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Private and Confidential
October 2007
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Although this question crossed my mind in the middle of October, it kept
recurring in a range of areas. For those seeking system change it is core
to the philosophical question of whether humanity can adapt to systems
based on love and sharing instead of greed and fear. While that thought
may not bear much reflection for us in our busy lives, and may even be
annoying, it is strange that practical implications of the consequences
of this primitive mindset coexisting in our high tech world should present
themselves in a few weeks. We'll call it synchronicity.
Let's reflect on the big picture of where power wins at the expense of
Old news it may be, but the war in Iraq is prominent. The lie of course
is that there were weapons of mass destruction. The truth is that its
about money and oil. See Iraq
is a resounding success ...
Related to this is Iran and nuclear concerns. Here again we see the rich
and powerful condemning the poor and weak, while in fact raising nuclear
risk. See The
US's poor example of nuclear weapon management and US
sanctions on Iran - the pot calling the kettle black?
Again related is the super media ready soundbite of a war on terror,
while in fact curtailing civil liberties. See
King John and all that - fighting for habeas corpus and Lying
to ourselves
Turning to the world of money, there was more encouragement of moral
hazard. But the best example of power winning over truth is the Master
Liquidity Enhancement Conduit, a ruse by big banks with messy balance
sheets to get investors to buy "the good loans" off their balance sheets.
When the market needs transparency the big and powerful obfuscate the
situation with MLEC! See US
banks want you to carry the can for their sub-prime mistakes
And then there are the environmental challenges that everyone feels.
Whether its drought in the US or warm winters or heat waves in summer
we know there are problems and all of the science tells us we need to
change behaviour now. So companies talk about green this and eco that.
But do little to change their behaviour. See Lots
of talk about Environmental Disclosure, little action among FTSE All-share
And we delude ourselves with the rationale that technology and trade
can feed the world. But it isn't working now and it doesn't look like
it could, unless the human population drops a lot and soon. See Humanity's
demands on nature, in pictures
There was also scientific research published which suggests that while
fairness is a genetic quality, some have more than others. The balance
of economic and social influence seems to be held by those with less interest
in fairness and more interest in themselves. See Behaving
like monkeys
We know that education is the solution to many of our challenges because
it distributes power among many. We're even getting a better consensus
on what how to educate. But this solution gets little time, capital or
energy so most of humanity is left behind. See How
to build a better education system and Trade,
inequality and education
We keep lying to ourselves. Whether it is economic imbalances, Iraq,
Myanmar, trade or our own diet, we keep hiding from the fact that we want
control over others even if the consequence is that our integrity is eroded.
It is all too easy to take the money today, instead of sharing life with
others. Whether it is coming to terms with Iraq or economic imbalance,
our deal with the devil can only be unwound at a cost.
Just jotting these notes seems overwhelming. No one's perfect. We all
cut corners. But humanity will be richer by working together. For that
we need trust. For that we need truth. Humanity needs to grow up and behave
more like a healthy life-form than a disjointed, dysfunctional mess. We
need to live with nature, not without it. Let's hope that as our economic
systems bend under the strain of over-consumption we can adjust our behaviour
and love one another a bit more.
The World of Money
The Economist Intelligence Unit has produced a special
report (PDF, 508 KB) that analyses the various scenarios for the global
economy and the potential impact on individual regions. This free
report looks at the background behind recent events and presents EIU findings
on the increased risks to economic growth. Download
here (PDF, 508 KB, dated August 2007)
The EIU's recent review of financial market turbulence is a useful analysis
of what economic climate we can look forward to over the coming couple
of years. Heading
For The Rocks analyses the global economy and offers three scenarios
for the future. Whether or not you subscribe to their analysis it
presents most of the pertinent issues and ascribes estimated impacts and
probabilities to them. Some observations paint the picture in a
few phrases:
The past decade has seen a housing boom across much of the developed
and emerging world. The total value of residential property in developed
economies rose by around three-quarters between 2000 and 2006, to almost
US$75trn. This was equivalent to more than these economies' national
income over the period.
Now is as good a time as any to review the outlook.
McKinsey released this useful research on the world of money, pertinent
to investors, asset managers and strategic planners.
New Power Brokers: How Oil, Asia, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity Are
Shaping Global Capital Markets McKinsey reviews petrodollar
investors, Asian central banks, hedge funds, and private equity and their
increasingly important role in world financial markets, offering new evidence
on the size of these new power brokers, their impact, and their growth
prospects. Read
more Launch
executive summary (PDF - 1.54 MB) Launch
this report (PDF - 3.15 MB) Launch
Chapter summaries from McKinsey follow. (Free
registration may be required.)
Chapter 1: The New Power Brokers MGI details how the rising influence
of the four players is jointly shaping global financial markets. Their
combined assets grew from just $3.2 trillion in 2000 to an estimated $8.7
trillion–$9.1 trillion in 2006. The factors fueling their growth will
persist for at least another five years and, even under conservative assumptions,
all four power brokers will grow in size and influence in the years ahead.
this chapter (PDF - 1.68 MB)
Chapter 2: Petrodollars: Fueling Global Capital Markets Petrodollars
are the largest of the four power brokers with between $3.4 trillion and
$3.8 trillion in foreign financial assets at end-2006. Assuming oil at
$50 per barrel, their assets would grow to $5.9 trillion by 2012. Launch
this chapter (PDF - 1.75 MB)
Chapter 3: Asian Central Banks: The Cautious Giants Asian central banks
had $3.1 trillion in foreign-reserve assets at the end of 2006 from just
$1 trillion in 2000. Assuming flat or declining current-account surpluses
in Japan and China, Asian reserve assets will grow to $5.1 trillion by
2012, with average annual investments of $321 billion per year in global
capital markets. Launch
this chapter (PDF - 1.80 MB)
Chapter 4: Hedge Funds: From Mavericks to Mainstream Hedge fund assets
under management have tripled since 2000, reaching an estimated $1.7 trillion
by mid-2007 on the back of record inflows and high returns. Including
leverage used to boost returns, the industry's assets rise to as much
as $6 trillion-which would make hedge funds the biggest of the four new
power brokers. In MGI's base case, hedge fund assets could reach $3.5
trillion by 2012-and between $9 trillion and $12 trillion including leverage.
this chapter (PDF - 1.76 MB)
Chapter 5: Private Equity: Eclipsing Public Capital Markets? Despite
the intense public focus it attracts, private equity is the smallest of
the four new power brokers, with $710 billion in investors' capital at
the end of 2006. Even with growth rates slower than in the past few years,
MGI projects that global private-equity assets under management could
reach as much as $1.4 trillion by 2012. Launch
this chapter (PDF - 1.75 MB)
The Economist delivered a comprehensive review of the role central banks
and financial policy have played in the global economy, focusing on the
past five years and the recent credit crunch: Only
human- A special report on central banks and the world economy.
