Private and Confidential
January 2005
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Coming Wave
principal commitment to walking the talk is hands on horticulture and
conservation at Ballin Temple.
In the last week of January as I was harvesting leeks an uncomfortable
thought made itself known: we really do not care to invest in our health
and well-being, but will spend on convenience. Most of us will pay a premium
of 30% or more at the local store or for a packaged meal, irrespective
of the industrial quality of the food, but balk at similar premiums for
naturally produced fare. At BT we are lucky - those leeks are real food,
delicious and not easily acquired by most people. But most of us are blind-sided
into convenience and Super-Size diets. Commenting as a trade insider,
even at the fancy restaurants often enough you will have processed and
treated ingredients - taste the MSG!
associates have pointed out "things are changing, people increasingly
want to get real food and availability is increasing". But the realist
in me doubts the intent of role models ."Its too difficult, complicated
or costly" is often the refrain from people who make million dollar decisions
and are paid many multiples of what the gardener earns. And when I see
the expenditure on the Asian quake ($ 650 million) compared with the Iraq
War ($ 250 billion), this perception of carelessness is reinforced. But
we are lucky. Family and friends here are blessed to be able to enjoy
the gifts of life. This has encouraged me to share our connections with
nature. Therefore in 2005 I will help a group of seasoned personal coaches
to deliver enlightening experiential retreats at Ballin Temple. I hope
you too find time to breath fresh air, taste clean food and water and
experience the fulfillment of being alive.
Investment, Finance & V. C.
Volatility is increasing in the US. We expect changing
expectations of investment capital, economic sentiment, interest rate
and FX to raise the short term risks in financial markets. Will
it play into other markets? Certainly but there are negative correlations
and there will be a dampened effect. Europe is insulated by having
many diverse economies in the game, not one. Asia and South America
are playing to different tunes - development. Africa just needs
In Europe, Germany's economy in particular may offer
attractive opportunities. It is the biggest among the 12 countries sharing
the euro and grew at its fastest rate in four years during 2004, driven
by strong exports. Gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 1.7% last year
after contracting in 2003. Concerns remain, however, over domestic demand
and the labour market where there is the threat of job losses. The euro's
strength against the US dollar is also a worry, and may dent foreign sales.
But Germany is restructuring itself, including its culture and this is
what makes it so interesting.
Are you ready for Sarbannes
Oxley? Many practices promoted by governance leaders, such
as formal board evaluation, expanded governance disclosures, and the use
of independent, outside advisors, have yet to gain momentum. It seems
that few large organisations have implemented the basic guidelines to
promote sensible decision making and avoid conflicts of interest. However,
it is evident that integrity is not a forte on Wall Street.
The report linked below summarises the sort of simple errors of investment
that SOx is intended to mitigate and which can be avoided by diligent
decision making process. The
Psychology Behind Common Investor Mistakes a report by the
AAII will help private and professional investors identify common errors
made in volatile trading environments. A more extensive treatment (which
we enjoyed) is Emotion,
neuroscience and investing: Investors
as dopamine addicts by James Montier of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
- one of the revealing tables is reproduced below. (For an extensive thesis
on risk and decision making process see Public
Perception of Risk by Foresight of the Office of Science and Technology,
UK government.)

The most exciting risk is a recession in the US.
It may not hit this year but the harbingers will be seen. The market
demand needed to pull it out of recession is not evident. The military
expenditure must decline (although another $ 80 billion is being requested)
as excuses evaporate and the culture of terrorism is rejected by Americans.
Interest rates are rising and the rate of increase may accelerate. Currently
we estimate one or two quarters of comfort but then uncertainty will begin
to rock the markets.
Our view of the US economy is rather sanguine. Rather
than reiterate the causes related to personal, corporate and national
leverage and the cost of money these charts tell the story. They are from
Van R. Hoisington and Lacy H. Hunt, Ph.D at
and via John Mauldin at

A more positive view is presented by
Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) which predicts economic performance
from leading indicators. They have been comparatively accurate in their
predictions and saw indicators improve in November and December.
Responsible Investing
The World Economic Forum and AccountAbility released a report entitled
Responsible Investing that discusses obstacles to more
widespread inclusion of social and environmental factors by the investment
community. The report also provides an extensive list of recommendations
for systemic changes that could "tip" the mainstream toward more socially
and environmentally responsible investment.
The UNEP Finance Initiative has published a report on the Materiality
of Social, Environmental and Corporate Governance Factors on Equity Pricing.
It includes sector studies and has the participation of bulge bracket
players. "Environmental, social and corporate governance issues affect
long-term shareholder value. In some cases those effects may be profound."
(See the CEO
Brief and the full
report, both in pdf.) Another report, Who
Cares Wins, discussing the connections of the financial community
to the industrial world has been released by UNEP. Based on the Global
Compact, it focuses on analysis, asset management and brokerage.
