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July 2007
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Beware the deadly donkey
falling from the sky
You may choose the way you live, my friend
But not the way you die
A little humour to introduce a serious issue. The deadly donkey
is like the Black Swan that has been referenced in much media over the
recent months. And the little ditty offers the way to deal with
it. Whether the externality is a flood, a heat wave, a crop failure,
a drop in financial markets or a heart attack, you can not prepare for
it, because it is unexpected. But you can be comfortable in the way you
live your life. And that makes all the difference.
An unusual clutch of reports on happiness appeared in July (see them
referenced in the Living section of Holonics)
and their conclusions all point in a similar direction - your attitude
in life is as much a key to happiness as anything else, and, above a minimum
level, much more important than wealth. Unfortunately most of us, and
certainly at a macro-level nation-states, continue adolescent posturing
and comparison and find it difficult to grow up and face the facts of
life and nature. We spend more time with our computers outside work hours
than we do with our families. As Ricardo Semler questions in his recent
book, if we can find time to do emails on a Sunday night, why can't we
find time to play football with our children on a Monday evening?
And the signs that we should change are all around us from volatile weather
patterns to volatile capital markets. The massive growth in human population,
infrastructure and technology over the past 100 years has moved in lock-step
with the consumption of fossil fuels. What has not grown is our philosophy
of life. We continue to behave as if with impunity, like a know-it-all
teenager. The gentle prodding from mother nature is resulting in little
real response and certainly no system change. Unfortunately, like the
egomaniacal teenager, we leave the problems for others to sort out, little
realising that those other are ourselves, and we fob off our responsibilities
with a spiel.
Many of us are on holiday now, having flown to some exotic climate, to
stay in a hotel and relax. Now is the time to think about a lifestyle
change, not how to climb the corporate ladder. Start small and take the
guide from our own humility - sell the vulture portfolio and invest in
green assets, stop drinking pre-packaged drinks, shop locally, turn-off
the lights, walk or cycle. And give people less fortunate than ourselves
a bit more, and take a bit less. Otherwise when that heart- attack comes
(or some other deadly donkey) options for a real life will not be there.
Investment, Finance & VC
As many analysts noted in July, perceptions about market risk
have clearly shifted. Investors of are now less willing to accept
risk, and the cost of assets is consequently increasing. The uncertainty
in the market now contributes to volatility, which has been expected anyway
because of summer holidays. In this kind of turbulent market you
just have to make a decision and stick with it. When its rough,
you're either in or out. If you try to change, you loose. At the
moment we're out (thankfully) and are now analysing where and when bottom
will occur. This is made difficult by the volatility and currently
expect that no window of opportunity will become apparent till September.
Credit has started to tighten rapidly
as spreads between different classes of risk ballooned at the end of July.
Declines in house values and sales have hit consumer spending. Debt
costs are slowing M&A, even halting some deals. There is a flight
to quality, though even that is less easy to determine. But is it
US treasuries or is it foreign bonds? Or is it selection of stable
earners with low leverage? Debt or equity is a choice of legal security
and terms. Operations is a selection for individual operating dynamics.
I recommend benchmarking relative price, leverage and cash flow as a first
step in reviewing investment portfolios.
Where in the cycle might markets be? Housing can fall 30% to correct,
but has only come off by less than 10%. Perhaps 30% is too much,
but not according to the long term trend in price/quality. Similar
numbers can be benchmarked for equities; they have simply shaved a bit
of their unusual appreciation over the past months on the back of steady
bull market, but are not at levels that long term trends would suggest
are reasonable.
And at the end of July there is still optimism in the
markets. (Obviously there are not enough readers of this newsletter!
:-) ) Some analysts have earning estimates that are not aggressive
and give reasonable pricing. But, if earnings are over estimated,
PEs are underestimated. Earnings growth are generally expected to
be 10%. So the issue is what is going to drive earnings by 10% to
underpin current expectations? Consumer spending, with consumption
slowing and mortgage equity withdrawal having a questionable future?
Corporate spending when finance costs are already being increased by rising
base rates, that are reflecting a riskier investment environment anyway?
Government spending by governments already indebted and facing bailout
calls? The virtual reality of optimism has been pushing the market
higher for a couple of years, but the reality of economics is beginning
to change the perception of risk which hits all assets.
For governments and regulators the challenge for policy will be to accept
lower growth and keep inflation down. This is all about expectations.
Unfortunately across the world people want more now than ever before and
have less appreciation of what it takes to deliver these expectations
- financial credit, massive natural resource consumption and economic
transfers from poor to rich. The IMF made a recent presentation
which makes sober reading: The
Global Economy and Financial Markets: Where Next?
It is true that the greater complexity of our world
means that the outlook is not clear cut. It is also true that history
may not repeat itself. The question that many will ask themselves
is, can we afford to loose? Perhaps the house is on the line.
Maybe its control of the business, or the business itself. Perhaps
its an upcoming election. We were lucky to liquidate equities before
the recent plunge - we're still cautious about how soon to reinvest especially
with the (expected) high volatility. So as we mentioned above, check
leverage and cash flow, not just earnings.
The US Dow Jones Index and S&P 500 both reached record highs, trading
over 14,000 and 1550 respectively, rises of over 12% and nearly 10% for
the year so far. And they also fell sharply because of worries about
slowing domestic growth and tighter borrowing conditions. American stock
markets saw index drops of 3 - 5%. That's volatility!