The report discusses the challenges faced by central banks over recent
decades, the differences today, their achievements and failures and proposals
for improvements. It is a useful primer on what might be expected
to change in policy and their approach to working with financial markets.
Business with the World – The New Role of Corporate Leadership in Global
Development (pdf 3.2 MB) by the WBCSD
Development Focus Area shows how companies can contribute to global
sustainable development through their core businesses in a way that is
profitable for the companies and good for development. It offers a business
perspective on key challenges and opportunities for the development of
low-income countries, as well as key messages for companies and governments
on how to promote sustainable business solutions that benefit the poor
and the societies and environments in which they live. The issues selected
are not exhaustive, but they reflect both traditional areas for development
actors and business. The issues are Ecosystems, Education and Training,
Energy, Enterprise Development, Financial Flows, Governance, Health, Mobility,
Trade, and Water.
The key messages for business and for governments are:
For business:
- Given the right conditions, the private sector can improve the lives
of people in the low-income segment through direct employment, procurement
from local suppliers and delivery of affordable products and services.
- Companies can contribute to vocational training and capacity building,
invest in energy infrastructure and renewable energy solutions, support
healthcare initiatives and education, reduce dependence on scarce raw
materials, create new businesses to preserve ecosystems (wetland banking,
mitigation credit trading, etc.) and help governments embed good governance,
thereby increasing regulatory transparency for business itself.
For governments:
- Policies and legislation are required to establish the necessary framework
conditions, including financial and taxation legislation, business regulation,
and clearly defined ownership and property rights.
- Governments need to demonstrate their commitment through investment
in core infrastructure, and they can encourage investment and engagement
on the part of large corporations by creating a favorable investment
climate through regulatory transparency.
Besides the core publication, online material to complement the issues
discussed in the report include: An introductory
slide show (586 kb) outlining the content and goals of the publication;
Slide shows on each chapter, which can be used to customize presentations
and reports within a company or for a specific public; One-page
Facts & Trends sheets highlighting further facts for each topic, which
will be updated with further topics not included in the core publication:
Accountability, Agriculture, Consumption, Income and Wealth, Infrastructure,
Labor and Employment, and Population.
linked economic review by Van Hoisington and Lacy Hunt (shared by
John Mauldin) makes for another very sobering analysis of the outlook
for the US economy. Some of the choice passages include:
- In the last twelve months, real U.S. imports of goods rose a minuscule
0.5 %, down from the 8.5% growth rate in the twelve months ended August
2006, reflecting the slowdown in consumer spending
- home equity cash outs, as tabulated by Freddie Mac, totaled $151
billion, or an amount equal to 50% of the rise in total consumer spending
(PCE) during the initial two quarters of 2007.
- over the past 5 1/2 years, $1.1 trillion in equity has been extracted
from homes. This represents 46% of the increase in total consumer
spending over the same period (Table 2). The tightening of credit
standards and declining home prices will virtually guarantee that
$1.1 trillion will not be extracted in the next few years. Consequently,
slower consumer outlay growth can be expected for an extended period.
- mortgage debt relative to disposable personal income surged from
64.7% at the end of 1999 to 100.2% at the end of the second quarter
of this year. This 35.5% rise since was greater than the rise over
the 43 years leading up to 1999.
- $800 billion of adjustable rate mortgages will reset between October
2007 and December 2008, with the peak in the first and second quarters
of 2008. Those will include the home buyers who bought at the top
of the housing market in 2006, many of whom paid zero down and received
teaser mortgage rates of either 0% or something very close. Defaults
on these resets are likely to be quite large
- a 20% decline in home prices would result in a $4.2 trillion wealth
loss and a $210 billion reduction in consumer spending.
And a couple of charts:

The good news is that the drop in consumer demand is likely to take pressure
off inflation. But, all in all, the outlook for the US economy for the
next couple of years is not good.
Sales of new US homes fell 23% year on year. Commerce Department
data shows sales of newly-built US properties totalled 770,000 in the
year to September. September sales of existing US homes fell 8% y o y
- the biggest year-on-year decline for non-new build properties in 16
years. The September new home sales figure however was a 4.8% rise on
August, although this is only after August's figure was revised down to
735,000, from 795,000.
US Labor Department said the US economy added 110,000 new jobs in September,
higher than the 100,000 figure predicted by economists. Also, rather than
shedding 4,000 jobs in August as initially estimated, 89,000 new jobs
were actually created. The government also revised upwards non-farm payroll
figures for July, saying 93,000 jobs were created as opposed to the 68,000
first estimated. However, the overall unemployment rate rose to 4.7% from
4.6%, the highest for a year. If the August initial estimate had been
confirmed it would have suggested a sharp slowdown in the economy since
the economy has not shed jobs on a monthly basis for four years.
Ironically, the rise in August’s jobs figure was largely due to the previous
underestimation of government hiring, particularly of new teachers, of
which one might have thought the government would have a clear idea. And
the September rise was driven by the services sector, while there was
a net loss in jobs in construction and manufacturing industries. Jobs
data is a key indicator of the health of the US economy, which has to
create about 100,000 jobs a month to replace those lost through retirement
and natural attrition. The data coming out does not appear strong and
seems to have been prone to large adjustments since the July implosion
of the sub-prime market.
To underline the point, at right is an employment chart shared by John
Mauldin, Van Hoisington and Lacy Hunt at the end of October.
While I expect China and India to weather the slow down in US consumption
reasonably well, perhaps even benefiting from a relief of inflationary
pressure, others are more sanguine about the central role the US economy
still plays in the global economy. This
linked article, A Subprime Outlook for the Global Economy, by Stephen
Roach is worth consideration, not least because of his excellent and
long track record as Chief Economist for Morgan Stanley and now its Asia
Chairman. In it he outlines his expectation of the impact of the US sub-prime
meltdown on Asian economies (China, Taiwan, Japan ...) and recommends
a more considered approach by policy makers to management of asset markets.
The theme of increasingly interconnected economies upon which he touches
also suggests that this is where solutions might arise. This coupled with
a more thoughtful approach by policy makers might encourage decision makers
to look beyond standard measures of
performance. I remain open to the idea that Africa will replace
Asia as Asia rises and that non-financial measures will become more important
to people and governments as issues such as climate change, health, education
and lifestyle are taken more seriously.