The Economist presented a survey
on Corporate Social Responsibility. Unfortunately it
was very disappointing. It is not recommended reading. Though it is not
representative of the usual thoroughness of that group. It raised many
of the problems of CSR. However, it demonstrated a lack of research in
the area and failed to provide useful tools to manage business across
multiple dimensions (eg financial control and risk, technology strategy,
people management, operations) to improve performance. It failed to reference
leading practitioners or practical examples. The principal issue appeared
to be a blinkered focus on the item of profit, rather than value. Any
owner/manger knows that profit is essential to survival but they also
know that the value created and sought in bringing people and capital
together in a business goes well beyond money. A current example is the
tiny non-profit Mozilla organisation whose browser Firefox is better than
IE (speed, security, ease of use, functionality) and is becoming the browser
of choice having gained a 4.6% market share (almost entirely from IE)
in only 6 months! Society also demands ethics in business - we are not
prepared to allow criminal organisations however profitable. This sentiment
is increasingly being reflected in regulation as well as investor engagement
because businesses where ethics have been removed from the decision making
process are destroying value even if they are profitable.
A summary of SRI
funds performance in 2004 from Social Funds is reproduced here.
Venture Capital
The turnaround
in (US) VC investment activity has begun, according
to data released today by PricewaterhouseCoopers, the NVCA and Thomson
Venture Economics. A total of $ 20.94 billion was disbursed through 2,876
deals for U.S.-based companies, which is a 10.5% increase over the $ 18.95
billion raised through 2,847 deals in 2003. IT dominated life sciences
(63%-29%), as usual, with software serving as the largest sub-sector at
$4.4 billion. Valuation benchmarks were about the same.
you haven't seen the film Supersize Me you should
- it is graphic illustration of why the wellness
opportunities are ballooning. Venture firms pumped $ 234
million into obesity-fighting companies in the first 11 months of last
year, 2.5 times as much as they invested in 2003 and more than 10 times
as much as they invested in 2002, according to the MoneyTree survey conducted
by PricewaterhouseCoopers, Thomson Venture Economics and the National
Venture Capital Association. Ironically it's McDonalds that also supports
this rationale. Their healthier menu has turned the company around in
the last two years; one illustration - milk sales are up 26% at McDonalds
in Ireland after introduction of organic milk!
Kraft plans to cut back on junk food advertising - products
like cookies and sugary drinks - as part of an effort to promote healthy
eating. The largest US food maker will also add a label to its more nutritional
and low-fat brands to promote the benefits. Kraft rival PepsiCo began
a similar labeling initiative last year. The moves come as the firms face
criticism from consumer groups concerned at rising levels of obesity in
US children. Major food manufacturers have recently been reformulating
the content of some calorie-heavy products. In many countries (not US)
TV advertising junk food to children is prohibited.
And it's not just North America. The British middle classes are eating
more junk food and exercising less, according to new
research from the University College London which was published in the
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The new study reveals that up
to one-third of Britons, around 20 million, have increased their consumption
of fried foods and a similar proportion are taking less exercise. According
to the study, the middle classes are eating more chips and fried food.
Many have given up on wholemeal bread in favour of processed white varieties.
Consumption of fruit and vegetables has fallen despite promotional campaigns.
Around 40% of men and women were found to have increased or maintained
their intake of fried food with the greatest rises seen in the educated
middle income groups.
Venture capitalists will be interested to learn of the bloom in VC
blogging where current views of practitioners are are shared.
article presents views of some well known venture capitalists. Venturewiki
is an example of a nascent resource presenting valuable experience and
The excitement over hedge funds seems to have been overblown.
Data from CSFB/Tremont indicate that they have under performed the S&P
500 and MSCI world indices over the past two years, only matching global
bond returns. This is surely reflective of the excess investment in them.
Interest Rates and Currencies
We do not expect significant changes from the current trends. US interest
rates will continue to rise and may accelerate soon. There may be
one instance of faster increases than projected, but the rate of increase
is unlikely to be accelerated any more. Economic performance will
be modest thus inviting a less aggressive policy. With the FOMC talking
about excessive risk taking we can assume that there is evidence for increasingly
speculative activity in the market and this will encourage price volatility.
The US dollar will continue to suffer weakness with barely positive interest
rates and a questionable economic outlook. European economies seem to
be more resilient and the Euro is a less risky currency because it is
diversified across several economies. Asian economies will get a boost
from spending on recovery from the recent Asian quake and China is the
top choice for FDI.
Trade and FDI
People talk a lot about China and we mention it regularly.
Much of the talk is how it will impact global economics and when it will
overtake the US in size. That will certainly happen
and within one generation. An observation that has not been addressed
is the different dynamic of Asia. It is certain that economies will
all move toward market practice and politics will move to democracy, but
what we expect is that China and India's expression of economic might
will be far gentler than the US's because within the culture there still
resides an innate connection with nature. Anyone who has experienced
Chinese or Indian, in fact most Asian countries', culture
will have recognised this empathy with family, nature and spirit.
The food and way of eating is one of sharing not possessiveness for example.
Natural remedies play a major part in well being. Family is important.