Credit rating firm Standard & Poor's finally addressed
its mortgage ratings saying it would tighten standards it uses to rate
bonds backed by subprime mortgages, tacit acknowledgment that it might
have been too optimistic about the housing market. Moody's Investors Service
followed suit. Both however, started with modest expectations targeting
about $ 15 billion and $ 5 billion of bonds only, though analysts have
been saying that $ 100 - 250 billion of subprime assets are questionable.
There is now more attention being paid to the role of credit agencies
in the market for mortgage securities, which helped fuel the housing boom
by extending credit to people who may not have otherwise qualified for
loans and by making securitised portfolios of lower risk bonds seem more
secure than they were.
It is not just the stock market. Retail sales
in June in the US decline by the most in 2 years, falling 0.9%.
Demand for cars, furniture and building supplies all plunged. Sales were
down 0.4% even without the effect of a slump in the car market, the cause
of much of the fall. The problems in the housing market were reflected
by a 3% fall in furniture sales and a 2.3% fall in sales of building materials
and garden supplies. The drop was much bigger than the flat expectations
of economists. In May, while optimism still remained, retail sales had
risen by a revised figure of 1.5%. The June decline raises new worries
about consumer spending, which accounts for two-thirds of total economic
Sales of existing homes in the US during June fell 3.8%
to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.75 million homes, the slowest
pace since November 2002, giving no sign of an end to the housing slump.
Though figures from the National Association of Realtors showed that the
median price paid for a home rose 0.3% compared with June 2006 to $230,100
- the first such increase in average prices for 11 months.
Although the US economy grew faster
than expected in the second quarter at 3.4% on an annual basis, recording
its best quarterly performance since early 2006 and bouncing back from
a dismal first quarter where it grew just 0.6%, this data should be read
with caution given the decline in consumer sales and the reverberations
of the sub-prime lending crisis.
credit crunch in the US is not over ... A recent research
piece by Bank of America estimates that approximately $ 500 billion of
adjustable rate mortgages are scheduled to reset upward in 2007 by an
average of over 2%. 2008 holds even more surprises with nearly $700 billion
ARMS subject to reset, nearly ¾ of which are subprimes. This chart
from the IMF paints the picture.
And John Mauldin shares another uneasy insight:
let's look at the investment banks. Creating and selling
CDOs was a particularly juicy business. I have heard, but not verified,
that sales commissions were running 5%. You can bet the banks were making
at least as much. Put together a $250 million CDO and sell it to institutions,
pension funds, insurance companies, and hedge funds, put some of the equity
portion into your own portfolio, and you could generate substantial profits
and commissions. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
In an attempt to get a feel for where markets might go,
I've cobbled together a few statistics which give a frame
of reference for the market turbulence.
The United States accounts for just over 30% of world GDP, Europe
is around 25%, Japan nearly 15% and China and SEAsia 10%. Global
financial stock (including equities, government and corporate debt
securities, and bank deposits) was $140 trillion in 2005 and growing
by about $ 7 trillion a year. We can estimate it to be over
$ 150 trillion now.
Eurozone is emerging as a greater force in the global financial landscape.
That region added $3.3 trillion of assets in 2005, boosting financial
depth to more than three times the eurozone’s combined GDP and reflecting
a 6% annual growth rate over the last ten years – nearly twice the
pace of Anglo–Saxon rivals.
The depth of world financial markets rose to an all–time high of
316% of world GDP. With few exceptions, deeper financial markets create
better access to funding for companies, a theme confirmed by our survey
of business executives.
Equities are the top source of recent growth, increasing by $7.1
trillion and accounting for nearly half of growth in global financial
assets in 2005. The vast majority of equity market increases worldwide
were due to increased earnings and new issuance rather than increases
in P/E ratios.
Global cross–border capital flows topped $6 trillion in 2005, a new
record and more than double their level in 2002. Our data shows that
foreign investors hold one in four debt securities and one in five
equities, suggesting that national financial markets are increasingly
integrating into a single global market for capital.
80% of capital flows are between the US, UK, and euro area. Although
global capital flows to emerging markets are growing rapidly, they
still account for just 10% of global capital flows.
The main conclusion to be drawn is that the pain of a
downturn will be borne globally, but predominantly in richer economies.
The China Development Bank and Temasek,
the investment arm of the Singaporean government, invested £ 2.4 billion
(€ 3.6 billion) in Barclays. This is a second strategic
investment by the Chinese government in the financial services sector,
following its stake in Blackstone in May. The significant investment
may help the UK bank to raise its offer for the Dutch bank ABN Amro.
CDB and Temasek will invest a further £ 6.5 billion (€ 9.8 billion) if
the ABN takeover goes through. If Barclays acquires ABN, the Chinese state
would emerge with a shareholding of 7.7% in the enlarged group, though
has pledged not to raise its stake to more than 9.9% for three years.Temasek
would own 3%. (Barclays raised its offer to € 67.5 billion (£45.4
billion) in cash and shares for ABN Amro. The offer by the group
led by Royal Bank of Scotland, also vying for ABN, is higher.) CDB is
under direct control of the Chinese State Council and its governor has
the rank of a government minister. At the same time analysts see the CDB
as one of the country's most commercial institutions, financing industries
including petrochemicals and railways. This investment is part of
the $1.2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves China has to invest,
much of which has been placed in US Treasuries or government bonds.
Shares in Blackstone, the private-equity firm that China
invested in just prior to its IPO in June, are 17% below their offer price.
Blackstone arranged the Barclays deal for CDB. I wonder if CDB got
a good deal from Blackstone on arranging the Barclays deal. It would
be appropriate.