The IMF published its World
Economic Outlook 2007 - Globalization and Inequality. The IMF now
expects the global economy to grow 4.8% next year, down from its earlier
5.2% forecast. The downgrade follows in the wake of the much-publicised
turmoil in the global credit markets which was started by record defaults
in the US sub-prime mortgage sector. The IMF expects the US to see a particularly
sharp slowdown in economic growth next year, now predicting it will expand
just 1.9% in 2008, compared with its previous forecast of 2.8%. On China,
the IMF sees its growth slowing slightly to 10% next year, down from 11.5%
for 2007. And in Europe, it is projecting that the UK economy will slow
to 2.3% in 2008 from 3.1% this year, while Germany's growth will slip
to 2% next year from 2.4% for 2007.
"Poverty is overwhelmingly rural and will be for decades to come" according
to the World Bank and their annual World
Development Report.
The World Bank warned that the UN goal of halving the incidence of poverty
and hunger in the poorest countries would go unmet unless agriculture
took centre stage in development aid. While 75% of the world's poor live
in rural areas only 4% of official development assistance goes to agriculture
in developing countries. In sub-Saharan Africa public spending on farming
amounts to only 4% of total government expenditure. The report said that
for the poorest people an improvement in a country's gross domestic product
that is agriculture-driven is four times more effective in reducing poverty
than is GDP growth originating in other sectors.
The report highlights the illusion that the poor will simply be absorbed
by growth taking place outside agriculture, citing the persistence of
rural poverty in the flourishing economies of China and India. And the
report in particular called on the United States to reduce cotton subsidies
that depress prices for African smallholders.
A related
review by the FT reproduced here, discusses some of the costs to China
of their rapid development.
Interest Rates and Currencies
The Fed lowered the federal funds rate by 0.25% to 4.5%, as the markets
expected and desired. The vote was not quite unanimous with one
governor voting to hold. The discount rate was also reduced by
0.25% to 5%.
The reduction in the fed funds rate was almost required given the anxiety
of the market leading up to the decision. If there had not been
a reduction, the chance of an emotional rout was high. As we've
said before, reducing the rate is not going to resolve the credit crunch,
but has contributed to moral hazard. While equities will continue
to come under pressure, it would be sensible for the Fed to communicate
that it is unlikely to reduce the rate further for the time being.
A resolution of financial imbalances, driven by sub-prime and leveraged
investment (PE), must be allowed to occur without handholding by the
Fed. It is not the Fed's job to intervene and it may regret the
recent reductions in 2008 when rate reductions might be appropriate.
It will be interesting to see what kind of public statements Bernanke
and company make going in to November ...
A graph of the Euro/Dollar exchange rate puts us in the picture.

I expect it to continue its trajectory for at least three months.
The Indian rupee has risen to its highest level against the dollar
since 1998, touching 39.32 to the dollar. The rupee has risen 12% against
the US dollar this year. The Reserve
Bank of India has intervened in the market to limit the rupee’s
rise, purchasing more than $38 billion this year.
Foreign demand for Indian shares and high levels of foreign investment
have helped to propel the currency upwards. The strong rupee has
helped to subdue inflation by reducing the cost of imports. The
appreciation, however, works against exporters, particularly those competing
against China, such as textile traders.
India’s spectacular recent growth and its buoyant economic outlook
is attracting investors, with foreigners buying $15.3 billion worth
of Indian shares this year. The Sensex
breached 18,000 on 9 October. Policymakers are worried about the
threat to general financial stability from volatility in capital flows.
Trade and FDI
the appointment of Vice Premier Wu Yi to a
special task force to raise standards, results continue to be reported.
On one hand it is a little bit worrying to see the lack of standards
compliance (though they are not accompanied by stories of swathes people
getting ill), but it is refreshing to see the speed and effectiveness
of inspections. During September and October 774
arrests were made! One can hardly imagine action taking place so
quickly in more developed economies or more democratic states, where
we know standards abuse takes
place at the highest level. (And we're not immune to failures in
food standards as the Topps
beef affair or this story
of Stand 'n' Seal show.)
No wonder Chinese
exports continue to rise.
Observations that inequality is rising as wealth rises have circulated
recently with the publication of the International Monetary Fund's latest
World Economic Outlook which shows that while global income inequality
has fallen, within countries, both rich and poor, inequality has been
rising almost everywhere. As the IMF put it: "This recent experience
seems to be a clear change in course from the general decline in inequality
in the first half of the 20th century".
While the antagonists tend to parrot the orthodoxy of capitalism vs
anti-globalisation, all voices seem to end up with the same conclusion:
education is the key. This quote
from the FT makes the point:
They say the answer is to raise educational standards, and to mitigate
the pain for the losers with social protection programmes to compensate
their lost income and education to help them find another job.
Professor Paul Krugman of Princeton University wrote on VoxEU.org
that the problem of inequality "doesn't mean I'm endorsing protectionism".
"It does mean that free-traders need better answers to the anxieties
of those who are likely to end up on the losing side from globalisation."
The IMF agrees, arguing: "The appropriate policy response is not
to suppress FDI or technological change but to make increased access
to education a priority."
Education is the holy grail as it reduces the benefits
the already-rich derive from new technology and FDI. But as Jim O'Neil
and Erik Neilsen of Goldman Sachs observe: "This, of course, is easier
said than done."
The World Trade Organisation upheld the findings of its interim report
released in July saying that subsidies paid to US cotton farmers are
illegal. The US is expected to appeal, but if it is upheld, the US could
face billions of dollars in trade sanctions for failing to scrap illegal
subsidies. The ruling is a victory for Brazil’s cotton industry,
which spearheaded the complaint, and for West African states.
Brazil and others complain that the payments harm their producers and
depress world prices.
There is increasing legal opinion that US subsidies are illegal, and
significant economic opinion that the subsidies are harmful. They
are a key complaint of developing countries in the current Doha trade
round. Elimination of the subsidies would liberate trade discussions,
help developing economies, which are more reliant on agriculture and
help US and other rich subsidisers allocate resources more effectively.
Subsidies should go.
Beijing recently announced an anti-monopoly law which some observers
say could work with rules on technology standards, procurement, taxes
and patent transfer requirements to give Chinese firms an unfair boost
over foreign competitors. It is part of the call by US and other
lobbyists for China to open up but at the same time enforce “international”
standards. Unfortunately, while improvement is good, the tactic
of villifying China does not help. Most obviously it is difficult
to call for improvements without being guilty of failures oneself (whether
it be competition, trade, nuclear proliferation, energy abuse, …).
And it also can make the job of internal advocates of improvement more
difficult, as this insightful observation on a global trade forum shows.
