
Inflation is a concern in China,
especially as food prices are rising at a ridiculous rate because of shortages,
so calling for a revaluation of
the Yuan is not likely to change policy. In fact, it is likely that
China is managing a strategy to liberate the currency over the next couple
of years. The following linked articles offer more analysis of the
incentives to allow the currency to rise: FEER's China
Should Speed Up the Yuan’s Rise and Let
China's Yuan Float by Chen Zhao of Bank Credit Analyst.
While it is certain that the Yuan will appreciate, it is in fact already
happening and this will underpin inflation in the west, which has benefited
tremendously from being able to export low-end manufacturing to the highly
efficient China. The appreciation will also benefit China as it
will help reduce inequities domestically. It is estimated that an
upward rise of the Yuan of 10% a year can be managed with stability.
We expect this trend to be reached once China has rebalanced its foreign
exchange reserves, which we expect to be seen within 2 - 3 quarters, especially
because there are further reports supporting the proposition that China,
and other Asian countries, are diversifying away from US treasuries.
In April China sold about $ 5 billion of US government bonds and have
continued that process of reallocation. Some of the diversification
is to equity - but this may have complimentary strategies as well as assets
diversification. For example, the Chinese stake in Blackstone, as
well as being at half the IPO price a month before the IPO, gives an insight
in to US financial operations that will influence other strategies.
Trade and FDI
The negotiations to try to secure a new global
trade deal collapsed without agreement. Trade leaders from
the EU, US, India and Brazil meeting in Germany failed to find a breakthrough
on the long-delayed Doha round of talks. Brazil and India blamed the latest
failure on the EU and US not offering enough concessions on agriculture.
The EU and US countered that Brazil and India were not opening up their
markets to Western manufactured goods. But we feel that the burden
of duty is on western economies. As trade campaigner Joe Zacune
said: "The collapse of these secretive trade talks is a good opportunity
to develop an alternative approach to trade that works for developing
countries and the environment." Unfortunately, proposals had been
driven mainly by the EU and the US putting "commercial interests of their
corporations before the needs of poor communities and their natural resources".
Trade specialists will be pleased to know that finally access to data,
previously cumbersome and limited, is being published in an accessible
form by the WTO, UNCTAD and ITC. World
Tariff Profiles provides detailed data on bound and applied tariffs
of the 150 WTO Members.
In a new web
commentary from the Carnegie Endowment, Katherine Vyborny examines
the evidence on Doha’s implications for
Africa, showing that a range of models built by different economists
agree on the fundamentals: a Doha round with no special provisions
for the poorest will hurt Africa; but no round would be a loss as well.
Sub-Saharan African countries would benefit from a development-oriented
round that includes measures such as full duty-free quota-free access for
their exports.
According to the EU Commission, the "unprecedented demand
for minerals" in emerging economies such as China and India is
placing increasing pressure on the global supply of raw materials such
as copper, iron ore and zinc, all of which are crucial for many
industries. In light of increasing global competition for scarce
resources, they intended to give a "comprehensive picture of the current
situation of EU industry's access to raw materials". With the exception
of the construction industry, most EU industries are facing dwindling
global supplies of raw materials. According to a Commission working
paper Japan, the US, Europe and China compete on the world market for
ores, which are becoming increasingly costly. Metallic minerals are also
in short supply, particularly in Europe. In contrast, Europe is largely
self-sufficient with respect to minerals used for construction, such as
feldspar and gypsum. Commission
Natural resources strategy DG
Enterprise page on renewable raw materials.
Activities and Media
June became very busy as school holidays started and we find days are
now more occupied with children than normal. Lots of fun and rewarding,
but some of the chores can get delayed.
We also had a very special visit - our first from China! A good
friend stopped by for a week so we enjoyed some real Chinese cooking and
had first hand tales of life in Hong Kong at the 10 year handover anniversary.
The first harvest came in with broad beans, garlic and lettuce.
If the weather would become a bit more summery the harvest would accelerate
but so far it has been wetter than normal (as evidenced by floods around
the world from US to UK to Germany to Pakistan to India to China!). The
rain has also delayed our roofing project ... hopefully that will be remedied
before winter!
On the book front, Daniel Goleman's Working
With Emotional Intelligence is not as insightful as his earlier
book Emotional Intelligence. It is a litany of case studies to prove
a point. While interesting it does not offer the same insightful
understanding that he might have tried for. As a management guide
Maverick is much better and Goleman's
perspective would be improved by combining his science with Semler's story.
Lots of links on the internet came to light:
An investment blog called The
Big Picture caught our eye. Its light-hearted, wide ranging
and insightful, though principally US oriented. You might enjoy
Barry Ritholtz's spiel here.
A fun, illustrative, interactive presentation of world development
statistics: Gapminder
World 2006. And here is a lecture by Hans Rosling, an International
Public Health prof., demonstrating these tools:http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/92
A source of green research is AMR
And if you enjoy online debates check out friction.tv a
new website set up to promote free speech and uncensored debate, and soon
to be co-hosting online debates with the Ecologist. In a world where
people seem most interested in Paris Hilton’s prison exploits, it’s reassuring
to see that a site as openly committed to raising the bar of debate has
already had 250,000 people using it in its first three months - more
than YouTube did at the same stage in its growth.
And By Kids For Kids encourages young
people to imagine, research, plan, and invent their own games and toys,
vying for honours in such competitions as the Mattel-sponsored "Invent-a-Toy
World Games." Winning toys in the 2007 competition include an indoor
campfire, complete with a recorder for capturing your ghost stories and
campfire songs; a waterworks building toy with real plumbing; and a game
called Xoomball that uses air pumps to puff Ping Pong balls into holes
on a
game board. The site isn't just for kids. It also offers guidance
for parents on encouraging their youngsters' creativity, as well as downloadable
curricula for teachers.
While the networks tussled over which would land the first interview
with Paris Hilton after her release from jail, the upstart Web site TMZ.com,
The Web Site Celebrities Fear, was breaking most of the news. Its
quite funny and in the style of a glossy magazine.
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