A few months ago I raised the risk that problems in Ireland's
and Spain's housing markets to start affecting other markets. Now
that other markets have started to roil, this concern has passed.
But the problems in Ireland will certainly contribute to a tightening.
In July for the first time, the Irish government admitted that tens of
thousands of young people are in serious trouble with their mortgages.
Yet a government report reveals that one-third of all new home buyers
are signing 35-year 100% mortgages - some for as much as €500,000. Belatedly,
the Government is now issuing a "health warning" on mortgages as borrowers
are warned that they should bear in mind long-term costs and the fact
that interest rates can change significantly. House prices might be coming
down but new buyers, with an average age of around 30, are still being
locked into mortgages of more than €500,000. The report on house
prices published by the Department of the Environment reveals:
More than 47% of all new house mortgages were taken out by first-time
buyers aged 30.
One-third of them are taking 100% mortgages.
The typical loan is now over 31-35 years.
The average price of a new house at the start of the year was €314,087,
and €375,577 for a second-hand property.
The average price of a new house in Dublin was €419,330 (+16.1%)
and for a second-hand house was €517,865 (+8.9%). Prices have since
fallen back.
A national inventory of residential-zoned serviced land at June 30
shows that there are more than 15,900 hectares of residentially zoned
serviced land with an estimated yield of 492,000 housing units.
Despite the predicted "soft landing" for the property market, the
report reveals that the value of mortgages for 2006 was 50% higher
than in 2004.
Also worrying and a sad mirror of overconsumption across the Atlantic,
Ireland's recently released Central Statistics Office Household Budget
Survey 2004-2005 reveals that most Irish people are living beyond
their means, with many households spending far more than they
earn each week. 70% of all households cannot cover their weekly expenditure
from their regular income, with only the richest families bucking the
trend. These findings of the come as the Central Bank warned that
economic growth will decline to 4% next year, as the jobs and spending
boom ease back which means people can no longer rely on a sharply rising
tide to lift them out of difficulties. The poorest households in the country
have a shortfall of almost €60 a week - or over €3,000 a year - meaning
they spend 27% more than they earn. Boosted by the high earnings of a
few, overall disposable income across the country now exceeds average
spending, reversing the trend of the previous two decades. However, the
CSO notes that "a different picture emerges" when you look at income and
spending in the poorest 20% of society - who spend between 20 and 27%
more than they earn. Even well-to-do middle class households cannot quite
make ends meet from their earnings. The crunch could be very painful in
the Green Isle.
Responsible Investing
The UN
Global Compact Leaders Summit in Geneva, Switzerland, brought together
some of the world's biggest companies committed to corporate social responsibility.
Sustainability is gaining momentum as more shareholders,
stakeholders, and businesses are creating policies to protect the environment,
empower people, and create transparent business practices. If the current
drive toward sustainability is enough or too little, too late is for younger
generations to debate, but it is for the future generations that many
are working.
New studies from the Principles for Responsible
Investment and Goldman
Sachs point to both sides of the supply and demand chain asking for
more corporate responsibility, and in many cases, getting it. The "PRI
Report on Progress 2007" notes that 88% of investment manager signatories
and 82% of asset managers are involved with shareholder engagement on
ESG issues. More than four-fifths of investment manager signatories have
staff dedicated to ESG investment concerns.
A report
released at the summit by Goldman Sachs showed that among six sectors
covered - energy, mining, steel, food, beverages, and media - companies
that are considered leaders in implementing environmental, social and
governance policies to create sustained competitive advantage have outperformed
the general stock market by 25% since August 2005 and that 72% of the
companies with ESG policies outperformed competitors.
However, a third survey of chief executives that have signed onto Global
Compact shows that the implementation of ESG principles
into practice at companies still needs work. The survey, conducted by
McKinsey, was
conceived of to complement the PRI survey of investment and asset managers.
The executive survey reports on a positive note that more than 90% of
CEOs are doing more than they did five years ago to include ESG issues
into companies' operations. Yet although 72% of CEOs said corporate responsibility
should be part of daily operations, only 50% think that their companies
are actually practicing it. 27% of CEOs think that the corporate responsibility
is embedded into the global supply chain.
Also at that event, a group of chief executive officers representing
some of the world's largest corporations issued
The CEO Water Mandate, urging their business peers
to take immediate action to address the emerging global water crisis.
Meanwhile, the chief executives of 153 companies worldwide committed
to speeding up action on climate change and called on governments
to agree as soon as possible on measures to secure workable and inclusive
climate market mechanisms post 2012, when the Kyoto Protocol expires.
The gathering also delivered a new online
tool aimed at helping companies "embed responsible business practices
as a driver of long term, sustainable competitive performance."
There are a number of relevant
reports downloadable here.
Although UK business is spending millions of pounds
to invest in becoming greener, responding to a sea change in attitude
from shoppers, a recent survey shows that consumers are
generally unwilling to pay more for becoming greener.
Out of 2,610 people interviewed by YouGov on behalf of unbiased.co.uk,
half said they were not prepared to pay higher taxes to help sustain the
environment and 7% said they didn't care about the environment at all!
Perhaps this is simply a sign that most people haven't yet attained the
standard of living and education that allows them to think of others and
their environment, though ironically it is usually the richest among us
that are least philanthropic.
Other indicators from the survey are: Only a minority said they would
be willing to pay higher taxes in specific areas. Only one fifth said
they would be happy to pay 'green taxes' on flights. A quarter would
agree to pay higher car taxes despite one in 10 claiming this to be their
most resented tax.A further 17% said they'd be happy to pay to combat
problems closer to home, such as littering. The survey also confirmed
that younger people are more in tune to the need to change the way we
live - while 50% overall were against increased environmental taxes, 63%
of those aged between 45 and 54 took this position.