Commenting on the US criticism of the anti-monopoly law:
While the final draft is significantly less ambitious than previous
drafts in introducing competition into the economy, it is only
so because the draftsmen have realized that there is really no way
any currently existing government entity has the means to
tackle the powerful vested interests in the state-run sectors. Thus
it reflects a realistic domestic political outlook, something that
most western governments do not have in China. Most of the draftsmen
are actually just as frustrated as the US is. The thing is that every
time the US chides China on domestic reforms, it only makes it more
difficult for pro-reform leaders to argue their case since they are
branded as some sort of traitors.
It is long overdue that a softer, more conciliatory approach is taken
by western nations and organisations in supporting economic and social
evolution in China and elsewhere, whether in the field of competition,
IP, energy policy, defence policy, agrucultural policy or trade.
As Doha dies and economic pressures rise, there has been more commentary
of trade and investment protectionism, particularly among US presidential
candidates. The outlook is not good as this insightful comment from
a global trade forum indicates:
Bottom line: there are really only two things you can expect, on
the whole, from the US on trade, and they are:
1) Consolidation period of gains made thru bilateral/regional deals
2) Retrenchment on any forward-leaning policies, unless (and this
is an “if and only if” conditionality) a mega deal like US-EU or US-Japan
gets brokered principally on its foreign policy merits rather than
sold as a commercial deal
I imagine that this kind of analysis will stimulate much meaty criticism
of the US and how it can’t abandon free trade. Well, bitching about
the real impact of the politics of globalization won’t change the
playing field. USTR can’t point to a single WTO partner (maybe Canberra)
and say to Congress, with credibility, that “they’re really with us
on clinching a Doha deal”. Brussels, Tokyo, Delhi, Brasilia, et al,
can look forward to reaping what they’ve sown. There are many politicos
in those capitals who’ve reaped the short-term benefits of beating
up Washington on trade, but they made that decision at a price - that
they’ve now missed the window on Doha for the next couple of years.
It is simply going to take a political cycle for Washington to come
back to the point where liberal trade is embraced, by the majority,
as a lynchpin of long-term security, and that is certainly not entirely
due to internal, domestic developments.
More from US: Yale
Global - Globalization Was Good Then, Not Now
More from Europe: The
Economist - The China Trade Syndrome
The irony is that the US and Europe are benefiting tremendously from
trade with China. US companies might try to keep a lower profile,
than European ones, as they are more fearful of a backlash
from labour rights, anti-globalisation, or simply anti-China groups
- it is politically incorrect to say that China is good for the US economy.
This Jamestown Institute article African
Perspectives on China offers a summary of the growing relationship
of Africa with the rest of the world, especially China. Two main
conclusions are apparent: China deals with Africa in a straightforward
way (eg access to oil for a railway or factory) which is difficult for
western businesses, particularly American ones, which are governed by
more stringent laws on collusion and conflict of interest. China
is a very attractive partner and African nations should diversify their
relationships with other Asian nations to reduce reliance on China.
For western businesses, the challenge is to offer Africa more or what
they need, less charity, more investment.
unattractive economic fundamentals, US stock markets are still pushing
highs. In early October Indexes posted highs: On October 1, the Dow
Jones Industrial Average closed at 14,087.55 - the first climb above
14,000 since mid-July. On October 5, the Standard & Poor's 500 rose
to a record 1,557.59, while earlier in the day the DJIA hit a record
intraday high of 14,124.54 while the Nasdaq rose to 2,784.93 - its highest
since January 2001. While they have come off a bit during the month,
the US markets are buoyed by optimism.
And its not just the US. India's Sensex started the month breaking
through the 18,000 mark and hit an all-time intraday high on 9 October
closing at 18,327.42, up 788.85 points on the day, the largest-ever
daily points gain. That represented a rise of more than 32% this year
on the back of record inflows of overseas funds. But then on 18 October
the index dropped 9% in one day, when regulators commented that curbs
on foreign inflows might be appropriate. By the end of the month, the
Sensex is nearly at 20,000!
And in China the CSI 300 hit a high of 5,877 on 16 October and has
traded above 5,300 for October, ending the month at 5,688.
The MSCI Barra World index shown here illustrates October's gyrations,
ending the month on an all-time high of 1,682.
That's what it feels like watching the markets. The Economist
offered a suitably scary briefing for Halloween: Spooking
Investors - Financial markets remain on edge because the credit crunch
has not been solved. While we know there are credit problems
throughout the banking system, we don't know how big or where they are.
And stock markets remain rather more optimistic than data would suggest.
I certainly feel as Greenspan recently described the markets "in a state
of fear". It feels as if one is walking along a cliff edge, the
path is undulating, sometimes up, sometimes down, but nothing too drastic.
But on the side is a massive drop, a financial precipice. If you
have not yet informed yourself of the multiple liabilities stemming
from loose credit over the past 5 years, have a look at the linked
article. Otherwise, make sure you have something to hold on
to in case markets get pushed over the edge.
NYT article describes a Minneapolis auction of properties that have
been foreclosed: 300 properties in 2 days, winning bids as low
as half market value of 6 months ago. More than half the properties
were previously owned by speculators who had never moved in.
The story illustrates how quickly an efficient market can move and
is a key strength of the US system. When the financial crisis
hit Asia back in 1996 it took years for deals to be struck in the Thai
market and delayed injections of capital that would have accelerated
the rejuvenation of the economy. That isn't happening in America.
A rescue plan proposed by a group of large banks and backed by Treasury
Secretary Paulson (who presided over Goldman
Sachs massive foray in to sub-prime CDOs etc) recommends a massive
rescue fund the Master Liquidity Enhancement Conduit
(mmmm!) which would borrow from the public and invest the proceeds in
mortgage-backed securities. So, banks (which issued CDOs) and hedge
funds (hiding losses in structured investment vehicles) all knowing
that the book value of these assets is well above what will be realised
wants you to lend money to their fund which will buy the dud assets.
In other words they want to get the bad assets off their balance sheets
on to yours (the investor) before the losses are realised. And when
they are ... well, so sorry, unsecured, you loose.
The scheme may delay the inevitable, it would certainly remove some
of the pain from the fiduciaries who put the sub-prime CDOs together
or invested your money in them, and it would be more difficult for a
host of individual investors to get bailed out later when the reality
strikes. Yet again the banks and asset managers will dance with smoke
and mirrors to delude us in to a "great" story. Caveat emptor.
(John Mauldin offers a more optimistic take on the super fund in The
$100 Billion Superfund to the Rescue? and if a fund were to work
as he describes it might help. Even so, it does seem that the market
needs clarity and trust, not another layer of contracts. And The
Economist shares its initial scepticism in Curing
SIV: A bailout fund raises more questions than answers.)