Education is a priority. Western cultures have done little to reinvigorate
their cultures but have allowed the popular way of life to focus on individuality,
selfishness and supersized material consumption which the enlightened
readers of this note will know are terminal. We certainly will not
see any change from this course in the culture of our world superpower
for some years.
China passed an important landmark in its evolution
as a global economic power during the past year. It overtook the
United States as the world’s leading consumer of most
industrial raw materials and replaced Japan as the world’s second largest
consumer of oil. China now consumes 22% of the world’s copper output compared
to 16% for the United States. It will soon consume 21% of global
aluminum output compared to 20% for the U.S. China produces more
steel than the U.S. and Japan combined. China will probably produce
40% of the world’s cement this year compared to 6% for the United States.
China’s explosive demand for raw materials has resulted from a variety
of factors. The country has enjoyed several years of 7-9% output
growth. Foreign firms have invested over $500 billion in China and
will soon turn the country into the world’s second largest exporter.
About 38% of China’s population now lives in cities compared to 20% in
1970. In 2030, China is projected to be 65-70% urban. When
the U.S. urbanized during the first half of the 20th century, its per
capita steel consumption increased six fold.
Despite the large rise in China’s demand for raw materials during recent
years, its per capita consumption of commodities is still very modest
compared to developed economies’. In 2002, China’s per capita consumption
of copper was less than one third of America’s while per capita consumption
of aluminum was only one fifth. It would not be difficult to imagine
scenarios in which China could account for 35-40% of global metal consumption
in 2025. China’s appetite for raw materials has already had a dramatic
impact on the price of oil, copper, and iron ore.
China is a good place to invest. GM's
profitability from China is 15x that of its North American business. GM
and its Chinese partners had a combined net profit of nearly $875 million,
or about $2,267 per vehicle sold in China. In North America, GM's net
profit last year was only $811 million on sales of 5.6 million cars and
trucks in the United States, Canada and Mexico, or about $145 per vehicle.
That means GM China was nearly 15 times more profitable, per vehicle sold.
People's Knowledge: Promoting Intellectual Property in Developing Countries
highlights knowledge that poor people can commercialise. In doing so,
it explores the ground that the WTO Agreement on the Trade-Related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) leaves uncharted.
In early January the U.S. Department
of Justice fined Monsanto in connection with the company
paying more than US $700,000 in illegal bribes to Indonesian
officials, including $50,000 to an environmental ministry employee to
forestall environmental reviews of the biotech company's genetically engineered
(GE) cotton. However these payments did not lift controls on Monsanto's
GE cotton in Indonesia, though they did result in criminal and civil charges
against Monsanto in U.S. courts under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,
which prohibits bribing foreign officials.
Activities, Books
and Gatherings
We will be reorganising our activities as
2005 begins. Astraea group activities are growing in all areas and the
client base is wide enough to allow us to focus on different needs. Astraea
will continue to focus on Big Picture technology and services - developing
expertise in integral thinking, research and coaching. Our investment
focus will continue to be executed through GRI Equity. The expansion of
natural business at Ballin Temple will provide a working model and a resource
for Astraea. The principal impact for this roundup will be a segregation
of commentary such that the GRI Equity Roundup will focus on investment
while management technology and integral systems observations will be
delivered through Astraea's online magazine. There will also be specific
natural living examples delivered from Ballin Temple. You may opt in or
out of the various channels of research and information.
Charles Handy's
Hungry Spirit must be recommended. Although it has been in
print for 8 years it remains ahead of its time. It is particularly valuable
to those of you seeking innovative business models. The
time invested in reading it will be well rewarded. It is a wise practical
manifesto for bringing social capitalism and economic capitalism
together. He is a clear thinker with wide and deep experience
who delivers his story in a modest way that will be appreciated by business
A recent Pratchett
book, A
Hat Full of Sky, was also enjoyed. It is aimed at children
but is a story for us all. The main difference with his books meant
for adults is that it has chapters and is "U" rated. Excellent.
report has been prepared for information purposes and is not an
offer, or an invitation or solicitation to make an offer to buy
or sell any securities. This report has not been made with regard
to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or the
particular needs of any specific persons who may receive this report.
It does not purport to be a complete description of the securities,
markets or developments or any other material referred to herein.
The information on which this report is based, has been obtained
from publicly available sources and private sources which may have
vested interests in the material referred to herein. Although GRI
Equity and the distributors have no specific reasons for believing
such information to be false, neither GRI Equity nor the distributors
have independently verified such information and no representation
or warranty is given that it is up-to-date, accurate and complete.
GRI Equity, associates of GRI Equity, the distributors, and/or their
affiliates and/or their directors, officers and employees may from
time to time have a position in the securities mentioned in this
report and may buy or sell securities described or recommended in
this report. GRI Equity, associates of GRI Equity, the distributors,
and/or their affiliates may provide investment banking services,
or other services, for any company and/or affiliates or subsidiaries
of such company whose securities are described or recommended in
this report. Neither GRI Equity nor the distributors nor any of
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