Also in the UK a survey
finds green business attitudes on the slide.
UK business attitudes towards the environment are polarizing, with a small
group of green pioneers in danger of leaving the bulk of their contemporaries
behind, according to a new survey from printer giant Kyocera released
in July. The survey of 340 employees at UK organizations with over
1,000 staff also found that adoption of some environmental policies had
actually deteriorated when compared to a similar survey carried out by
Kyocera back in 1993. The survey questioned C-level executives, IT chiefs
and general office staff and found that the proportion of businesses that
have a green office policy had fallen from 54% in 1993 to 41% this year.
Furthermore, less than a quarter claimed their firm used "environmentally
conscious" suppliers, while just 31% said they were willing to pay a modest
premium for green products, down from 60% in 1993.
On the other side of the Atlantic however, Americans' expectations
of businesses are at an all-time high, with more than two-thirds
of Americans saying they take a company's business practices into account
when they consider their purchases, according to the latest Cause Evolution
Survey from marketing and public relationships company Cone. The study
also found a substantial increase in the number of American workers who
want their employers to support a social cause or issue. Cone's researchers
said the results suggest that the country has undergone an evolution in
consumer thinking about the ways businesses interact with society.
About one-third of American shoppers responding to the survey said that,
across a range of industries, business practices are now an additional
purchasing influence, and another third of consumers consider both social
issues and business practices when deciding what to buy. The overwhelming
majority of Americans, 85%, say they would switch to another company's
products or services if a problem with business practices was uncovered.
The survey found that Americans are more likely than ever before to reward
companies for their support of social issues. 87% are likely to switch
from one brand to another (price and quality being about equal) if the
other brand is associated with a good cause, an increase of more than
31% when the question was asked in 1993. Attitudes in the workplace have
undergone a similar revolution, the survey found. 72% of employees said
they wished their employers would do more to support a social issue, an
increase of 38% since Cone's 2004 survey on the subject.
Many companies are choosing which issues to support based on where they
can deliver the most meaningful business and social results to their stakeholders.
9 in 10 Americans say companies should support causes that are consistent
with their responsible business practices. 87% say they want a company
to support issues based on where its business can have the most social
and/or environmental impacts. The top issues that survey respondents
want companies to address are health, at 80%, and education, environment
and economic development following closely at 77%.
This data supports the contention that America can change fast
and for the better. It is a key strength of the culture.
The challenge will be to maintain the pace and direction of enlightened
consumption in the face of a slowing economy.
Environmental research group Trucost released its annual ranking of UK
investment funds based on their overall carbon emissions.
Counts 2007" compares 185 funds in four categories on their environmental
impact and notes which investments are at greatest risk from climate change.
Overall, the top three funds in the study, Prudential Ethical Trust, AXA
Ethical, and Sovereign Ethical, are all socially responsible funds. The
report's authors found that three-quarters of SRI funds have smaller-than-average
carbon footprints. But the low end of the carbon scale and the high end
is dramatic: The Invesco Perpetual High Income fund, which ranked as the
most carbon-intensive fund, has a carbon footprint nearly ten times larger
than the most carbon-efficient fund, Prudential Ethical Trust. Interesting
and relevant is their calculation that the impact of moving a £7,000 investment
from the least carbon efficient fund to the most carbon efficient fund
is 10 tonnes per annum. The average UK household emits 10 tonnes of CO2
per year.
According to the latest Banking Industry report from
research group Covalence,
competition for eco-minded customers has helped improve how banks' services
affect the environment. The study looked at the EthicalQuote Reputation
Index for nine industries from June 2006 to June 2007 and found that the
banking sector was ranked second highest in its overall reputation, following
the food & beverage sector and just ahead of technology companies
in score. Covalence found that both market-side demand and international
standards were responsible for the green boom in banking. On the market
side, there has been an increase in demand from consumers for socially
responsible investment options, including microfinance, and the market
for investments in renewable energy is also increasingly attractive to
Eurosif released their Forestry & Paper and Real
Estate Sector reports. This series
of publications is aimed at raising awareness on the nature and understanding
of social and environmental issues, as well as related business opportunities
potentially affecting long-term returns and productivity within these
sectors. The
Eurosif Sector Report focusing on real estate considers current trends
in the European real estate market and analyses social & environmental
challenges, risks and opportunities for the sector. A complimentary
survey, also released in July by the University of Arizona is Responsible
Property Investing: A survey of American Executives.
Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business
in Emerging Markets from the International
Finance Corporation draws on the current thinking and best practices
of a range of companies and other institutions to provide the good practice
"essentials" for building and sustaining constructive relationships over
time as a means of risk mitigation, new business identification, and enhancing
development outcomes. The Handbook offers new and detailed guidance in
a number of areas, including gender, indigenous peoples, grievance mechanisms,
sustainability reporting, management functions, and the integration of
stakeholder engagement activities with core business processes.
A new report from Business for Social
Responsibility proposes shifting supply chain management
from a surveillance model to a comprehensive, proactive solution. In the
globalisation explosion of the late 20th Century, corporate pursuit of
cheaper labour stretched supply chains like rubber bands encircling the
world to reach regions where supplier labour rights, human rights, and
environmental standards typically matched pay. Since before the turn of
the century, NGOs and CSR practitioners have attempted to pull standards
up through factory monitoring and auditing, achieving some success.