A good explanation of how mortgages were packaged, sold and then turned
to dust from Fortune: Junk
mortgages under the microscope -A close-up of one deal shows how subprime
mortgages went bad. And here’s the graphic to keep you in
the picture.

KLD Research & Analytics, Inc. have launched a new Iran Compliance
product that helps US institutional investors and money managers comply
with engagement and divestment mandates of publicly trading companies
conducting business in Iran. KLD's Iran Compliance product meets all
U.S. state legislative requirements mandating Iran divestment. KLD
Iran Compliance Product press release
The Economist launched a global
business barometer conducted by EIU which polls 1,000 executives.
While it is just positive, I expect it to turn negative by January when
the next poll will be taken. There are differences by region and
industry and these differences are in line with what you might expect.

In case you are still entirely convinced that the softness in stock
markets is temporary and can be relived by another interest rate cut,
please read this potted
history of bear markets by The Economist. Wall Street has had a
good run for a quarter of a century, but if were to go the way of the
Japanese market since 1990, few of us would be happy.
As food and toy safety concerns sizzle in the media, Ethical
Corp published a readable article on the recent history of demand
and supply of pork in China. It is useful because it illustrates
how markets work in China. And it’s amusing. Here’s an extract:
Pig farmers responded the same way all Chinese producers of everything
from Thomas the Tank Engine toys to DVD players respond to increased
demand, by quickly adding capacity. They bulked up the pigs on steroids
– notably the widespread illegal use of the growth-promoting drug
clenbuterol, which is often abused by bodybuilders and dieters in
the US and Europe and has been banned by international sports authorities
– to get better prices, and continued doing this even as swine flu
took hold and consumers switched back to chicken.
Responsible Investing
Companies with sophisticated and comprehensive climate change strategies
have financially outperformed their competitors over the last three years,
according to a major new report from investment research firm Innovest.
The Carbon
Beta and Equity Performance study of 1,500 companies found that
there is a "strong, positive, and growing correlation between industrial
companies' sustainability in general, and climate change in particular,
and their competitiveness and financial performance." It also concluded
that the investment premium attained by those companies with the best
climate change strategies was growing as regulatory regimes tighten.
Innovest expects taht in the longer term, the out-performance potential
will become even greater as the capital markets become more fully sensitised
to the financial and competitive consequences of environmental and climate
change considerations.
However, the report found that despite the correlation between environmental
and financial performance, there was still huge variation in businesses
responses to climate change, both between and within industry sectors.
It also argued that current corporate reporting of environmental initiatives
remained largely inadequate and as a result investors were finding it
difficult to identify those companies with the lowest "climate risk".
"Disclosure information is notoriously unreliable, inconsistently reported
across companies and over time, and generally not validated by independent
third parties," the report argued. "Emissions data alone provides less
than 25% of the information a sophisticated investor requires."
There are now more than $40 trillion of institutional investor assets
concerned about climate change so the demand for more sophisticated data
is there and, with it, an opportunity for independent research houses
to deliver it.
eBay launched MicroPlace, a
microfinance website that provides an easy way for the average person
to invest in the world's working poor. Investors can loan a minimum of
$100 through about a dozen microfinance institutions in countries like
Bolivia, Cambodia, Ecuador and Ghana. 150 people invested on the day of
the launch.
UNEP FI Global Roundtable, Awareness to Action: Sustainable Finance for
today's global markets, took place on 24-25 October. The website
now offers presentations, summaries etc online.
Insurers and re-insurers have been warning about the potential consequences
of climate change for years. Munich Re has calculated that by 2050, climate
change could cost up to $300 billion annually in weather-related damages,
industrial and agricultural losses, and other associated expenses.
A Ceres report "From
Risk to Opportunity 2007: Insurer Responses to Climate Change"
written by Dr. Evan Mills, a scientist with the IPCC which shared the
2007 Nobel Peace Prize, was just published. As we have been reporting
for the past 5 years, global warming and the
growing incidence of extreme weather events pose an enormous challenge
to the insurance industry. This summer's floods and heatwaves around the
world are only the latest reminder of why investors and consumers are
concerned about the impacts of climate change on insurers. The report
focuses on the significant progress made by insurers to develop new products
and services. It identifies 422 real-world examples from 190 insurers,
reinsurers, brokers and insurance organizations from 26 countries. That's
more than double the 192 products and services that we identified in a
similar report done by Ceres in August 2006.
Ceres notes that only one in ten of the insurers in the report are working
in a visible way to understand the mechanics or implications of climate
change. Only a third are offering innovative products and services.
Insurers themselves have a major opportunity to reduce their own carbon
footprints; for 20 major insurers reporting their emissions to the Carbon
Disclosure Project, there is an eight-fold range in emissions per employee.
Companies have tended to focus on reducing their risk exposure through
financial means, by raising prices, excluding coverage and generally pulling
back from at-risk areas. However rational that might be in the short-term,
it is leading to a backlash from consumers and regulators and won't work
in the long-term.
New research by Monstertrak
shows that employees want to work at green companies and are happiest
at companies with solid corporate social responsibility programs in place.
Results from the survey show that a surprising percentage of young workers
want employment with a green company: 80% of those surveyed said they
are interested in a job that has a positive impact on the environment
and a whopping 92% would chose working for an environmentally friendly
company. Other research by Kenexa
Research Institute shows employees working at companies with clear
CSR programmes, including environmental and social programs, are most
satisfied and employees at these companies also stay at their jobs longer
and are more content with senior management than their peers at companies
with lacklustre CSR programmes. The benefits of participating in
CSR activities include: increasing an organization’s competitive advantage
when recruiting; setting the organization apart from the competition in
terms of employment brand; creating an elevated sense of teamwork among
employees; and helping to establish an emotional tie between the employee
and the organization. Being green isn’t only good for the planet, it’s
good for HR, workers’ moral, and the bottom-line.
The U.K.’s Environment Agency published “Environmental Disclosures,”
its second major review of environmental reporting among FTSE companies.
Since the last review, in 2004, significant progress has been made in
reporting. Almost every single company, 98%, listed on the FTSE All-Share
Index now mentions the environment in their annual reports, unfortunately,
for some that’s all they do - mention the environment. For the year ending
March 31, 2007, audited disclosures on environment was 35% of the companies
on the Index. In 2004, whle 89% of companies mentioned the environment
in their reporting only 10% released environmental disclosures in audited
sections of their reports.