Monitoring: A New Vision for Sustainable Supply Chains maps
a new supply chain landscape, shifting from periodic surveillance to “catch”
negative practices to comprehensive, systemic change toward positive practices.
The report proposes a four-pronged approach:
First, buyer internal alignment to address the “unresolved tension”
(to quote a World Bank report) between buyers’ commercial objectives
and their desire to ensure fair working conditions.
Second, supplier ownership of good working and environmental conditions
in their workplaces in exchange for buyers securing long-term relationships.
Third, empowerment of workers, who take a stronger role in asserting
and protecting their own rights.
Fourth, public policy frameworks in recognition of the limits of
voluntary initiatives and the value of setting level playing fields.
The report breaks new ground with the final two pillars, which have largely
been neglected until now. The first model encompassing all four Beyond
Monitoring pillars is the International
Labour Organization Better Work initiative, which grew out of its
Better Factories Cambodia program. The second is a collaborative program
in the information and communication technology industry in China that
partners BSR with FIAS, EICC, and GeSI, which is described in depth in
a July 12
The US National Wildlife Federation released ratings on progress by companies
using sustainable wood products. Ratings are based
on the amount and visibility of their FSC-certified products. Crate &
Barrel in particular was noted for giving preference to vendors that use
recycled or sustainably managed wood. The Forest Stewardship Council's
certification is used because FSC certified product helps support sustainable
forest management, which reduces the emission of greenhouse gases and
protects wildlife habitat. The NWF says it plans annual surveys of retailers.
The full scorecard is available for download from the
National Wildlife Federation's website.
The SEJs'
Guide to Climate Change Information and Disinformation
released in July is an extensive resource list from the Society of Environmental
Journalists. It is aimed at reporters, but provides a wealth of
tips, facts and experts to help anyone sort out fact from fiction in the
climate change discussion.
UNEPFI Human Rights
Toolkit provides a framework for lending managers to:
identify potential human rights risk in lending/investing
assess the materiality of the risk
identify possible risk mitigants
Financial institutions may want to use the tool to assess the human
rights issues in their own business and its supply chain.
Venture Capital
The European leveraged finance market is an "unsustainable bubble",
according to 60% of respondents to a survey conducted by law firm White
& Case and almost 80% expected the bubble to burst in 6-12 months’
time. Ironically, the vast majority of banks, private equity firms and
turnaround specialists surveyed expected the growth in LBOs, lending and
in debt multiples to continue over the next six months. Given the current
volatility in markets it is prudent to walk the talk, ie don't get in
to deals that would be compromised by rising capital costs.
Summit Partners has agreed
to acquire to online post secondaryeducation division of Touro
College. No financial terms were disclosed.
K12 Inc., a Herndon, Va.-based provider
of online education curricula and learning programs, has filed
for a $172.5 million IPO. It plans to trade on the NYSE under ticker symbol
LRN, with Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse serving as co-lead underwriters.
K12 has raised around $45 million in VC funding, from firms like Constellation
Achive3000, a Lakewood, N.J.-based
provider of online reading, vocabulary and writing instruction,
has raised $9 million in funding from Insight Venture Partners.
Irish software entrepreneur Barry O'Callaghan has pulled off his second
mega-deal in less than a year, with his Houghton Mifflin Riverdeep set
to buy the US education provider Harcourt for $4 billion.
Hercules Technology Growth Capital has provided $3 million of venture
debt funding to Prism Education
Group, a Philadelphia-based provider of associate degree and diploma
-level career training programs.
Think Global AS, a Norwegian electric
car maker, has raised $60 million in second-round funding. DFJ Element
and Rockport Capital Partners co-led the deal, and were joined by UK Hazel
Capital and CG Capital. Think Global raised a $25 million first round
earlier this year.
SoloPower, a California developer
of thin-film photovoltaics, has raised $30 million in Series B
funding. Convexa Capital of Norway led the deal, and was joined by return
backers Crosslink Capital and Firsthand Capital Management.
SkyFuel Inc. a developer of utility-scale solar thermal projects
raised $1.6 million in a seed round of funding, according to a filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The filing indicated that
the financing was raised from angel investors.
Sierra Solar Inc., a developer
of “affordable” thin-film photovoltaics, has raised $6.86 million
in Series A funding led by GSR Ventures, according to a regulatory filing.
MWOE Solar, a maker of thin-film solar
panels, has raised $7 million in a Series A round from Emerald Technology
Ventures and NGP Energy Technology Partners.
Qlusters Inc., a provider of open-source
systems management solutions for software provisioning and managing
virtual environments, has raised around $10.36 million in Series C funding,
according to a regulatory filing. Network Appliance Inc. was joined by
return backers Benchmark Capital, Charles River Ventures, DAG Ventures
and Israel Seed Partners. Qlusters has raised around $23 million in total
VC funding since 2001.
Gevo Inc., a developer of advanced
biofuels like butanol, has raised an undisclosed amount of Series
B funding from Virgin Fuels and return backer Khosla Ventures. VentureWire
pegs the round amount at $10 million.
SNTech Inc, a Seoul-based cleantech
company, has received a $1.2 million investment from SAIL Venture Partners,
which takes a 25% stake in the business.
TSG Consumer Partners has sold its stake in Alexia
Foods Inc., a Long Island City, N.Y.-based natural foods company,
to ConAgra Foods Inc. No financial terms were disclosed. Alexia was founded
in 2002, and generates around $35 million in annual sales.
Sun Capital Partners completed
its acquisition of the fabrics division of Interface Inc. (Nasdaq:
IFSIA). The transaction was valued at up to $70 million, including a $63.5
million up-front cash payment. The fabrics division makes interior fabrics
and upholstery products for automobiles, and markets under the Guilford
of Maine, Chatham and Terratex brands, and provides specialized automotive
textile solutions.
TPG Capital’s Aleris International, a maker of aluminium sheets, is to
acquire Wabash Alloys of Indiana,
a recycler of scrap metal into aluminium alloys, for $194 million.
Thomson Financial and the National Venture Capital Association released
US 2Q fund-raising data. Overall 68 funds raised $7.1
billion. There was high growth of expansion stage and late stage funds
that were raised. Although 39 early stage funds, led by Draper Fisher
Jurvetson and Emergence Capital Partners, raised about $2 billion during
the quarter, 10 expansion focused funds raised $2.8 billion in the second
quarter of 2007, shattering the previous record from the first quarter
of 2000 when three funds raised $1 billion. Among the funds active in
Q2 ’07 were Insight Venture Partners VI, which raised more than $900 million,
Institutional Venture Partners XII, $600 million and Sequoia Capital China
Growth Fund, about $430 million. In addition, 10 balanced stage
funds and seven later stage funds, including the third largest fund of
the quarter, North Bridge Growth Equity I at $545 million, accounted for
more than $2.4 billion during the quarter.
UK stock markets experienced a second quarter surge in the number of
IPOs with a 129% increase on the same period last year
according to the latest PricewaterhouseCoopers
quarterly IPO Watch Europe survey. London was the largest market in terms
of offering value and volume in the quarter, with 102 IPOs raising € 14,808
million compared with 108 IPOs raising € 6,454 million in 2006.
On the other hand, data released by Library
House, a UK research house specializing in early-stage European tech
companies, showed the amount of venture capital invested in Europe
contracted during the second quarter of 2007. In Q2 2007, under €1.4 billion
of venture capital was invested in Europe down slightly from Q1 and substantially
down from the €1.7 billion invested in the second quarter of 2006.
But do not write off European VC. As Amanda Palmer editor of EVCJ
comments: For some time now European venture capital has been the “ginger
step child” of the private equity industry – everyone knows it’s there
but no one really pays it any mind. But with10 European countries including
Lithuania, Ireland, Belgium and Switzerland producing more science and
technology graduates per head of population than the US and Russian and
Polish coders beating US-based ones in competitions on sites like topcoder,
the next generation web-based businesses is likely to end in .co.eu rather
than .com.
And overall the European venture capital funding scene has improved immensely
over the last five years. According to a recent European Venture Capital
report released by Ernst & Young, IT had the most significant upturn
in investments of any industry in the first quarter of this year totaling
€505.2 million, an increase of over €30 million, in capital investment.
Library House also conducted some interesting research which breaks down
venture capital investment into geographic clusters which analyses the
US market beyond the national level. In this view, California and Boston
are way out ahead but the UK is third in terms of the amount of venture
capital investment. Five years ago it would have been virtually impossible
to consider building a global technology business outside the US. But
times are changing. Against measures such as broadband penetration, percentage
of online advertising spends and mobile phone adoption – the US is no
longer the world’s most important market.
And according to the 2006 Global Venture Capital Survey sponsored by
Deloitte & Touche in cooperation with the National Venture Capital
Association, 54% of US venture capitalists are not investing outside the
US and 73% of those are not planning to. Of the 46% who do invest globally,
they invest so little in global deals that it makes up less than 5% of
their capital. As with geopolitics it has been difficult for America
to look beyond her own back yard, but in an increasingly interconnected
world, where growth is coming from Asia and Central Europe, this must
change to be successful.
According to a report
from Cleantech Network, venture capitalists invested $420 million in Chinese
clean technology companies in 2006, more than double the previous
year's $170 million. The network predicted the trend would continue,
with clean-tech venture capital investment reaching $580 million this
year, and surpassing $720 million in 2008. "Policy drives much of the
interest in China's clean-tech industries. The enforcement of China's
renewable energy law attracted a flood of VC investment into energy-related
fields in 2006," the report said. Some 70% of the $420 million total was
invested in the solar sector, including 2006's largest VC deal – the $53
million first-stage investment by CVC International and Good Energies
in SolarFun, a manufacturer of photovoltaic cells. SolarFun was subsequently
floated on US exchange Nasdaq, a trend that is also set to continue with
at least four solar companies expected to go public this year. Energy
generation will continue to take the lion's share of VC investment in
coming years, but water and wastewater will be the next emerging segment.
Of the 26 deals struck in 2006, six were in the water sector, for a total
of $90 million. However, the report predicts water technology investment
will only reach $100 million by 2008. Overall VC investment in China
reached $2.2 billion in 2006, and the report said veteran investors see
opportunity in clean-tech that is akin to IT, which today is the dominant
investment segment in China.
A great initiative has been launched by some of European venture capital’s
bigger players, including 3i, The Accelerator Group, Accel Partners, Highland
Capital, Wellington Partners, Advent Ventures, Atlas Ventures and Baulderton
Capital, have launched Seedcamp.
20 teams selected from online applicants will be invited to London for
“a week of intensive mentoring and networking” with industry experts in
fields like HR, law, marketing and product development. At the end of
that week scheduled for September 3rd through the 7th the top five teams
will be announced and they’ll receive €50,000 in funding and an additional
three months of mentorship. This camp is groundbreaking in Europe as it
is one of the first times that the industry has reached out to entrepreneurs
in this way.