The Agency expressed concern that, despite the near-universal awareness
of environmental issues in corporate reporting, there is still plenty
of room for improvement in the amount of quantitative disclosures on environmental
risks and opportunities to shareholders and potential investors. According
to the research, conducted by Trucost, 42% of companies did disclose quantitative
environmental data, a 15% increase since the 2004 survey, but only 29%
of companies reported quantified figures on energy use or other climate
change related topics. The study also found that only 15% of companies
reported on any of the environmental performance indicators recommended
by DEFRA, and only 3% included hard data on water, waste and climate
change impacts. The full survey can be downloaded from The
Environment Agency or Trucost,
and a report
on the U.K.’s environmental performance indicators is available in PDF
The results of a summer survey from Thomson Financial make worrying reading
for investors. On the plus side, 36% of the mainly US-based investors
questioned said they considered corporate responsibility criteria “very
important” when making investment decisions. But only 8% of investor relations
officers (whose job it is to communicate with shareholders) said investors
considered social and environmental factors to be “very important”.
Investors wanting information on corporate responsibility are more likely
to get it in London than in New York.
The mismatch suggests some investor relations teams are lagging investors
on awareness about the link between social and environmental performance
and share values. More than two-thirds of the investors, which include
both mainstream and specialist funds in the US, said that their preferred
source of corporate responsibility information was the investor relations
department, with just 14% saying they would go directly to a corporate
responsibility officer. But only 59% of investor relations officers think
that corporate responsibility has a real impact on share prices, compared
with 73% of investors.
Observers note a difference in the approach to SRI in the US and UK:
In the US it has been more confrontational, whereas in the UK it has been
more about building relationship and communication. Firms in both
countries still struggle to communicate to consumers, who are more cynical
because of poor industrial track records.
Thomson Financial offers a few simple pointers on corporate communications:
Focus on communicating with the 10 to 15 key shareholders, identifying
any CR programmes, adding slides to their existing presentations and publishing
more information on their investor relations websites. Demonstrate to
investors that you are up to speed with the companies’ corporate responsibility
UNEP Finance Initiative and the Global Reporting Initiative have jointly
coordinated a working group to pilot and review the draft versions of
the GRI Financial Services Sector Supplement (Environmental and Social
Performance). The revised Supplement including all these changes
is now available for public comment until 10 January, 2008. The new Supplement
and the response form are available for download at: http://www.unepfi.org/work_streams/reporting/gri/
Venture Capital
The FT
reports that China's $61.5 billion social security fund has held talks
to acquire ownership stakes in Carlyle Group, KKR and TPG. It's unclear
how far along any of these discussions are, but China has already acquired
positions in both The Blackstone Group and Bear Stearns. This further
supports the view that China (and other Asian nations) is diversifying
its asset base away from US Treasuries.
China's largest bank, the state-run Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China, announced plans to acquire a 20% stake in Africa's biggest bank,
Standard Bank, for US$5.5 billion. If approved by South African regulators
and ICBC shareholders, the deal would lead to the creation of a US$1 billion
private equity fund that will be established by the two companies to focus
on emerging markets. The partnership would leverage Standard Bank's experience
in and access to markets throughout Africa. Standard Bank has a presence
in 17 African nations and investments in many African firms. Chinese officials
have already signalled an interest in investment opportunities in South
Africa, Nigeria, Cameroon, Zambia, Congo-Brazzaville, and Angola.
This deal is another sign of both China's interest in Africa and China's
strategy of making significant strategic equity investments around the
world, highlighted by the recent stake in Blackstone.
While stock markets gyrate
it seems investors are also resorting to the kind of investment screening
applied near the end of the dot.com bubble to justify their bets.
NYT reports that Silicon
Valley start-ups are awash in dollars, again as investors apply convenient
metrics, like number of users, to justify paying billion dollar prices
for companies with no revenues. Article quote:
Consider Facebook, the popular but financially unproven social network,
which is reportedly being valued by investors at up to $15 billion.
That is nearly half the value of Yahoo, a company with 38 times the
number of employees and, based on estimates of Facebook's income, 32
times the revenue.
Apparently there remains much exuberance among investors despite a creaking
US economy. And obviously there is more cash than sense around San
Francisco. Given the close ties with Asia, it is surprising that
more interest in Japan, Taiwan, China and SE Asia is not seen.
UK Chancellor Alistair Darling unveiled substantial increases to the
tax bills of private equity bosses. The Treasury has carried out a six-month
review of the tax treatment of private equity groups in response to growing
criticism, particularly from trade unions, that rich owners of such companies
pay virtually no tax in Britain. Nicholas Ferguson of SVG Capital admitted
this year that many are paying “less than our cleaners”. Their most
controversial activity arises when they buy and sell companies and directors’
income is treated as a capital gain, taxed at only 10% if another company
has been held for as little as two years. This tax break will
be axed, to be replaced with a standard rate 18% flat rate capital gains
tax. The change will raise £900m for the Treasury by 2010.
(The Guardian
report and NYT
Deal Book report.)
The BVCA was not happy.
Simon Walker, Chief Executive Designate of the British Venture Capital
Association said
The BVCA notes that the Chancellor has placed emphasis on innovation,
enterprise and the need to maintain the UK’s competitive position.
However, we are concerned that the elimination of taper relief means
all capital gains, including carried interest, will now be taxed
at a single rate no matter how long they have been held. This move will
hit not just private equity but thousands of venture capitalists, family
businesses and small and medium-sized companies. A rate of 18% means
capital gains tax is higher in Britain than France (16%), Italy (12.5%)
or the US (15%) - let alone countries like Switzerland which have no
The British private equity industry - which accounts for 60% of the
European market - is core to maintaining London as the world’s financial
capital. We regret the rise in the effective rate our investors will
pay, but hope the industry will now be recognized for the contribution
it makes to pension funds and the wider economy. Above all private
equity and venture capital need certainty and stability.”
A similar discussion is occurring in the US and financial investors are
under pressure to demonstrate their integrity and value deserves special
tax treatment.
Next month, the New England Venture Network, a regional social group
for venture capitalists, is launching VentureNetwork.vc,
an online social network for professionals looking for another channel
to connect and talk shop. It would be great to see a global portal
of this nature, especially if it contains substantial public access.
A123Systems, which is developing
nanophosphate lithium ion batteries to be used in everything
from power tools to hybrid/ plug-in and electric vehicles, completed a
$30 million round of funding, bringing the total capital invested in the
company to $132 million. Investors include General Electric, Procter &
Gamble, Alliance Capital, Motorola, Qualcomm, North Bridge Venture Partners,
Sequoia Capital, CMEA Ventures, FA Technology Ventures, OnPoint, Carruth
Management and MIT.
GridPoint, Inc., which is developing smart grid platforms,
closed a $48.5 million Series D financing, bringing the total invested
to $88 million. Goldman Sachs and Susquehanna Private Equity Investments
led the round. Gridpoint offers utilities an intelligent network of distributed
resources (e.g., advanced load control devices, batteries, solar systems)
that reside at the point of consumption - the home or business. It can
be scaled and upgraded to integrate new clean technologies such as plug-in
hybrids and fuel cells.
Innovalight Inc, which is developing
silicon ink-based printed solar cells, raised $28 million
to relocate to a new 30,000 square foot plant in Sunnyvale, California.
Convexa Capital led the series C financing. By processing silicon with
liquids, the company aims to reduce the cost of solar by over 50%. The
founder, Alf Bjorseth, is the former president and CEO of Renewable Energy
Corporation, one of the world's largest vertically integrated solar companies.
The capital should move Innovalight from development to production.
HelioVolt Corp., an Austin, Texas-based developer of thin-film
photovoltaics, has raised $24 million in additional Series B
funding. The round total now stands at $101 million, including a $77 million
first close announced in August. New investors include Sequel Venture
Partners, Noventi Ventures and Passport Capital. The initial tranche included
participation from Paladin Capital Group, Masdar Clean Tech Fund, New
Enterprise Associates, Solucar Energias, Morgan Stanley Principal Investments,
Sunton United Energy and Yellowstone Capital.
BioFuelBox Inc., a Hollister,
Calif.-based biofuel refining startup, has raised $9.46
million in Series A funding. Backers include Draper Fisher Jurvetson and
DFJ Element, according to a regulatory filing. The company's website says
its solution is a "bio-refinery in a box - a modular, containerized innovation
that produces biofuel cost-effectively and easily."
Pellet-Art, a Poland-based
wood pellet producer, has raised $9.5 million from Penton Partners.
Altela Inc., an Albuquerque-based provider of desalination
technology and services, has raised $7.1 million in Series A funding.
CCS Income Trust, a Canadian environmental and energy services company,
led the deal.
American Public Education Inc., a
Charles Town, West Va.-based provider of online postsecondary
education for the military and public service communities, has
set its IPO terms to around 4.69 million common shares being offered at
between $15 and $17 per share. It would have an initial market cap of
approximately $288 million if it prices at the high end of its range.
The company plans to trade on the Nasdaq under ticker symbol APEI, with
William Blair & Co. and Piper Jaffray serving as co-lead underwriters.
Shareholders include ABS Capital Partners (41.4% pre-IPO stake) and Camden
Partners (10.3%).
AEA Investors has agreed to sell Burt's Bees Inc., a Durham, N.C.-based
maker of personal care products like lip balm, to Clorox
Co. (NYSE: CLX). The deal is valued at $925 million, net of an additional
$25 million payment for anticipated tax benefits. Get
more info.
Zipcar has agreed to merge with fellow car sharing company
Flexcar. No financial terms were disclosed. The combined company will
be known as Zipcar, with Zipcar CEO Scott Griffith running the show. Zipcar
has raised around $38 million in VC funding from firms like Benchmark
Capital, Greylock and Globespan Capital Partners.
Vocalocity, an Atlanta-based provider of hosted VoIP services
to micro enterprises, has raised $8 million in Series A funding. Noro-Moseley
Partners led the deal, and was joined by Pittco Capital Partners, Imlay
Partners and company management.
WeatherBill, a San Francisco-based
online service that helps companies protect revenue and control costs
from the impact of bad weather, has raised $12.5 million
in new Series A funding. The company has now raised a total of $16.8 million.
New Enterprise Associates and Index Ventures co-led the round, and were
joined by Allen & Co., Atomico Investments, Sean Park and return backers
First Round Capital and individual angels. Kittu Kolluri of NEA and Neil
Rimer of Index Ventures will join the WeatherBill board of directors.
Also joining the board is Barney Schauble, a partner at Nephila Capital,
WeatherBill's risk capacity partner.
Penguin Computing, a San
Francisco-based provider of Linux cluster virtualisation,
has raised just over $3.11 million in Series C funding, according to a
regulatory filing. Shareholders include vSpring Capital, San Francisco
Equity Partners, Weber Capital and Convergence Partners.
JibJab, a digital
comedy studio, announced that it has raised Series B funding
from existing shareholder Polaris Venture Partners. No financial terms
were disclosed, but peHUB
reported that the investment was $3 million. This comes on top of
a Series A round that a regulatory filing indicates was worth nearly $6.4
million. JibJab is known for its political
MA Renewable Ventures,
a subsidiary of MuniMae, closed Fund III, which will finance 10-15MW of
new solar PV projects at 30 sites for commercial, utility, and municipal
customers. When Fund III is implemented, MMA will have financed $300 million
of solar energy projects in seven states using Power Purchase Agreements,
resulting in 30 MW of solar development.
The Ampire Equity Fund has raised Euro 350 million in Europe. The fund
will close at Euro 500 million by year end. In an unusual move, the fund
was created by a project developer to fund its own portfolio. It will
invest in projects developed by Evelop, a subsidiary of Dutch clean energy
firm, Econcern. 70% of the fund's assets will be invested in Western Europe
wind farms, both onshore and offshore; 30% will be invested in biomass
generation and possibly solar. The Fund will provide about 25% of financing
needed to reach the developer's goal of implementing 4,000 to 5,000MW
of sustainable energy. Evelop has plans for more funds.
In India, ICICI Bank is planning to launch a private equity fund that
will invest primarily in India-focused private equity funds through its
International Mauritius subsidiary, which is also tasked with launching
ICICI's $2 billion infrastructure fund that is currently in the pipeline.
The fund of funds is to be launched by the beginning of 2008 and will
start with about US$500 million in capital under management and eventually
grow to about US$2.5 billion. Potential preliminary investments include
IDFC Private Equity's upcoming US$400 million fund and Baring Private
Equity Asia's next Indian fund. U.K.-based Private Equity Intelligence
estimates that FoFs accounted for roughly 14% of private equity investments
made last year. ICICI's FoF will be the first by an Indian company.
MoneyTree reported that 887 companies raised $7.1 billion in Q3 in the
US. VentureOne, on the other hand, reported $8.07 billion raised by 635
companies. Working with MoneyTree data, quarterly investment activity
was down slightly from the second quarter of 2007 when $7.2 billion (but
higher than $6.8b in Q3 2006) was invested in 1,000 deals, suggesting
ongoing stability within the venture capital arena. The quarter saw notable
increases inboth the CleanTech and Internet specific sectors as well as
ongoing strength in first rounds of venture capital financing. Moneytree
release here.