BusinessWeek offers a small taste of the interest some managers now have
in microfinance
here and a small
study of micro-VC here.
Interest Rates and Currencies
In July US futures markets started pricing in a 100% chance of the Federal
Reserve cutting short-term interest rates by December.
While inflation will be as much of an influence on this as economic prospects,
it is a guide to market sentiment, particularly about risk. The
rise in interest rates has already affected M&A and private equity.
Until recently, issuers of high-yield bonds and loans, the portion of
the capital structure that allows the deal to go ahead, were able
to borrow at thin spreads over the base rate. That relationship has now
been broken and high risk debt is being more appropriately priced. As
a result, more than 40 companies, many the targets of leveraged buyouts,
have had to cancel, postpone or sweeten bond or loan offerings in July.
Bulls point out that share prices are not, on average, particularly high
as a multiple of profits. The economy is reasonably strong. Plenty of
companies are still racking up good profits. But it is not these corporate
fundamentals that are driving the markets right now. Instead, it is subprime
woes and the awful possibility of a full-blown credit crunch.
America would be helped by a stronger currency, but
there is nothing attractive about it at the moment - a wrecked balance
sheet and low yield. It seems hard to believe, but perhaps numbers
have been inflated by a massive spend on the Iraq war ($ 100 billion a
year) which does not add to US productivity and a wasting of the administrative,
transport, health and energy infrastructure of the nation.
Falling food and energy prices helped US wholesale prices
rise slower in June, its first fall since January. Its the harvest
season and less energy is needed for heating. This trend will not
last. Producer price inflation fell 0.2% last month, but the core
number, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, rose 0.3%, mainly
as a result of rising car and light truck sales (- how many financed on
credit that is getting more expensive?).
The US Federal Reserve has kept rates steady at 5.25%, saying it had
concerns that inflation might fail to "moderate". We don't expect
them to come down soon, painful as that might be.
In the UK, GDP rose by 0.8% in 2Q. It was the
sixth consecutive quarter of above-average growth, ahead of analysts'
predictions of 0.7%. Annual growth came in at 3.0%, ahead of the 2.9%
The Bank of England raised interest rates to 5.75% in
July. The Monetary Policy Committee said there were no major signs
of a slowdown in consumer spending or the housing market despite previous
rate rises. Rates have risen five times in the past year as policymakers
have tried to contain inflationary pressures. Inflation weakened
last month to 2.4% but the fall was smaller than expected. The optimism
has been driven by a boisterous London property market and active financial
services sector. If the UK was in the Euro zone it might stabilise
the frothy market as transparency would rise. And with Europe's
stable performance being more attractive than US volatility, the unthinkable
might be discussed. In the meantime, perhaps Prime Minister,and
erstwhile Chancellor, Brown has other plans. Perhaps tax will change.
The private equity industry is already being investigated. September
will be an important time to gauge direction.
The pound marked a 26-year high against the US dollar,
exceeding $2 / £, amid contrasting prospects for interest rates in the
two countries.
It is not just the pound, the euro also rose to new highs against the
dollar, amid worries about the US economy.
The People's Bank of China (PBC) ordered an increase
of 0.27% in commercial banks' benchmark one-year deposit and lending rates.
The one-year benchmark deposit rate will move to 3.33% from 3.06%, while
the one-year lending rate will rise to 6.84% from 6.57%. The move
comes a day after data showing that China's economy outstripped analysts
expectations during the second quarter, growing by 11.9% from a year before.
The government has said it would "improve macro controls" to rein in
the economy, whose rapid growth has pushed inflation to a 33-month high
of 4.4% for the year to June.
China's yuan also recorded a new high against the dollar, over 7.28%
higher than its value in July 2005 when the government ended its fixed
exchange rate policy. It has traded above 7.55 per USD. Maybe simply
depositing Yuan would be a long term, safe, attractive investment.
A critical fact of China's size and growth now is that its capital flows
are increasingly affecting global balances. It is now accumulating
dollars at about $ 500 billion and the amount of accumulation
is nearly doubling every year. Still smaller than the amount of
US GDP annual growth, but its in range now and at these rates would match
the US in a few years.
This rapid growth leads to a nice problem to have for the China - how
to invest this accumulation of foreign reserves. Blackstone and
Barclays are part of that, but that can only be the start.Maybe they'll
buy some US property portfolios at knock down prices.
Total world foreign exchange reserves are $5.3 trillion.
The dollar share is $3.4 trillion, or 64.2% of the total, which is at
its lowest share level since 1996. Rising are the euro, pound sterling,
and "others." China owns about $1.2 trillion of those dollars.
Russia and India own another $0.8 trillion. Add to these three Korea,
Japan, and Taiwan and those 6 Asian nations have $3.1 trillion, or 93%
of all dollar reserves. Maybe the idea that they will diversify
to Euro and other currencies and away from government bonds should be
taken more seriously by US policy makers.
But, as Pakpoom Vallisuta
shared with me, Stephen Jen of Morgan Stanley raises another spectre -
that the $ 20 trillion managed by US real money managers (a lot more than
dollar foreign exchange or even world foreign exchange reserves)
will be diversified away from $ and US assets, and that this has begun
to happen.