Thomson Financial and the National Venture Capital Association released
Q3 US fundraising data for the venture capital industry. Fifty-nine firms
raised around $6 billion, which is a significant decline from both the
prior quarter and Q3 2006. Release
Private equity investments in China topped US$2 billion for the first
three quarters of 2007, surpassing the US$1.77 billion for all of last
year and setting a new record. Furthermore, 15 China-focused funds raised
a total of US$9.669 billion in the third quarter alone, a single-quarter
high. Research institute and consultancy Zero2IPO, which compiled the
figures, expects private equity investment in Asia to remain active in
the fourth quarter, with the media and education industries
joining traditional industries like manufacturing and real estate as targets
for investment. For the future, the consultancy predicts more private
equity investments in regional high-tech industries like alternative energy,
especially wind power.
Activities, Media and Gatherings
Home and Garden
Halloween is one of my favourite time of year. Colours are
changing. Its not quite the dead of winter. And we have an
excuse to party ;-). Over the past few years I’ve also come
to experience the importance of the changing rhythm of life at this
time of year. Its a time when nature prepares for the coming
year: store food for winter, start sewing spring seeds, sort the
survivors from the rest in new families (foxes, rats and squirrels are
most obvious casualties). The symbolism of a bonfire is
appropriate to getting rid of dead wood from our lives if we want to
make a new start. The pagan ritual was symbolic of a sense of
respect for those gone before - the dead; this also is useful grounding
in the modern consumer culture of credit driven desire for more
stuff. I hope you have a chance to reflect on past and future
this Halloween. If you need a bonfire to help … come and stand
around ours to be lit at 7pm. Here are a couple of links for more
on the traditions of this time of year: Halloween,
Samhain (from
ancient Irish).
I’ve started mountain biking on the beat as briars and nettles
slowly retreat. Its great! But a bit dangerous. I’ve
kissed the nettles and nearly bathed in the Slaney a couple of times,
but its getting a bit easier each time. Its definitely adults
only (or with adult supervision). If you want to join the fun,
please let me know.
Yoga is in full swing: 8pm at Teach Bride, Tullow or Thursday at 7.30
at Mount Wolseley, Tullow. Give Pam a call for more info 086
Pam has set up PestalozziWorld
Ireland an affiliate of the group that sponsors children’s education in
Asia and Africa. We’ve always believed education is the best way to
improve lives and communities and this charity helps the least
advantaged. If you would like to know more, check out the website or chat with Pam or
me. There’ll also be an information reception on 7th December -
please let us know if you’d like to come.
The tomato harvest is winding down now as the weather turns cool and
humid and will only be available for another week or so.
We had a couple of tours of the garden since last months offer.
The garden infrastructure and history has become more interesting to me
since reading Joseph Paxton’s biography. Paxton rose from garden
boy to member of parliament and advisor to many in the first half of
the 1800s. It was a time of great interest in horticulture when new
propagation techniques and global expeditions to find new species took
place. It is at about this time that the walled garden would have
been constructed and the rhododendrons planted. The interest in
horticulture then was similar to the investments in IT today. The
biography is A
Thing In Disguise if you’re interested.
The experiment with a blog
seems to be going well - web traffic doubled last month so somebody’s
reading it!.
Happy Halloween.
I finally got some overdue chores completed in the garden.
The tomato harvest is in full swing and they need to be harvested at
this time of year or they can deteriorate quickly. Although the
greenhouse is warm enough for them to grow, the low temperatures
overnight combined with seasonal humidity result in high condensation
on the fruit which accelerates disease and rotting. Once they’re
harvested they can be removed to a cool, dry area and last longer. We
also make jars of pasta sauce and freeze bags of cherry tomatoes which
can be used for culinary delights later in the year.
It is also a good time to control weeds which are growing in
uncultivated space. Ideally proper weeding would be done, however, that
is not really possible for me because of the large area cultivated and
the limited time I have. Even if I had time, it would be uneconomical.
(That is why Africa can import fresh veg to Europe - the wages are very
low and allow for the air freight cost. A friend with 10,000
hectares under cultivation in Africa reckons the that for every Euro of
European local labour, Africa substitutes 20c of African labour and 80c
of air-freight!) So today I tilled 3 of six plots and the
expansion plot - that’s about 700 sm with a 2-wheel tractor.
Spotty died last night. He was a beautiful Faverolle
cock. He looked quiet last night when I put him to bed.
This morning he was still slightly warm and supple, but otherwise
lifeless. There were no signs of injury or sickness and he’s less
than a couple of years old. Very sad. We’ll miss him.
Media and Gatherings
If you want to complement your video browsing with something a bit
more scientific, check out SciVee. It has two main types of
video: those accompanied by documentation for peer review and those
without peer reviewed papers. For example, there’s a video of 6 science bloggers discussing
their blogs or a lighthearted
look at transgenic mice.
A friendly website with facts about our planet from how big it is to
how it works. Lots of information and educational tools. Planetpals.com and the main earth related page.
UNEP FI Global Roundtable, Awareness to Action: Sustainable Finance
for today’s global markets, took place on 24-25 October. The website
now offers presentations, summaries etc online.
Under the byline of A Sense of Urgency, TIME’s annual celebration of
heroes spotlights the most innovative and influential protectors of the
planet. Congratulations. You may not agree with all their
picks, but its a great roll-call of people who have changed systems to
save the planet. See
them all here.
Examples of those feted are: Interface chairman Ray Anderson, carbon market pioneer Richard Sandor, Japanese rock stars and green-finance leaders Kazutoshi
Sakurai and Takeshi Kobayashi, Cradle-to-Cradle innovators William McDonough and Michael
Braungart, next-generation solar entrepreneur Shi Zhengrong, Ahmet Lokurlu creator of an emission-free solar
cooling system, and wind-power magnate Tulsi Tanti.
video (God The Universe and Everything Else) records a discussion
between Stephen Hawking, Arthur Clarke and Carl Sagan, moderated by
Magnus Magnusson. It is a very forward looking and, although
recoded in 1988, offers insights today. Worthwhile viewing.
The Australian government has launched an anti-whaling
video aimed at Japanese children. The video, which
carries Japanese subtitles, urges all countries to stop catching and
killing whales. (Japan opposes the international prohibition of
commercial whaling. Every year it hunts hundreds of whales in
Antarctica under what it describes as a scientific research
programme. This year, it will hunt 50 humpback whales - an
endangered species - as well as more than 900 minke whales, a move
criticised by anti-whaling nations.)
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