Trade and FDI
After the list of problems with Chinese goods exported to the USA, China
closed down three companies and arrested several
people involved in food and drug scandals. Two of the firms exported contaminated
wheat protein to the US that eventually led to the deaths of cats and
dogs. Another firm was shut down after being linked to the deaths of a
number of people in Panama. Also as expected, the former head of
China's State Food and Drug Administration, Zheng Xiaoyu, was executed
for corruption, after being convicted of taking 6.5 million yuan ($850,000)
in bribes linked to sub-standard medicines and of dereliction of duty
at a trial in May. Newly appointed to be in charge of food and drug safety,Minister
Li Changjiang, has promised China would improve its standards and personally
oversaw the company closures. Li said two other suspected cases
of sub-standard products turned out to be untrue and blamed the foreign
media for not waiting until the full facts were known before reporting
these incidents.
Ironically, while China suffers media condemnation, a new US study in
July from a network of nine state environmental agencies reveals that
over 60% of PVC packaging tested contains toxic heavy metals that violate
laws in 19 states. Due to compounding evidence of PVC's toxicity,
particularly its release of dioxin (the most potent carcinogen on the
planet), a growing list of manufacturers and retailers have publicly committed
to phase out this toxic plastic in their packaging. Unfortunately, PVC
is as equally ubiquitous in the products themselves. Consumers can avoid
PVC products by looking for the number "3", "PVC" or the letter "V" inside
the recycling symbol. Not all PVC products are labeled as such, but soft
flexible PVC products (common in baby toys) often have an odour similar
to vinyl shower curtains.

World trade has expanded dramatically since the end of World War II from
$ 80 billion in 1953 to more than $8 trillion now, but Africa's
share of world trade has been steadily declining.
Africa mainly exports commodities like coffee, copper and diamonds which
have fallen in value relative to manufactured exports like clothing and
computers, which many Asian countries have specialised in. Their share
of world trade has risen dramatically. At the Gleneagles G8 summit, rich
countries pledged to open their markets to the poor, but progress has
been painfully slow in the world trade talks. Doha is dead. Much
more needs to be done to improve Africa's ports, roads and airports, and
to increase manufacturing exports. See
here how Africa has fared one year after the G8 promises
Activities and Media
While the weather has been boringly grey and wet, there was some sporting
relief through Wimbledon (it was nice to see gentleman Federer win in front
of Borg) and the Tour de France (or chaotic drug soap opera - though refreshing
to see self-policing and Rabobank firing the team leader for lying) which
provides some motivation for getting on my own bike.
We were also afforded some welcome diversion by visitors from around
the world - Hong Kong, London/Brussels, and Stockholm/Montreal - who brought
us stories of what's really happening beyond the farm gate.
Although the weather has been a nuisance in the garden, we have started
harvesting which means some of the best food on the table we get all year.
I had to harvest potatoes early, because the humid weather encourages
blight, but the fruit harvest has been fantastic. And Pam's gooseberry
jam is delicious, even when I turn it in to homemade gooseberry ice cream
... mmmmm!
And we did get a few days of dry weather so I was able to finish our
roof extension, including 2 hand-made skylights - amazingly it doesn't
Having school holidays also means a bit more time entertaining the children,
which I love to do even if it means compromising on some of the things
I "should" be doing. One of which was making sure clients' equity
portfolios didn't get wiped out (readers of the Investment section will
be familiar with my caution). Fortunately timing was opportune and
gains were preserved ... phew!
By strange coincidence in July I happened to notice two important legal
milestones in the area of education which were engineered by (unrelated?)
Butlers. The first rather shameful, the second positive. (I
mention these simply as a kind of humorous pedigree.) July saw the
anniversary of the decision of the Scopes
Trial which upheld the so-called Butler
Act (1925) in the US. John Washington Butler, a farmer, wrote a 2
page anti-evolution law which came to prohibit the teaching of evolution
and require the teaching of creationism which stayed on the books till
1967! (Not quite as bad as Pierce
Butler's role in creation of the Electoral
College system, infamous for its role in the 2004 US election). More
positively, RA Butler underwrote the UK's Education
Act of 1944 which revolutionised education in the UK providing better
access and raising its profile.
A couple of the websites that I came across during research and browsing
that you might enjoy include the following.
Live Science, a fun place to
explore science fact and fiction with easy reading and good pictures.
Worth a browse for all age groups.
A new interactive map
allows users to find green businesses and activists around the globe,
or find regions that have received or desperately need some "green action."
The World Future Society had their annual meeting at the end of July:
Fostering Hope and Vision for the 21st Century. You can find papers
from it here. As always
there are provocative and interesting perspectives to stimulate strategy,
like The
Death of Evolution: Long Live Creation.
I'm dipping into Winds
of Change by Harold Macmillan. Its the first part of his autobiography
and not my usual reading preference. But it offers some interesting reference
points. It starts before World War One when horse transport dominated
and moves through to World War Two when automotive vehicles had taken
over. It describes his brief experience of war and fighting in the trenches
in a personal manner that helps one realise how naive belligerence is.
It is worth a browse if you have access to a copy.
A new book The
World Without Us by Alan Weisman takes the reader on an interesting
journey to consider how nature would recover if suddenly humanity was
wiped out. While a morbid scenario, the good thing is that his conjecture
is that nature would soon enough erode the edifice of humanity and return
nature to its natural balance. Unfortunately, there is one bleak
spot - climate change. He posits that it would take 100,000 years
to return to pre-human levels of CO2. This long lasting legacy would
therefore continue to fuel climate change and that in itself has the potential
to destroy nature's balance and with it, nature.
Hazel Henderson's new book Ethical
Markets: Growing the Green Economy is receiving good
reviews. It is an exhaustive survey of the sustainable business landscape,
serves as a perfect primer on green economics and tracks lesser-known
trends and developments.
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